Development Services (Gift Administration)
Delegation of Authority
Major Responsibilities That Can Be Delegated:
- Authority to solicit and accept gifts (within dollar limits established by the Vice President)
- Authority to acknowledge gifts
- Establishment of unit policies and procedures to ensure that gifts are administered in accordance with the UC Office of the President Development Reference Guide and related policies
Major Responsibilities That Cannot Be Delegated:
- Accountability for the administrative leadership of the unit
- Oversight responsibilities for proper gift administration
- Authority to accept non-cash gifts (securities, real property, etc.), third-party liability, capital improvements included in gifts; and to allocate and reallocate gifts, as well as to make withdrawals from Funds Functioning as Endowments (FFEs) (subject to Vice Presidential authority).
Selected Requirements, Risks and Mitigation Measures
The terms and conditions of any private support solicited or accepted for the University must conform to established University programs and policy and must not constitute a commitment requiring expenditures in excess of budgeted items, or obligations on the part of the University to expenditures or costs for which there is no established fund source.
All private support must be accepted in the name of, and become the property of, The Regents of the University of California (or the California 4-H Foundation) and must be managed according to University fiscal and investment policies and practices.
Gifts must be expended for the purpose for which they were received, in a manner consistent with the terms specified by the donor.
Gifts of capital improvements (subject to Vice Presidential approval to solicit and/or accept), must be integral to an approved programmatic project.
Private gifts for research may, depending on the terms and conditions, need to be processed by the UC ANR Contracts and Grants unit. Development Services should be consulted for determination of the donation as either a gift or a grant.
Recipients of private research gifts must complete California Form 700-U, Statement of Economic Interest; Development Services can provide further guidance.
Development Services should be consulted for assistance, especially for solicitation of multiple donors (annual fund raising campaigns).
Resources and Background Information
- UC ANR Development Services
- UC ANR Policy and Procedure Manual Section 206, Gifts
- UC ANR Policy and Procedure Manual Section 207, Qualified Sponsorship Recognition
For more information contact the Director of Advancement.