Gardeners with Heart: Celebrating Community and Connection Leaders (Part 2 of 2)

Apr 19, 2023

The beauty of gardening lies not only in the blossoming flowers and thriving plants, but also in the nurturing hands and compassionate hearts of those who dedicate their time and expertise to cultivating community connections. Today, we celebrate the tireless work of three UC Master Gardener volunteers recognized as Gardeners with Heart for their outstanding contributions as community connection leaders: Donna Halker, Lesley Harvell, and Pat Decker.

Donna Halker

Donna Halker has been a driving force behind the development and growth of the youth garden program in the Los Alamitos Unified School District located in Orange County. Donna has been a mentor to fellow UC Master Gardeners interested in working in schools and has significantly impacted the lives of students in the area. "For me the most rewarding part of volunteering at a school garden is hearing students start cheering when they come to the garden.  My favorite activity is watching kindergartners throw kisses to their freshly planted seeds to let them know we love them and want them to grow.  We are button-popping proud of our young gardeners … and I believe they are proud of their garden too," says Donna. Her enthusiasm and expertise have led to successful school and youth gardens at Lee Elementary, Rossmoor Elementary, and Shipley Nature Center, where she is also an active volunteer and public speaker.

Lesley Harvell

Lesley Harvell is the epitome of a behind-the-scenes hero for the UC Master Gardener Program of Sutter and Yuba Counties. Her dedication and reliability make her an invaluable resource to the UC Master Gardener Program and her community. Serving as a crucial link between Foothills residents and UC Master Gardener resources, she has been a leader and mentor for many years. Lesley's efforts have included writing articles on native plants, organizing and conducting the local Farmer's Market efforts, and supporting and mentoring new UC Master Gardeners. Through these important outreach efforts, Lesley expands the reach of the UC Master Gardener Program to benefit her community.





Pat Decker

Pat Decker's passion for youth educational outreach in Sonoma County is truly inspirational. Her commitment to shaping consistent youth educational outreach guidelines and her involvement in the rehabilitation of a Children's Home garden that burned in wildfires in 2019 are a testament to her dedication. Pat's ability to build strong relationships with community members and organizations has created a program that benefits both the Children's Home staff and clientele, as well as serves as a hub for youth educational outreach in the county.

Each of these remarkable individuals demonstrates the power of passion, dedication, and community connections in creating lasting, positive change. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Donna, Lesley, and Pat for their incredible service and the impact they have made on the lives of countless individuals. Thank you for your invaluable contributions as UC Master Gardeners! 

About National Volunteer Month and Gardeners with Heart

During National Volunteer Month (April 1 - 30), the UC Master Gardener Program celebrates its 6,300 incredible UC Master Gardener volunteers and their contributions to California communities. Throughout the National Volunteer Week, will feature stories of special volunteers or Gardeners with Heart from across the state who use their skills to improve program delivery. Gardener's with Heart volunteers were nominated by their local county leadership for the impact they make every day in their communities.


By Melissa G. Womack
Author - Assistant Director, Impact & Communication