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Collaboration & Community

California agritourism is often organized and promoted by regional or county associations of farmers and ranchers - sometimes supported by local government or community organizations. This section provides examples and resources for collaborative agritourism development and promotion.

Some of the many California Farm and Wine Trails

Download Guide:  Marketing Regional Farms and Wineries; A Guide for California Agricultural Marketing Groups

From 2013 through 2015, the University of California Small Farm Program coordinated a project called “Building a Farm Trail: Developing effective agritourism associations to enhance rural tourism and promote specialty crops.” The project, funded by the California Department of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant, provided technical assistance in map brochure creation, website development, collaborative event planning and organizational sustainability to three recently formed California regional agricultural marketing associations.

As part of this project, UC Small Farm Program staff interviewed leaders of twenty California regional agricultural marketing organizations and compiled information from earlier interviews and presentations from four other groups. This guide is a summary of the experiences and advice from leaders of those 24 groups. Other California regional agricultural marketing groups will have had different experiences, and many members of the groups discussed here may also have had different experiences. The focus of this guide is to share the experiences and advice of a representative group of leaders with other groups of California agricultural producers with similar goals and intentions.

Building a Farm Trail Project 2013 - 2015: Examples of farm trail map development and resources for collaborative agritourism marketing.

More about partnerships

Stories from associations