- Author: Pamela S Kan-Rice
As we continue to prepare for the upcoming launch of our new ServiceNow platform at UC ANR for HR and IT go-live evening of June 21, we want to provide UC ANR employees with all the resources and support needed to ensure a smooth transition.
No extra training is required, but for those who want more information, the training materials will help. We'll be adding an overview video as well once we get that recorded.
The key difference is the creation of the Employee Center, which now is a way to create and view open HR and IT tickets in one place.
Here's how you can access our training materials and prepare:
- Training Documents: Training materials have been created to support our move to ServiceNow that address how UC ANR employees can create tickets and view current status. To access these documents, visit the “Training Resources” section under the ServiceNow page (https://ucanr.edu/sites/servicenow/).
- Office Hours: For additional support, HR and IT are hosting virtual office hours where you can drop in, ask questions and get ready. Below is the schedule for the upcoming weeks:
When: June 13, 2-2:30pm and June 18, 2:30-3 p.m.
How to join: Use the following Zoom information:
- https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/91385989113?pwd=M2VwZHN1VzVDbVhQTEdjM3FOOTNwUT09
- Meeting ID: 913 8598 9113
- Passcode: 570931
If you have any questions or need further assistance outside of office hours, please email HR and IT for help. Remember as part of this transition to ServiceNow from Zendesk, emailing HR at humanresources@ucanr.edu and IT at help@ucanr.edu remains available.
We are committed to supporting you throughout this transition and ensuring you have an improved experience with ServiceNow. Your participation and engagement are key to the success of this implementation.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Tu Tran, Associate Vice President for Business Operations
Bethanie Brown, Interim Executive Director of Human Resources