ANR Employees
University of California
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Workgroup Information

Water Quality

Summary Workgroup would function for communications and networking as well as subject matter in-service training for Advisors conducting Farm Water Quality Planning short courses.
Workgroup Chair Information
No Chairs selected.
Membership List
AES Scientist
Fujino, Dave Dean's Office CA&ES (UCD)
  Director, California Center for Urban Horticulture; Co-Director, UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
Hopmans, Jan Hydrology Program
  Professor, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources Irrigation systems; system analysis; shallow groundwater and drainage water disposal; soil and water management of water resources
Knapp, Keith Environmental Sciences
  Professor Water resource economics, agricultural production economics, economics of irrigation and drainage, crop-water production functions, agricultural commodity markets.
Lauchli, Andre Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  Plant Physiologist   Professor of Plant Nutrition Plant nutrition; responses of plants to environmental stresses; absorption and translocation of ions in plants; ion localization in plants by means of x-ray microanalysis and related techniques; comparative mineral nutrition, involving genotypes of crops and wild plants; physiology of salt and nutrient stresses in plants
Letey, John Environmental Sciences
  Professor Emeritus, Director Emeritus General water flow; infiltration; water pollution; drainage; irrigation; water repellency; transport phenomena in soils; mass flow and diffusion of pesticides; denitrification; evaporation; polymers; soil salinity.
Pandey, Pramod Veterinary Medicine Extension
  Professor & Specialist - AES and CE split (50/50) Microbial waste management, microbial water quality, rendering, pesticide residues in water and sediment
Rolston, Dennis Land, Air & Water Resources
  Professor   Soil Physicist-AES Soil physics, contaminant transport processes in soils, denitrification, trickle irrigation, soil carbon, diffusion of gases in soils, spatial and temporal variability in soil processes; transport of VOCs in soil
van Kessel, Chris Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus Professor, Department of Plant Sciences Agronomy, soil fertility, nutrient cycling, cropping systems, international agriculture.
CE Advisor
Aegerter, Brenna San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor Vegetable Crops, Plant Pathology
(info only) Cahn, Michael Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Irrigation and Water Resources Irrigation & Water Resources
Caprile - Emeritus, Janet Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Dahlquist-Willard, Ruth Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Interim Director, UC SAREP
Faber, Ben Ventura County
  Advisor Soils and water, avocados and minor subtropicals in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Fulton, Allan Glenn County
  Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor emeritus
(info only) Haver, Darren Program Council
  Director for REC System & Interim Director South Coast REC
(info only) Kabashima, John Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Ornamental horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests, water runoff, water quality
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
(info only) Lewis, David Marin County
  Director, Advisor Water and Watershed Management and Research, Community Development, Sustainable Agricutlure
(info only) Long, Rachael Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor for Field Crops, Pest Management Pest management, agronomy, dry beans, alfalfa, water quality, oil seed crops
Mccullough-Sanden, Blake Kern County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Irrigation, soil, water, agronomy, blackeyes, sugarbeets, safflower, alfalfa
Munk, Daniel Fresno County
  Farm Advisor Irrigation, crop nutrient management and cotton production systems
Reid, Karrie
  Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor Landscape Horticulture/Water Conservation
Rios, Sonia
  Area Subtropical Horticulture Advisor
(info only) Wilen, Cheryl Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor - Emeritus Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for ornamental plant production and maintenance including nurseries, greenhouses, field production, floriculture, turf and landscape, pesticide reduction and alternatives. Research specialty in weed management, snails & slugs.
CE Specialist
Collar, Carol Veterinary Medicine Extension
  CE Specialist Dairy, livestock and forage
(info only) Gan, Jay Environmental Sciences
  CE Water Quality Specialist and Professor of Environmental Chemistry Environmental risks and mitigation practices of pesticides, water and air quality issues related to pesticide uses, IPM practices
George, Melvin Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist, Emeritus Range and pasture improvement, grazing management, rangeland water quality, rangeland management practices, ranch planning, and ecological site descriptions.
Grattan, Stephen Hydrology Program
  CE Plant-water Specialist Irrigation water management, crop-water management, salinity effects on plants, toxic element accumulation in crops
Hanson, Blaine Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Irrigation and Drainage Specialist Drainage; wells and pumps; micro-irrigation, sprinkler irrigation; furrow irrigation, border and basin irrigation, irrigation scheduling; salinity; soil moisture sensors
Harter, Thomas Hydrology Program
  Distinguished Professor & Distinguished Professor in Cooperative Extension Flow and transport processes in groundwater and in the vadoze zone; non-point source pollution of groundwater; numerical and statistical modeling of non-point source pollution at the agriculture-groundwater nexus; sustainable groundwater management; integrated water management.
Hartz, Timothy Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Vegetable Crops Specialist Improved management regimes for commercial vegetable production, cultural practices for warm-season vegetable crops
Kaffka, Stephen Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist. Production and resource use efficiency of sugar, oilseed crops and other agronomic crops; Cropping systems and agroecology; biomass, bioenegy, bioproducts and related public policy issues; irrigation, salinity and drainage
Maas, John Veterinary Medicine Extension
  CE Veterinarian Beef cattle health and food safety; metabolic diseases; herd health management
(info only) Merhaut, Donald Botany & Plant Sciences
  Extension Specialist for Nursery and Floriculture Crops Plant Nutrition, Woody Ornamentals, Floriculture, Blueberry Production
O'geen, Anthony Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  Professor and Cooperative Extension Soil Resource Specialist Soil-landscape relationships, hydropedology, application of digital soil databases, soil survey; pedologic and hydrologic processes in deep regolith; macrofauna and mesofauna in soils.
Oki, Lorence Department of Plant Sciences
  Specialist in CE, Environmental Horticulture Irrigation and runoff management in urban landscapes and nurseries; effect of water quality (salinity) on plant growth; evaluating ornamental plants for use in landscape horticulture; introduction of plants for environmental horticulture. Additional unit
Oster, James Environmental Sciences
  Emeritus CE Soil & Water Specialist *Please contact me via Email* Diagnosis and solution to water penetration problems, reclamation of saline, sodic and boron affected soils, water quality impacts on soils and plants, environmental impact of irrigated agriculture
Pettygrove, G. Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Soils Specialist Emeritus Soil fertility; land application of wastes and wastewater; dairy manure; winegrape nutrition; precision agriculture.
Prichard, Terry Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Irrigation  Water Management Specialist Irrigation water management, crop response to limited water supplies, water infiltration, Delta water quality and soil salinity issues
(info only) Putnam, Daniel Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist, Agronomist in the AES Alfalfa and forage crops systems, forage quality and utilization, alternative field crops, cellulosic energy crops (switchgrass, miscanthus) crop ecology.
Sandoval Solis, Samuel Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources Water Resources Management, Environmental Flows, Agricultural Water management, Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Science Communication
Schwankl, Lawrence Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Irrigation Specialist, Retired Irrigation engineering, design, operation and management of irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, low-volume irrigation
Wu, Laosheng Environmental Sciences
  Professor   CE Water Management Specialist Soil physics, vadose-zone hydrology, water quality, water management
Zaccaria, Daniele Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Agricultural Water Management Specialist in Cooperative Extension Agricultural water management and irrigation
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Birkle, David
  Staff Research Associate
Newman, Julie Ventura County
  Emeritus Floriculture and nursery production in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Parker, Doug California Institute for Water Resources
  Director Emeritus, California Institute for Water Resources
Peters, Doug Hansen Agricultural Research and Extension Center
  Center Superintendent
Benes, Sharon
  Professor Salinity, Crop Nutrition, Soil Science
Challender, Rebecca
  State Water Quality Specilist Water Quality
Faria, Jose
  Chief, Special Investigations and Regional Planning Branch
Green, Sarge
  water resources management
Johnson, Dan
  Water Management Engineer Irrigation
Troiano, John
  Research Scientist III pesticide residues in ground water
User, Unverified
User, Unverified
User, Unverified
User, Unverified
Zoldoske, David
  Director Irrigation/water
Membership Totals
Number of Members60
ANR Members49
Info Only9
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