NPI researcher Kassandra Bacon to present at the 2024 Child and Adult Care Food Program conference

Oct 3, 2024

Nutrition Policy Institute's Kassandra Bacon will present with CACFP Roundtable's Samantha Kay-Daleiden Marshall at the 2024 Annual CACFP Conference at Universal Studios, CA. The conference focuses on the growth of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, commonly known as CACFP. On October 8, 2:30pm-3:30pm PT, a workshop, “Impacts of COVID-19 Changes to Meal and Snack Reimbursements on Family Child Care Home Providers, Children and Families” will highlight research by NPI's Kassandra Bacon, Danielle Lee, Celeste Felix, Lorrene Ritchie, UC Berkeley's Susana Matias, and CACFP Roundtable's Samantha Kay-Daleiden Marshall and Elyse Homel Vitale. Their research examines the effects of both higher CACFP reimbursement rates for family child care homes during COVID-19 and the return to lower rates post-COVID-19. They will share results from surveys and interviews with California-based providers and sponsors on the nutritional quality of meals and snacks served in child care homes, and food security for child care providers and families. The workshop will engage CACFP stakeholders to develop proposed policy solutions based on study findings.