Learning & Development
Communicating Your Story: LinkedIn
Date: Thursday January 3, 2019
Time: 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
Zoom link:
https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/751701428 [Corrected link 1/3/19]
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428
Presenters: Rose Hayden-Smith and Surendra Dara
Many of us think of LinkedIn as a professional networking tool. But with a powerful publishing platform and an ability to post links, it's also an ideal place to share your ANR story and grow a network of people who are interested in your work. In this fast-paced webinar, we'll cover the basics of building a great LinkedIn profile, publishing posts and more, including:
- Techniques and best practices to use the platform most effectively
- Publishing a blog post on LinkedIn
- Finding your online community
- Tips to manage your LinkedIn account efficiently
Participants will also be provided access to a range of resources and tools to support their LinkedIn efforts, including samples, tip and FAQ sheets, guidelines and more.
Communicating Your Story: Blogging Basics
Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019
Time: 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
Zoom link:
https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/751701428 [Corrected link 1/3/19]
669 900 6833 or 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 344 294 468
Presenter: Rose Hayden-Smith
This will be a streamed recording with live Q&A.
In this fast-paced webinar, we'll cover the basics of communicating your story through blogging, including:
- Why you should blog
- Techniques and best practices to get started…or get better
- Crafting catchy headlines and smart ledes
- Using images and video to enhance your posts
- Using your blog on the ANR website and on other publishing platforms, including LinkedIn
- Quick tips for effectively using sitebuilder
Participants will also be provided access to a range of resources and tools to support their blogging efforts, including samples, tip and FAQ sheets, guidelines and more.
Please Step Away from the Podium: Strategies for supporting adult learners
Date: Thursday January 17, 2019
Time: noon-12:30 p.m.
Zoom link:
https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/751701428 [Corrected link 1/3/19]
669 900 6833 or 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 963 167 636
Presenter: Lynn Brock
Simple steps you can take to:
- Create workshops, trainings or classes that are engaging and memorable
- Facilitate sessions where learners feel included, respected, and motivated
Measuring and Communicating Impacts of UC Master Gardener Program: Statewide outcome evaluation Year 1 findings
Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Time: 11 a.m.-noon
Zoom link:
669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428
Presenters: Kit Alviz, Missy Gable, Tamekia Wilkins and Katherine Webb-Martinez
Participants will gain:
- Understanding of the UC Master Gardener Program's statewide outcome evaluation design, year one findings and lessons learned
- Understanding of feasibility for an ANR program to collect follow-up survey responses (3 months post event; 30%+ response rate)
- Examples of how behavior change outcomes can be communicated in relation to ANR condition changes
Lessons learned from data collection and analysis that can be considered for other statewide and academic programs
Communicating Your Story: Instagram
Date: January 24, 2019
Time: 10a.m.-11 a.m.
Zoom link:
https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/751701428 [Corrected link 1/3/19]
669 900 6833 or 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 509 908 913
Presenters: Rose Hayden-Smith and Dan Macon
Instagram is a photo- and video-sharing social networking service. It's an ideal place to share your ANR story. In this fast-paced webinar, we'll cover the basics of using Instagram, building a great profile, publishing posts and more, including:
- Techniques and best practices to use the platform most effectively
- A few quick tips for using your smart phone to shoot pictures and video (and for posting)
- Finding your online community and building an audience for your work
- Tips to manage your Instagram account efficiently
Participants will also be provided access to a range of resources and tools to support their Instagram efforts, including samples, tip and FAQ sheets, guidelines and more.
Communicating Your Story: Facebook Essentials
Date: January 31, 2019
Time: 10-11am
Zoom link:
https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/751701428 [Corrected link 1/3/19]
669 900 6833 or 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 461 004 579
Presenter: Rose Hayden-Smith
Facebook has become an important part of communicating our stories. Ever wonder if the platform is right for you? In this fast-paced webinar, we'll cover the basics of communicating your story through Facebook, including:
- Why you might want to use Facebook
- Techniques and best practices to get started…or get better
- Using images and video to enhance your posts
- Quick tips for effectively and efficiently using the site
Participants will also be provided access to a range of resources and tools to support their Facebook efforts, including samples, tip and FAQ sheets, guidelines and more.
Webinar and in-person:
Stellar interview techniques
Date: Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019
“Tell me about yourself,” is often the first of many interview questions. Have you ever struggled with answering this question or others in an interview? Are you unsure about how to share your accomplishments? The STAR interview technique (STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result) can help you provide concrete examples of your experience and skills for the job. In this workshop, discover the best ways to use the STAR technique to prepare for a successful interview.
In person (UC Davis) and also available via webinar:
Time: Noon-1 p.m.
Zoom link:
669 900 6833 or 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 439 807 305
Collaborative Facilitation Group Process Tools Workshop
Please let us know if you are interested (interest survey) in participating in the next Collaborative Facilitation and Group Process Tools Workshop.
It is open to all UC ANR academic and staff employees, including Statewide Program volunteers. The training is limited to 25 participants. Priority will be given to people who have not already taken a facilitation training through ANR (such as Essential Facilitation).
Date: March 25 and 26, 2019; and June 24, 2019
Location: Davis, CA
This two-day (March), in-person training will be followed by a follow up, one-day (June) in-person training.
Desired Outcomes:
- To learn collaborative facilitation techniques
- To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your collaborative processes
- To increase your comfort level in applying facilitation skills
UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development
This year, nine ANR women graduated from the UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI). This experiential professional development program for women was designed to elevate women in leadership, establish a pipeline for advancement, and contribute to women's and UC's success. ANR's graduates are:
- Lisa Blecker, associate director, Pesticide Safety Education Program and Office of Pesticide Information and Coordination
- Vanity Campbell, proposal development coordinator, Office of Contracts and Grants
- Mary Ciricillo, director, California 4-H Foundation
- Trisha Dinh, financial manager, Youth, Families, and Communities
- Sabrina Drill, natural resources advisor, UCCE Ventura
- Jennifer Heguy, advisor, UCCE Merced
- Kat Hicklin, business officer, South Coast REC and UCCE Orange
- Sonia Scott, administrative officer, UCOP
- Allison Smith, principal agriculture technician
Several graduates shared their experience on how the program impacted them.
Lisa Blecker: The UC WI allowed us to focus on what it was we want out of our time at UC and gave us tools to explore different ways we could get there. I didn't go into the program to do bigger and better things in my job or with aspirations of a promotion. I realized while in UC WI that what I wanted most was to find a better work-life balance, so I can be happier at work and at home. I have the tools I need to make progress towards that goal.
Vanity Campbell: The UC WI program was an incredible, life-changing experience that challenged and prompted individual growth through collective engagement with women across the UC system. The resulting impactful experience and established UC community has rippled through my professional and personal life, changing my approach to how I communicate, coach others, seek out and provide mentorship, present myself, and think about professional success. This pivotal process peeled-back layers that revealed insight into self and revived an awareness of my own strengths, possibilities, and opportunities to advance my passions – life's work. My thinking is renewed and liberated, which has changed how I see and approach workplace obstacles as well as unforeseen prospects. By change, I mean empowered! I am excited for the positive change that I'll effect around me, the meaningful impact that I will achieve, and the bold opportunities I will create.
Mary Ciricillo: The UC WI professional development conference enabled me to think more broadly about my career within the UC system. Not only did this experience provide me with an amazing network of women throughout California, it gave me the tools to expand upon and improve my skill sets in the workplace. I would highly recommend this conference to women looking to strengthen their performance in their current position as well as those who have long term aspirations to elevate their career.
Trisha Dinh: UC WI was a great learning experience. It was empowering to have had the opportunity to be surrounded by women with diverse backgrounds and roles across the different UC campuses and learned their leadership styles and how they empower people in both their job and community. With the training, I was able to incorporate many of the management and leadership tools to apply to both my professional and personal settings, and to apply work/life balance.
Sabrina Drill: The most valuable part of the training, for me, was getting to know so many amazing women from across the UC spectrum – I especially enjoyed getting a better understanding of all the work our dedicated staff do to keep the university running.
Alison Smith: The UCWIP made me consider the future of my career when I never had before. I had never thought much about my own career development or searching out mentors and sponsors. I now am actively spending time thinking about the future of my career and steps I can take to constantly improve myself as a team member, speaker, workshop leader, etc. I am building the tools to advance my career, my self-worth as a part of UC ANR and my team here at Hansen REC.
ANR people managers recommend supervisor training
Being an effective and professional people manager takes many skills and considerable development and the best people managers develop both their employees and themselves.
One of the ways ANR people managers have been developing themselves is by completing UC People Management Series Certificate modules and participating in monthly facilitated networking calls to review what they've learned, ask other supervisors for advice, and share successes. Participants enjoy scenario-based role-playing, a fun and challenging group assignment, and networking. Interested in our 2019 networking calls? Fill out this survey.
Four people who have graduated from the UC People Management Series comment on their experiences.
Kari Arnold, CE advisor, UCCE Stanislaus: The UC People Management Series helped me think about how to interact with employees and colleagues in ways that are welcoming and understanding. I feel more confident in a management role knowing how to communicate productively with others.
Kendra Lewis, academic coordinator, 4-H: I highly recommend that all my ANR supervisor colleagues take this series and participate in the networking cohort.
Ron Walker, senior systems administrator, CSIT: Being a member of the UC People Networking Cohort has been/continues to be an extreme honor and privilege. Each member is encouraged to enjoy best practice sharing and World-Class management techniques, in addition to experiencing the diverse and unique nature of our organization. All discussions are raw/unfiltered and feature real world situations/solutions while maintaining privacy and confidentiality. I always learn something new, and my opinions/contributions are welcomed and invigorated. Special thanks to Jodi and team for fostering this exceptional collection; I look forward to our continued growth and synergy.
Petr Kosina, content developer, UC IPM: The monthly networking calls helped me to be on track with required online courses. For me, the most useful were discussions on giving and receiving feedback and conducting performance appraisals which were well-timed so that I was able to almost immediately test in practice some of the suggested approaches and best practices.
How to build game-changing rapport (with your employees)
Simple communication is just a transaction, an exchange of mere words, which anyone can do. It's not that impressive. Now, in contrast, rapport is about building a bond. It's about sharing not just words, but feelings and emotions as well. So, why should you care? Because the next level of rapport establishes stronger connections, deeper relationships, and that almost always leads to higher productivity and better retention.
To start injecting more of that next-level conversation into your team, learn more here: How to Build Game-Changing Rapport.
SAVE THE DATE: UC ANR Programmatic Orientation
Tuesday, April 23 - Thursday, April 25, 2019
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center (KARE)
Parlier, CA
The UC ANR Programmatic Orientation will be taking place April 23 - 25, 2019. The orientation is designed to help academics jump start their programs by focusing on program design and showcasing successful projects of other ANR academics.
Who should attend: Open to all early career UC Cooperative Extension advisors, UC Cooperative Extension specialists, academic coordinators, academic administrators and Agricultural Experiment Station faculty who were unable to attend in the past.
SAVE THE DATE: New Administrative Academic and Staff Orientation
Thursday, May 30, 2019
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
UC ANR Building, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618
Who should attend the UC ANR Administrative New Academic and Staff Orientation: All UC ANR Employees (academics, staff and affiliated staff on campuses, counties and RECs) who have not participated in an administrative orientation in the past. Priority will be given to those hired by ANR within the past year.
Lynda.com upgrading to LinkedIn Learning
ANR Lynda.com account users will be upgraded to LinkedIn Learning in January! During the week of Jan. 14, users will receive an email showing that you have been upgraded. In the email, you'll be asked to accept your new LinkedIn Learning account. What will you find in your upgrade?
- A new intuitive interface
- Course links to related external content
- The ability to connect your LinkedIn profile to LinkedIn Learning
- Increased learner engagement
- Personalized course recommendations