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Workgroup Information

Woody Biomass Utilization

Summary Focus on the urgent need to find viable methods to utilize the excess woody biomass that creates a high fuel hazard in the forests and urban/wildland regions of California.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name John Shelly, (Chair)
Phone (510) 665-3491
Unit: Center for Forestry (UCB)
Location: 163 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, 94720-3114
Membership List
AES Scientist
Hartsough, Bruce Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor and Associate Dean (College of Engineering) Harvesting short rotation plantations; handling small trees on steep terrain; mechanics and dynamics of forestry equipment, modeling and systems analysis of forest operations; forest biomass for energy.
Jenkins, Bryan Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor Energy systems; biomass, bioenergy, biofuels, thermochemical conversion, combustion and gasification; environmental impacts; power systems; properties of fuels; systems analysis, modeling, and optimization.
CE Advisor
De Lasaux, Michael Plumas Sierra
  Natural Resources Advisor Forestry, Community Fuel Reduction and Watershed Management
Kocher, Susan Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Forestry/ Natural Resources Advisor Forestry, wildfire, prescribed fire, post-fire recovery, adult education, facilitation, public participation
McArthur, Karl San Bernardino County
  Desert Natural Resource Advisor Policy Issues/Desert Regions of Tri-County area, San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial
Nader, Glenn Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Farm Advisor   Livestock and Natural Resources, Emeritus Livestock, forage crops, range and natural resources
Quarles, Stephen Center for Forestry (UCB)
  CE Advisor  Emeritus Performance of materials in wood-frame buildings; wildfire; moisture; physical properties of wood
Valachovic, Yana Humboldt County Office
  Forest Advisor and Humboldt - Del Norte County Director Forest management and ecology, oak woodlands, wildfire preparation, home hardening
Other ANR
Fall, Carol Trinity County Cooperative Extension
  Trinity County Master Gardener Instructor
Frost, William Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  CE Advisor, Emeritus
Giusti, Gregory Lake County
  Forests & Wildland Ecology Advisor- Emeritus Forest management, wildlife management, vertebrate pest management, wetlands, watersheds, fisheries and freshwater ecology
Shelly,, John Center for Forestry (UCB)
  CE Advisor - Forest Products and Biomass Utilization, Emeritus Forest Products, Wood manufacturing methods, biomass utilization,physical properties of wood
Standiford, Richard ESPM - Ecosystem Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Forest Management Specialist, Emeritus Resource economics; forest management; hardwood rangelands; silviculture
Stewart, William Center for Forestry (UCB)
  Specialist forest management, climate impacts of forest management and forest product substitution benefits, vegetation management and fire/smoke impacts.
Allen, Bob Burney Forest Products
  Forester Fuels management and harvesting systems
Barbour, Jamie USFS PNW Research Station
  Research Scientist Biomass harvesting and utilization
Berton, Fernando California Integrated Waste Management Board
  Waste Utilization
Blonski, Ken EBRPD
  Fire Chief Wildland Fire
Goines, Bruce USDA Forest Service
  Rural Devel. Prog. Mgr. Community development in forested regions
Mason, Tad
Wickizer, Doug CA Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection
  Forester Biomass utilization
Williams, Robert
  Development Engineer
Other UC
Mayhead, Gareth Center for Forestry (UCB)
  Academic Coordinator - Forest Products Woody biomass technology and markets, forest products, business development, forest certification, community forestry
Membership Totals
Number of Members23
ANR Members15
Info Only0
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