

Facilitators are vital to making the Youth Summits a success. Teen Facilitators are senior 4-H members (age 14+). They serve in hands-on leadership roles at the Youth Summit in both virtual and in-person settings, and act as mentors for the younger participants (age 11-13). Facilitators will lead discussions, attend workshops, and assist with programming where needed. But most importantly, Youth Summit Facilitators will develop skills in leadership, group facilitation, and more!


Roles and Responsibilities

Specific Skills:

  • Ability to relate and interact with diverse youth.
  • Enthusiasm, patience, understanding, and the ability to motivate youth.
  • Have skills required to actively participate and engage youth.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • Attend Facilitator Orientation and other team meetings in advance of the Youth Summit.

  • Facilitate small group discussions throughout the conference.
    Participate in educational workshops and serve as hosts for presenters.

  • Be a mentor for peers and younger participants.

Read Full Role Description

Facilitator Timeline

Facilitators are expected to participate in the following planned activities:


October 31 Facilitator Application Closes
November 13
10am - 12 pm
November 28
7 pm
Meeting #1
January 9
7 pm
Meeting #2 
January/February In-person & Virtual Youth Summits