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Pest Management in ANR

Summary Provide a forum for proposing, reporting, extending and evaluating integrated pest management research and educational activities in ANR.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Cindy Kron (Chair)
Unit: Sonoma County
Membership List
AES Scientist
Adaskaveg, James Plant Pathology
  Professor and Plant Pathologist (test editing) Mycology, plant pathology, ecology and epidimiology of fungi (test edits)
Allen-Diaz, Barbara
  CE Advisor, Emeritus Rangeland Ecology and Management
Bostock, Richard Plant Pathology - CAES
  Distinguished Professor, Plant Pathologist-AES Physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of host-pathogen interaction; diseases of fruit and nut crops
Bradford, Kent Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist-AES   Vice-Chair for Instruction Seed physiology; biotechnology; stress physiology, hormonal physiology; plant and seed water relations
Carey, James Entomology (UCD)
  Professor Application of demographic methods to insect population, analysis of life histories, demography of aging
Cooksey, Donald Plant Pathology
  Emeritus Professor and Bacteriologist Bacterial diseases; molecular biology, bactericide resistance; biological control
Federici, Brian Entomology (UCR)
  Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division Insect pathology; viruses and bacteria of medically and agriculturally important insects
Fischer, Albert Department of Plant Sciences
Fujino, Dave Dean's Office CA&ES (UCD)
  Director, California Center for Urban Horticulture; Co-Director, UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
Geng, Shu Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Biostatistician Agricultural/systems; modeling and simulation of environmental impact on agricultural production and food systems; productivity and risk assessment; comparisons of agricultural systems in Pacific Rim countries. Fluent in Chinese.
Giles, Ken Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor Engineering for pest control and plant protection; development of target sensing and sprayer control systems; handling and distribution of biological pest control agents; automation of pest control operations.
Goodhue, Rachael Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Professor, Agricultural Economist-AES Agricultural Marketing and Organization, Contracting, Pesticide Use and Regulation, Agricultural Policy, Agri-environmental Policy, Natural Resources and Property Rights, Bio-economic Modeling of Agricultural Production Systems, Technology Adoption
Horwath, William Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  AES Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry Soil Biogeochemist Stable isotope studies, soil organic matter dynamics, soil fertility, sustainable agriculture, water quality, plant-microbe interactions, soil microbial biomass, denitrification, residue decomposition, root turnover.
Jasieniuk, Marie Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Evolution, genetics, and spread of herbicide resistance; population genetics of agricultural weeds and invasive plants
Kaya, Harry Entomology (UCD)
  Professor Utilization of nematodes for biological control of insect pests; interaction between nematodes and other biological control agents; general insect pathology (protozoan, viral and fungal diseases of insects).
Krieger, Robert Entomology (UCR)
  CE Toxicologist Extension toxicology
Menge, John Plant Pathology
  Professor   Emeritus   Plant Pathologist Mycorrhizal studies; soil microbial investigations; fungal diseases of citrus
Morse, Joseph Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist and Professor of Entomology, Emeritus Citrus and avocado pest management, biological control; applied insect ecology; pesticide impacts on natural enemies; resistance management
Page, Robert Entomology (UCD)
  Professor Evolutionary and behavioral genetics of honey bees
Paine, Timothy Entomology (UCR)
  Distinguished Professor and Entomologist, Divisional Dean CNAS UCR Integrated pest management of insects affecting nursery stock, woody ornamental or landscape plants, and trees in urban or recreational forests; ecological interactions between environmental stress on plants and insect herbivores; chemical ecology; insect
Parfitt, Dan Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES Genetics of fruit crops genetic diversity, germplasm use, pistachio breeding
Perring, Thomas Entomology (UCR)
  Professor of Entomology and Entomologist Integrated management of insect and mite pests of agricultural crops, particularly in the desert. Biological control.
Plant, Richard Department of Plant Sciences
  AES   Professor Emeritus  Quantitative Analyst Application of systems analysis to crop and resource management; including statistics, geographic information systems, and mathematical modeling.
Redak, Richard Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist Professor & Chair Integrated management of insect pests on commercial floricultural and ornamental plants, ecology of plant-insect interactions within the urban/natural/agricultural interface, community ecology of insects, conservation biology
Reid, Michael Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Postharvest biology and technology of ornamentals, cut flowers, flowering plants, foliage plants. Physiology of flowering and flowering control, chilling injury, mode of action of ethylene and inhibition of ethylene responses.
Rizzo, David Plant Pathology - CAES
  Department Chair and Professor Mycology; fungal diseases of woody plants, fungal ecology; forest pathology
Roberts, Philip Nematology Department
  Chair, Nematologist & Professor of Nematology Nematode host-parasite relations, genetics and pest management in field and vegetable crops
Roderick, George Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  William Muriece Hoskins Professor global change, environmental science, sustainability, biodiversity, invasive species, genomic observatories
Rust, Michael Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist   Professor Urban-industrial entomology
Smith, Linda Department of Plant Sciences
  Associate Research Biochemist Mechanisms of osmotic stress and chill stress adaption in bacteria.
Tomich, Thomas Environmental Science and Policy
  Distinguished Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy Food systems, natural resource management, integrated ecosystem assessment, sustainability science and policy
Trumble, John Entomology (UCR)
  Distinguished Professor Plant compensation for insect herbivory; impact of air and heavy metal pollution on plant-insect interactions; biological and microbial control in sustainable agriculture; chemical ecology; participate on the celery and tomato guidelines
Vidalakis, Georgios Plant Pathology
  Professor & UC Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology - Director, Citrus Clonal Protection Program (CCPP) Graft-transmissible diseases of citrus diagnosis and therapy & citrus germplasm.
Wilson, Barry Animal Science
  Professor Neurotoxicology; aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology; biomarkers of stress and pesticide exposure; growth and development with focus on muscle and nerve interactions.
CE Advisor
Aegerter, Brenna San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor Vegetable Crops, Plant Pathology
Aguiar, Jose Riverside County, Palm Desert Office
  Farm Advisor Vegetable crops and small farms
Andrews, Ellie Sonoma County
  Specialty Crops Advisor, Sonoma, Marin, and Napa Counties Agroecology, Agronomy, Soil-Plant Water Dynamics, Nutrient Management, Plant Physiology, Soil Health
Aram, Kamyar Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Specialty Crops Advisor
Baameur, Aziz Small Farm Program
  Retired Emeritus, Farm Advisor Small Farms, cultivar evaluation, nutrient management, irrigation, specialty crops, vegetables, Asian vegetables, Small Farms
Babu, Arun Imperial County
  Cooperative Extension Entomology Advisor Entomology
Battany, Mark
  Water Management and Biometeorology Advisor Water management, soil management, soil salinity, frost protection, climate and weather evaluation, weather stations and sensors, grapes and viticulture.
Bell, Carl Ventura County
  Regional Advisor Invasive Plants
Bender, Gary San Diego North County Office
  Farm Advisor-Emeritus Subtropical horticulture, deciduous fruit trees, irrigation, water quality, pest management, root rot and pathology of avocados and citrus, avocado canopy management
Bethke, James San Diego County
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Nurseries and Floriculture
Bettiga, Larry Monterey County
  Acting Monterey County Director & Viticulture Farm Advisor Wine grape production, canopy management, pest management, rootstock and clonal evaluation.
Bianchi, Mary San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Horticulture Farm Advisor Horticulture, pomology, subtropicals, water management and water quality. Horticulture in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County.
Biscaro, Andre Ventura County
  Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor Irrigation and nutrient management of berry and vegetable crops
Bolda, Mark Santa Cruz County
  Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries Strawberry and caneberry culture - horticulture, fertility, pest management practices, closed environment agriculture
Buchner, Richard Tehama County
  Orchard Advisor - Emeritus Pomology for Tehama County. Strawberry nursery production in North Coast & Mountain Region
Caprile - Emeritus, Janet Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Cassell, Jodi Solano County
  Natural Resources Advisor California Water Policy, Aquatic Invasive Species, Public Participation, Citizen Science, Science Literacy
Cooper, Monica Napa County
  Farm Advisor-Viticulture Viticulture and Pest Management
Daugovish, Oleg Ventura County
  Strawberry and Vegetable Crop Advisor Ag and Environmental Issues for Veg Crops and Strawberries
Doan, Hung Riverside County
  Small Farms and Specialty Crops Advisor Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms, Vegetable and field crop pathology,Fruit and tree nuts pathology
Doran, Morgan Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  UC Cooperative Extension Advisor for Livestock and Natural Resources Livestock, beef cattle, sheep, nutrition, range management, irrigated pastures, grazing systems, ranch water quality.
Downer, Arthur Ventura County
  Environmental Horticulture/Plant Pathology Advisor Emeritus Pathology of landscape ornamentals , Phytophthora Root Rot, Mulches, Potting soils, Palm horticulture, climate ready trees, arboriculture, Master Gardener Advisor.
Duncan, Roger Stanislaus County
  Pomology Farm Advisor, Emeritus Almonds, canning peaches, pistachios, misc. tree fruit
El Kereamy, Ashraf Biology (UCR)
  Director of Lindcove REC and Assistant CE Specialist Specialist in Department of Botany and Plant Sciences at UC Riverside, focused on citrus and grape
Elkins, Rachel Lake County
  Pomology Farm Advisor in Lake and Mendocino Counties and Master Gardener Advisor in Lake County - Emeritus
Espino, Luis Butte County
  Rice Farming Systems Advisor Entomology, Agronomy
Faber, Ben Ventura County
  Advisor Soils and water, avocados and minor subtropicals in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Fake, Cindy Placer-Nevada Counties
  Horticulture and Small Farms Advisor, Placer and Nevada Counties, Emeritus Commercial Horticultural Production
Fichtner, Elizabeth Tulare County
  Farm Advisor Orchard Systems
Gautam, Sandipa Lindcove Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Area Citrus IPM Advisor Integrated Management of Citrus Pests; Serving Tulare, Fresno, Madera, and Kern counties
Getts, Thomas Lassen County
  Weed Ecology & Cropping Systems Advisor Weed control in wildlands, rangelands, and the forage-based cropping systems of the intermountain region.
Gispert, Carmen San Diego North County Office
  UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor, Emeritus. Wine and table grapes
Goncalves, Clebson Lake County
  Diversified Agriculture Advisor - Lake & Mendocino Counties Diversified Agricultural Systems Area - Weed Science (Chemical and Organic Approaches), Integrated pest management, Ornamental Crops, and Turfgrass
Goodell, Peter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus, IPM Development and delivery of IPM tactics, nematode and insect pest management in field crops, (cotton, alfalfa, melon) developing IPM strategies at the ecological landscape level
Grant, Joseph
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus walnuts, cherries, olives, miscellaneous fruits; fruit crops, integrated pest management
Greer, Christopher San Luis Obispo County
  Area Cooperative Extension Advisor - Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management of Agricultural Crops
Gyawaly, Sudan Butte County
  Integrated Pest Management Advisor IPM
Hasey, Janine Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Tree Crop and Environmental Horticulture Advisor Emeritus, Master Gardener Advisor Pomology, Horticulture, Master Gardener Program
Haviland, David Kern County
  Farm Advisor Entomologist and Pest Management. Advise in identification and control of Pest.
Hembree, Kurt Fresno County
  Weed Management Farm Advisor Weed management strategies in crop and non-crop settings
Hill, Ryan Tehama County
  Agronomy & Weed Sciences Advisor
Holtz, Brent San Joaquin County
  County Director and Farm Advisor Pomology, deciduous tree fruits and nuts, plant pathology, Whole Orchard Recycling
Jimenez, Manuel Tulare County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, integrated pest management
Kabashima, John Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Ornamental horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests, water runoff, water quality
Kallsen, Craig Kern County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Citrus, subtropical horticulture and pistachios
Karlik, John Kern County
  Extension Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Environmental Horticulture/Environmental Science
Koike, Steven Monterey County
  Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Emeritus Plant pathology research and education for vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops; plant disease diagnostics; food safey research and extension.
Kron, Cindy Sonoma County
  North Coast Area IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management, Entomology, Viticulture
Laemmlen, Franklin San Luis Obispo County
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Vegetable crops (leafy greens, parsley, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, carrots, nappa, bok choy, cilantro, spinach, squash, peppers (bell), plant pathology, nematology, entomology, farm safety, plant problem diagnosis, cut flowers
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Lazicki, Patricia Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Vegetable Crops Advisor
Long, Rachael Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor for Field Crops, Pest Management Pest management, agronomy, dry beans, alfalfa, water quality, oil seed crops
Macedo, Tulio Madera County
  Farm Advisor Agronomic Crops and Weed Control
Marcum, Daniel Shasta-Lassen Office
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Irrigation, plant nutrition, salinity, entomology, sustainable agriculture, agronomy, vegetable crops, engineering, plant pathology, integrated pest management, systems management, economics, weed control, nematology, strawberry nursery production, garlic, wild rice, alfalfa, timothy, sugarbeet, pasture, range, biodiversity, peppermint, viticulture
Marsh, Brian Kern County
  County Director/Farm Advisor Agronomy, cotton, small grains, corn and silage, weed control
Martinico, Breanna Napa County
  Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor Avian Ecology
Mccullough-Sanden, Blake Kern County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Irrigation, soil, water, agronomy, blackeyes, sugarbeets, safflower, alfalfa
Middleton, Eric San Diego County
  Area IPM Advisor
Milliron, Luke Butte County
  Orchard Systems Advisor
Miyao, Eugene Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crops Processing tomato production.
Mokwunye, Idongesit Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Area CE IPM Entomology Advisor Pistachio, Almond, Walnut, Stone fruits and Table grapes
Mukherjee, Amrita San Bernardino County
  Urban Agriculture/Small Farms Advisor Urban Farms and food system, Organic Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms, Control Environment Agriculture
Munier, Douglas
  Retired Farm Advisor Agronomy-cotton, corn, wheat, clover seed, safflower, sunflower, and dry beans
Murray, Michael Glenn County
  "County Director, Farm Advisor, Emeritus" Vegetable crops, community development
Natwick, Eric Imperial County
  Entomology Advisor, emeritus Entomology, Pest Management
Niederholzer, Franz Colusa County
  Farm Advisor   Orchard Systems Prunes, almonds, pears, apple, cherry, olive, plum, citrus, and pomegranate
Nunez, Juan Kern County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus (Retired) Vegetable crops
O'Connell, Neil Tulare County
  Farm Advisor, Retired Citrus, Avocado
Pastrana Leon, Ana Maria Imperial County
  Plant Pathology Advisor Plant Pathology
Reid, Karrie
  Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor Landscape Horticulture/Water Conservation
Reyes, Clarissa Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Orchard Systems Advisor Plant-water relations, drought physiology; walnut, peach, kiwifruit
Riar, Mandeep Kern County
  Restoration Ecology and Weed Science Advisor Crop and weed physiology Land restoration
Rijal, Jhalendra Stanislaus County
  Area IPM Advisor Entomology, insect pest management, insect mating disruption, insect spatial distribution and quantitative sampling, insect behavior and chemical ecology
Roncoroni, John Napa County
  Weed Science Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control and Vegetation Management in Perennial Crops, Covercrops and Aquatic Weed Control
Schmierer, Jerry Colusa County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Plant science, alfalfa, wheat,dry beans, corn, barley, and oil seed crops with speciality in precision agriculture and weed management.
Shogren, Christopher Los Angeles County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests
Sidhu, Jaspreet Kern County
  Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor
Singh, Jagdeep Siskiyou County
Smith, Rhonda Sonoma County
  Viticulture Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, wine grapes, water management, pest management, vine nutrition
Smith, Richard Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science
Stapleton, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Plant Pathologist Integrated pest management; alternatives to synthetic chemical products for disease and pest control; solar energy in pest management; ecological engineering; pest issues in natural areas; biological, physical, and cultural management of reservoirs of weedy plant propagative materials; seed pathology; sustainable and appropriate pest management technologies; circular economy issues
Stoddard, C Scott Merced County
  County Director and Farm Advisor  Vegetable Crops and Soils Soil fertility and soil conservation, tomatoes, melons, sweetpotatoes, weed management
Sutherland, Andrew Alameda County Cooperative Extension
  Urban IPM Advisor urban (household & structural) IPM of insects and other arthropods
Swain, Steven Marin County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Woody plants and their pests and diseases, integrated pest management, water use and conservation, defensible space for fire
Takele, Etaferahu San Bernardino County
  Area Advisor Farm Management/Agricultural Economics Area Advisor - Farm Management /Agricultural Economics - Production economics, decision-making at the farm level, integrated input management, risk managementSubtropical Fruit Crops (Citrus, Avocados) Vegetable crops, Field CropsRiverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angles, Orange and Ventura.
Tjosvold, Steven Santa Cruz County
  Environmental Horticulture Farm Advisor Emeritus Environmental horticulture
Turini, Thomas Fresno County
  Vegetable Crops Advisor Vegetable crops production with emphasis in plant disease management and activities in entomology and nutrient management.
Varela, Lucia Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  North Coast IPM Advisor - Emeritus Apples, pears, wine grapes, pest management
Verdegaal, Paul
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, almonds
Waisen, Philip Riverside County
  Vegetable Crops Advisor Plant Pathology/Nematology/ Nematode Ecology/Soil Health/Cover Crops
Wang, Yu-Chen Monterey County
  Farm Advisor Plant Pathology Plant pathology
Wheeler-Dykes, Becky Glenn County
  Orchard Systems & Weed Ecology Advisor
Wilen, Cheryl Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor - Emeritus Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for ornamental plant production and maintenance including nurseries, greenhouses, field production, floriculture, turf and landscape, pesticide reduction and alternatives. Research specialty in weed management, snails & slugs.
Wilson, Rob Intermountain Research & Extension Center
  Farm Advisor Pest managment in vegetable and field crops; Potato variety development; Production of potatoes, onions, peppermint, and small grains
Wright, Steven Kings County
  Farm Advisor- Tulare and Kings Counties - Emeritus Cotton, small grains, weed control
Wunderlich, Lynn Amador County
  Farm Advisor Viticulture and Pomology for the foothills; Sprayer calibration; Integrated Pest Management; Biological Control
Zuber, Cameron Merced County
  Orchard Crops Farm Advisor Merced County: Deciduous trees, not including pistachios and figs. Madera County: Walnut.
CE Specialist
Ajwa, Husein Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist Soil and Water Management. Methyl bromide alternatives. Cool-season vegetables.
Al-Khatib, Kassim Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor, Plant Sciences CE Specialist in Weed Sciences
Atim, Jackie Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Specialist in Abiotic Stress Abiotic Stress- Sorghum
Baird, James Botany & Plant Sciences
  Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Management and Associate Turfgrass Horticulturist Turfgrass Management
Baldwin, Roger Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
  Cooperative Extension Specialist: Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution Wildlife Damage and Pest Management
Becker, Jorn Nematology Department
  Distinguished Professor of Cooperative Extension in Nematology & Distinguished Nematologist Integrated pest management of plant-parasitic nematodes
Bruhn, Christine Food Science & Technology
   CE Food Marketing Specialist Emerita   Center for Consumer Research Research and education focused on consumer attitudes toward food safety, quality, and wholesomeness, food labels, and new production and processing technologies
Cudney, David Botany & Plant Sciences
  Emeritus   CE Weed Scientist
Daane, Kent ESPM - Organisms and the Environment
  CE Specialist Biological control and IPM of insect pests in crops (almond, grape, stone fruit, olives, pistachios, berries, lettuce) and ornamentals (eucalyptus, ornamental).
Daugherty, Matthew Entomology (UCR)
  CE Specialist and Entomologist population biology, invasion biology, plant disease ecology, regulatory entomology, quantitative ecology
Davis, R Plant Pathology - CAES
  CE Plant Pathologist Diseases of vegetable & field crops
DiTomaso, Joseph Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Specialist Non-crop areas, including weeds of rangeland, forestry, rights-of-way, roadside, wetlands, and natural sites and taxomony
Eskalen, Akif Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor of Cooperative Extension in Plant Pathology Research in my lab is applied and focuses on the identification, biology, epidemiology, and control of fungal pathogens on vines, small fruit & berries, and pome fruits in California.
Fennimore, Steven Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Specialist Weed control in cool-season vegetables, weed biology, weed seed germination. Automated weed managment with intelligent weeders. Soil disinfestation with steam in strawberry and vegetables.
Fidelibus, Matthew Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Raisin, table and wine grape production,fruit quality, whole-plant physiology, plant growth regulators, weeds.
Garbelotto Benzon, NH Matteo M Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Extension Specialist in Forest Pathology and Adjunct Professor Forest pathology and mycology, biodiversity,
Gerry, Alec Entomology (UCR)
  Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Veterinary Entomology Veterinary Entomology
Getz, Christy Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist in Agriculture and Food Systems Political economy and governance of food and agriculture systems; farm labor movements; social certification; food safety; cannabis; organic agriculture; farmworker health and wellbeing
Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist Citrus Integrated Pest Management
Grettenberger, Ian Entomology (UCD)
  Assistant Specialist in CE Field and vegetable crop IPM, insect ecology
Hanson, Bradley Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Chemical and non-chemical weed control in agricultural crops with a focus on herbicide peformance, resistance, crop safety, and environmental fate.
Hill, James Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist Conducts research and education programs on rice-based cropping systems with focus on production technologies such as direct seeding; weed control; nutrition; residue management and the relationship of these factors to environmental quality.
Hoddle, Mark Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist CE Entomology Specialist Biological control of invasive arthropod pests of importance to agricultural, urban, and wilderness areas. Foreign exploration, host range and host specificity testing of natural enemy species under consideration for possible release in California. Pest
Hutmacher, Robert Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist / AES Agronomist (retired) cotton production issues, irrigation mgmt, drip irrigation, sorghum, industrial hemp, water stress, nutrient mgmt
Jackson, Lee Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus CE Specialist - Small Grains Small Grains; Agronomy; Growth, development and plant breeding of small grains; small grain diseases; pathogen variability host resistance; genetics of host/parasite interaction; integrated pest management;integrated crop management; agricultural systems.
Khodadadi, Fatemeh Plant Pathology
  UC Cooperative Extension specialist Khodadadi’s research focuses on plant pathogens and disease management strategies for subtropical trees, especially citrus and avocado.
Lanini, W Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Ecologist Ecology, weed crop competition, weed biology and low-input agriculture
Lanzaro, Gregory Veterinary Medicine Teaching & Research Center
  Professor Population and molecular genetics of insect vectors of human disease.
Lemaux, Peggy Plant & Microbial Biology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Research interests focus on using 'omic technologies to understand interactions between plants, microbes and the environment. Efforts specifically focus on understanding abiotic and biotic stresses and carbonsequestration to combate climate change. Outreach efforts focus on communicating about food, agriculture and modern genetic technologies.
Lewis, Vernard Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  CE Entomologist Urban entomology
Mauk, Peggy Botany & Plant Sciences
  Director of Agricultural Operations/Subtropical Horticulture CE Specialist Citrus, avocados, and dates, crop production management, fiscal and personnel management
Mcgiffen Jr., Milton Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist and Plant Physiologist Vegetable Crops, Invasive Species, Weed Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Mchughen, Alan Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor of CE, Biotechology Specialist and Geneticist Molecular Genetics, Genetic Engineering regulatory policy
Mitcham, Elizabeth Department of Plant Sciences
  Director, Postharvest Center Postharvest physiology and technology of fruit and nut crops; emphasis on maintaining flavor quality after harvest, enhancing consumption of produce, and reducing food loss. Also studying regulation of fruit ripening and mechanisms underlying calcium def
Ploeg, Antoon Nematology Department
  Nematology Specialist Management of plant-parasitic nematodes in field and vegetable crops.
Putman, Alexander Plant Pathology
  Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension and Assistant Plant Pathologist Vegetable and strawberry crops; epidemiology and disease management; downy mildew diseases; soilborne pathogens
Smith, Richard Controller
  Environmental Specialist EH&S
Subbarao, Krishna Plant Pathology - CAES
  Plant Pathologist, CE Specialist Epidemiology, population biology, and integrated control of plant pathogens
Suslow, Trevor Department of Plant Sciences
  Extension Research Specialist Emeritus Preharvest to Postharvest Microbial food safety systems,postharvest transportation, Postharvest pathology
Temple, Steven Department of Plant Sciences
  WOS   CE Specialist III & Lecturer Agronomy and host plant resistance breeding of grain legumes, legume cover crops, sustainable farming systems; fluent in Spanish.
Timm, Robert Hopland Research & Extension Center
  Extension Wildlife Specialist emeritus Prevention and control of wildlife damage, solving human-wildlife conflicts, rodent and predator biology and behavior, wildlife management
Toscano, Nick Entomology (UCR)
  Extension Entomologist Integrated pest management involving insects, mites and other invertebrates in field and vegetable crops with emphasis on resistance management and alternatives to synthetic insecticides
Van Eenennaam, Alison Animal Science
  CE Specialist Animal Biotechnology and Genomics Animal genomics, biotechnology, beef cattle, genetic engineering, animal breeding
Westerdahl, Becky Nematology CAES
  CE Specialistáá Professor Applied nematology, integrated pest management
Wilson, Houston Entomology (UCR)
  Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist Orchard/vineyard IPM, insect ecology, organic agriculture, agroecology
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Byrne, Frank J. Entomology (UCR)
  Assoc. Res. Entomologist
Castiaux, Marianna Fresno County
  Academic Coordinator Small Farms Education, Outreach, Curriculum Development
Dreistadt, Steve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Principal Editor IPM, ornamentals, landscape, biological control
Farrar, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Director, Statewide IPM Program IPM, integrated pest management, plant pathology, vegetable diseases, fungi
Fordyce, Lauren Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Urban and Community IPM Educator
Hyland, Carly
Judelson, Howard Plant Pathology
  Professor and Plant Pathologist Molecular mycology
Martin, Tunyalee Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Associate Director for Communications Leads UC IPM communications, manages IPM publication projects, and supervises editorial and technical staff developing and producing IPM outreach materials for Web and print.
Maung, Zin Thu Zar Small Farm Program
  SRA-III Nematology. IPM
Patton, Mackenzie Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Integrated Pest Management Advisor
Paz Villegas, Jose
Ramirez-Strain, Jasmin Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  PSEP- ACADEMIC COORDINATOR Pesticide Safety Education
Reierson, Donald Entomology (UCR)
  Staff Research Associate Biology and control of cockroaches, ants, fleas, termites
Reynolds, Cheryl Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Interactive Learning Developer
Tian, Shufang Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Small Farms IPM Lead Coordinator
Windbiel, Karey Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Associate Director for Urban & Community IPM/ Area Urban IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management
Zhang, Minghua Land, Air & Water Resources
Anderson, Lars
  Aquatic plant management consultant Aquatic Weed Biology/Control
Shaw, David San Diego North County Office
  Farm Advisor Turfgrass, Landscape, Arboriculture, Irrigation Management
Other UC
Arnold, Kari Foundation Plant Services - CAES
  IR-4 Western Region Field Coordinator Ensuring that specialty crop farmers have legal access to safe and effective crop protection products.
DeBiase, Ria UC Davis
Stover-Blackburn, Julia Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
Membership Totals
Number of Members199
ANR Members197
Info Only0
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