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Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases Panel Members

How the Panels help

The SI Panels help


1. Create vision, 2. Identify themes & priorities, 3. Input to Strategic Plan, 4. Hold meetings, 5. Operate a think tank, 6. Help build capacity, 7. Input to staffing needs, and 8. Manage grants


1. Collate stories & highlights, 2. Develop materials (white papers, etc.), 3. Foster debate


1. Represent UC ANR and the SI, 2. Engage stakeholders and government, 3. Raise awareness, 4.Represent on Program Council

Initiative Leader

Photo of Tom A Turini
Tom A Turini
Title: Vegetable Crops Advisor
Specialty: Vegetable crops production with emphasis in plant disease management and activities in entomology and nutrient management.
Notes: Shipping address for all materials and supplies related to field studies: University of California West Side Research and Extension Center 17353 W. Oakland Ave Five Points, CA 93624-0158
Phone: 559-375-3147
Email: taturini@ucanr.edu

Panel Members

Photo of Thomas J Getts
Thomas J Getts
Title: Weed Ecology & Cropping Systems Advisor
Specialty: Weed control in wildlands, rangelands, and the forage-based cropping systems of the intermountain region.
Phone: 530-251-2650
Email: tjgetts@ucanr.edu
Photo of Cindy Kron PhD
Cindy Kron PhD
Title: North Coast Area IPM Advisor
Specialty: Integrated Pest Management, Entomology, Viticulture
Email: ckron@ucanr.edu
Photo of Sarah E Light
Sarah E Light
Title: Agronomy Farm Advisor
Specialty: Alfalfa/Hay, Beans, Wheat, Corn, Sorghum, Sunflower, Safflower, Hemp, Soil Health, Cover Crops, Agronomy, Annual Cropping Systems in the Sacramento Valley.
Phone: (530) 822-7515
Email: selight@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Chris J McDonald
Dr Chris J McDonald
Title: Inland and Desert Natural Resources Advisor
Specialty: invasive plants, weeds, native plant restoration, vegetation management, sensitive species management, habitat restoration, restoration planning, environmental education, partnerships with Tribes and tribal communities
Phone: (909) 387-2171
Email: cjmcdonald@ucanr.edu
Photo of Alda Pires
Alda Pires
Title: Associate Specialist in Cooperative Extension & Associate Agronomist in AES
Specialty: Urban Agriculture and Food Safety, Veterinary Epidemiology,
Phone: (530) 754-9855
Email: apires@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Niamh M Quinn Ph.D.
Niamh M Quinn Ph.D.
Title: Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor
Phone: 949 301-9182 x1004
Email: nmquinn@ucanr.edu
Photo of Andrew M Sutherland PhD, BCE
Andrew M Sutherland PhD, BCE
Title: Urban IPM Advisor
Specialty: urban (household & structural) IPM of insects and other arthropods
Phone: 510-499-2930
Email: amsutherland@ucanr.edu
Photo of Florent P Trouillas
Florent P Trouillas
Title: Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Fruit and Nut Crops, Plant Pathology
Phone: 559-646-6566
Email: flotrouillas@ucanr.edu
Photo of Tom A Turini
Tom A Turini
Title: Vegetable Crops Advisor
Specialty: Vegetable crops production with emphasis in plant disease management and activities in entomology and nutrient management.
Notes: Shipping address for all materials and supplies related to field studies: University of California West Side Research and Extension Center 17353 W. Oakland Ave Five Points, CA 93624-0158
Phone: 559-375-3147
Email: taturini@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Andreas Westphal
Dr Andreas Westphal
Title: UC Riverside Professor of Cooperative Extension Nematology, Tokuji and Bettie L. Furuta Endowed Chair
Specialty: Applied Nematology in perennial crops including walnut, almond, pistachio, grape and citrus
Phone: 559-646-6555
Email: andreasw@ucr.edu