Financial Reporting & Analysis Manager
Reporting & Analysis Team:
Harold Tabios
Title: Financial Analyst III
Nathan Ritchie
Title: Financial Analyst IV
Han Pham
Title: Financial Reporting & Analysis Manager
Phone: (510) 587-6441
- Analyzes fiscal history performance and determines recommendations for future fiscal performance and resource allocations.
- Function as budgetary point person, representing the Budget Director in initiatives that have system-wide impact.
- Key member of the ANR Recharge Rate Policy and Review Committee providing initial review of rate proposals from ANR units and makes recommendations for policy revisions.
- Provides analytical support for budget, financial and resource deployment strategies dealing directly with County Directors, Program Directors, Campus Deans, Administrative and Executive Leadership.
- Performs financial or resource research and studies for internal department and external constituents.
- Evaluates current business processes and make recommendations for process improvements to Budget Call, annual Budget Schedules, permanent budget modeling, reconciliation, and reporting.