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Strawberries and Caneberries - <span style='font-size:0.5em;'>Share</span>
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Agriculture and Natural Resources Blogs
THU, SEP 19 2024
by Paul Nandico
on April 27, 2015 at 4:25 PM
Thank you for your help  
I would have left the roots in fact did and now must figure it out.  
Can effected be burned?
by Mark Bolda
on April 27, 2015 at 4:29 PM
Hi Paul,  
To the extent that you have to remove the roots to burn them, that would be ok. If you are thinking that just burning off the tops will be sufficient, it won't. Everything has to go with this rust, it is systemic.  
by Paul Nandico
on May 1, 2015 at 12:41 AM
Thank you, Mark.  
How is this transmitted? I literally had none last year. This year one patch has 50% loss and another 25%. Can I at least wait on the roots until fall?  
How far around effected plants do I need to clear? Can I just clear just touching for now? May be looking at total loss in one area and 50% the other. Again, this is first year seen.  
On one hand disheartening, but at least helps make a path for picking.  
Thank you very much! I have terminal brain disease. Trying to take best care of land I can for daughters (and God). Hard to imagine if I wasn't here now. Know wouldn't matter to me, but this is their inheritance. (And, so many love the fruit:-) .)  
All around here are curious where this came from, and I wonder why 2 effected with 1 between not.  
BTW, not cool & damp here. Last year was more wet,and for long period. Great for production! Never picked so much & so long. Temperatures are relative. All growing wild. Truly gift from the God,YHWH.  
If this is spread by dust, I am sunk. Still have pollinating insects and am sure some has to get on them. Could be bad for whole area!  
Thanks again for any & all help!
by Mark Bolda
on May 4, 2015 at 7:55 AM
Paul, is there any chance you could send me a picture? The behavior of the fungus that you are describing isn't totally consistent with what I know about orange rust.  
by alana
on June 6, 2015 at 9:45 PM
I have some small blackcaps and large black berries in a small patch in my yard all the blackcaps got the orange rust but not the large blackberry. They are in a small close patch do I have to dig it all up and start over?
by Mark Bolda
on June 8, 2015 at 5:34 PM
Hi Alana,  
Before digging it all up you want to be sure that this is indeed orange rust and something like leaf and stem rust, which can be controlled by fungicides. What are the varieties of blackberries you have there?
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