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Healthy Families & Communities Panel Members

How the Panel helps

The SI Panels help


1. Create vision, 2. Identify themes & priorities, 3. Input to Strategic Plan, 4. Hold meetings, 5. Operate a think tank, 6. Help build capacity, 7. Input to staffing needs, and 8. Manage grants


1. Collate stories & highlights, 2. Develop materials (white papers, etc.), 3. Foster debate


1. Represent UC ANR and the SI, 2. Engage stakeholders and government, 3. Raise awareness, 4.Represent on Program Council

Initiative Leader

Photo of Steven M Worker PhD
Steven M Worker PhD
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Educational research; design and research of out-of-school (informal) learning environments; positive youth development; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education
Phone: (415) 761-1020
Email: smworker@ucanr.edu

Panel Members

Photo of Nathaniel W Caeton
Nathaniel W Caeton
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: 4-H Youth Development Program
Phone: 530-224-4900
Email: nwcaeton@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Lucy Diekmann
Dr Lucy Diekmann
Title: Urban Agriculture/Food Systems Advisor, Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties
Phone: 408-282-3104
Email: lodiekmann@ucanr.edu
Photo of Wendi Gosliner
Wendi Gosliner
Title: Project scientist
Specialty: Food policies and programs, health equity, food systems, children's nutrition
Phone: (510) 642-1779
Email: wgosliner@ucanr.edu
Photo of Kamaljeet Khaira
Kamaljeet Khaira
Title: UC CalFresh Director
Specialty: Nutrition
Email: kjkhaira@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Vikram Koundinya
Vikram Koundinya
Title: Evaluation Specialist (Assistant CE Specialist)
Specialty: Program evaluation, needs assessment, mixed-methods evaluation/research
Phone: 5304000345
Email: vkoundinya@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Nicole K Marshall-Wheeler
Nicole K Marshall-Wheeler
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Phone: 530-552-5812
Email: nmarshall@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Yu Meng
Dr Yu Meng
Title: Youth Family and Community Advisor
Specialty: Nutrition Science, Nutrition Education and Behavior
Phone: 9519552597
Email: ucmeng@ucanr.edu
Photo of Keith C Nathaniel Ed.D.
Keith C Nathaniel Ed.D.
Title: County Director & 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Adolescent Development; Educational Planning; Social Capital and Community Networks
Notes: Mailing address: PO Box 22255, Los Angeles, CA 90022
Phone: (626) 586-1970
Email: kcnathaniel@ucanr.edu
Photo of Lenna L Ontai Ph.D
Lenna L Ontai Ph.D
Title: Family and Early Childhood Specialist
Specialty: parent-child interactions; parenting; early socialization; parenting and child feeding
Phone: (530) 752-6410
Email: lontai@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor
Title: Assistant Specialist in CE, Community Economic Development
Specialty: Public entrepreneurship, Institutional development, Governance, Public policy, Community Economic Development
Email: keitaylor@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Steven M Worker PhD
Steven M Worker PhD
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Educational research; design and research of out-of-school (informal) learning environments; positive youth development; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education
Phone: (415) 761-1020
Email: smworker@ucanr.edu