Weed Control in Vineyards
Weed control in vineyards enhances the establishment of newly planted vines and improves the growth and yield of established vines. Growers have many weed management tools available to achieve these objectives, but the method in which these tools are utilized vary from year to year and from vineyard to vineyard.
Weed management is an integral part of an overall vineyard management system. Plants on the vineyard floor influence the presence of other pests such as vertebrates, insects, mites, nematodes, and diseases. A weed management program should start before new vines are planted. The more difficult-to-control weeds (particularly perennials) are easier to manage before vines are planted.
Growers and land managers make weed control decisions with the goal of minimizing the impact of weeds on crop productivity, fruit quality, and operational efficiency all while minimizing the environmental impact of their choices and maintaining the economic viability of their operation.
The resources on this page may assist your decisions with regards to choosing pest management methods.
Resources and Presentations:
Integrated Weed Management, UC IPM
Organic Farming: Vineyard Weed Management, Victoria Department of Agriculture, Australia
Weed Control Considerations in Vineyards, UC Weed Science Blog
Weed Identification and Control in Vineyards, UC Cooperative Extension
Weed Management in Organic Vineyards, UC IPM
Yellow Starthistle Control in Vineyards and Orchards, UC Cooperative Extension