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Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases

Initiative Themes

plant disease
The Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases Strategic Initiative protects our food, natural resources and communities, each threatened by a wide variety of pests and diseases. These threats include arthropods, vertebrates, weeds, and pathogens. The risks of these pests and diseases to our health, environment and economy are critical, especially considering California’s changing climate. The initiative creates, improves and enriches our abilities to prevent, control and mitigate pests and diseases.  The initiative pursues solutions to these challenges in the following key focal areas


Public Value: The EIPD SI helps build our state economy, protect our natural resources, builds capacity of our people and communities and helps ensure we have safe food and drinking water.

Our Strategic Initiatives help unify, communicate and advocate for the work we do.


Grand Challenges

The EIPD SI panel support the EIPD work by bringing a broad spectrum of expertise and practice and help identify emerging issues such as:

  • Emerging pests (e.g., Citrus Greening)

  • The public understanding the role of science in safe and effective pest management (e.g., urban and household pesticide use relative to use on other systems)

  • Pursuing new technologies for existing pests (e.g., breeding for powdery mildew)



See UC Delivers for examples of impact in EIPD.

UC ANR members can share the impact of their work - it's easy. Click here to find out how.


Why it's important to manage invasive pests

Rapid Expansion of hybridized tumbleweed - Check out this amusing video 


See funding opportunities listed with UC ANR Contracts & Grants

See Opportunity & Matching grants (small grants to help with urgent time-sensitive needs)




IPM-related Blogs
  • A monarch butterfly gliding over a Mexican sunflower, Tithonia rotundifola on Sept. 17 in a Vacaville garden. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
    Wings Up! Let's Go!

    Wings up! Let's go! The monarch fall migration is underway. "Unlike most other insects in temperate climates, monarch butterflies cannot survive a...

  • A female monarch nectaring on Mexican sunflower, Tithonia rotunifola, in a Vacaville garden at noon, Sept. 17, 2024. At left is a territorial male longhorned bee, probably Melissodes agilis. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
    A Monarch Kind of Day

    What we've been waiting for all season... A migratory monarch butterfly fluttered into our Vacaville garden at noon today (Tuesday, Sept. 17)...

  • Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzuki, on a raspberry. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
    Tiny Bug, Big Trouble, Great Science

    You may have never seen this tiny bug that's causing big trouble. But agriculturists and scientists have. The spotted-wing...