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Lorence R Oki

Specialist in CE, Environmental Horticulture
Department of Plant Sciences, MS6
One Shields Avenue
1110 Env Hort
Davis, CA 95616-8587
(530) 754-4135
lroki@ucdavis.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Landscape Architecture Program


Ph.D. Ecology, University of California, Davis. 2002
M.S. Plant Science, University of California, Riverside. 1976
B.S. Ornamental Horticulture, California Polytechnic State University. 1974


  • Curtis J. Alley Award of Merit
    Presented by International Plant Propagators' Society, Western Region,  2015
  • Research Award
    Presented by California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers,  2015
  • Young Nurseryman of the Year
    Presented by California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers,  1986




Irrigation and runoff management in urban landscapes and nurseries; effect of water quality (salinity) on plant growth; evaluating ornamental plants for use in landscape horticulture; introduction of plants for environmental horticulture. Additional unit

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