Philip Waisen

Vegetable Crops Advisor
Riverside County
75080 Frank Sinatra Dr
Palm Desert, CA 92211
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Also in:
Imperial County
Riverside County, Palm Desert Office



Philip Waisen (Ph.D.)

Philip Waisen is a Vegetable Crops Advisor at the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE). He started on January 10, 2022, and works out of the Indio Office in Riverside with responsibilities both in Riverside and Imperial counties. Prior to joining UCCE, Philip was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he worked on Western SARE-funded research projects on nematode and soil health management in agroecosystems (tomato, peppers, cucurbits, asparagus, banana, brassicas). He also taught a graduate-level Plant Nematology course for a semester while as a postdoctoral researcher. For the whole of 2021, Philip was attached with his undergraduate school, the Papua New Guinea University of Technology as a part-time lecturer teaching Plant Pathology, Research Methods, and Horticultural Sciences courses.

Here at UCCE, Philip is developing Research and Extension Programs focused on Pest and Disease Management, Soil Health and Fertility Management, and Cover Crops and Insectary Plants in Low Desert Vegetable Cropping Systems. 

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Ph.D. Plant Pathology/Nematology, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 2019
MSc. Plant Pathology/Nematology, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 2015
BSc. Agricultural Sciences, Papua New Guinea University of Technology. 2012





Plant Pathology/Nematology/ Nematode Ecology/Soil Health/Cover Crops

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Waisen, P., Cheng, Z., and Criley, R. 2023. Effects of Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain AFS009 and Beauveria bassiana strain GHA against Plumeria rust in Hawaii. Plant Protection Science 59(2):202-207.

  • Ruso, M., P. Waisen., H. Lutgen., and Z. Cheng. 2023. Field Evaluation of organic and synthetic insecticides against the hala scale, Thysanococcus pandani Stickney (Hemiptera: Halimococcidae), on Maui, Hawai?i. Journal of Economic Entomology 184. 

  • Waisen, P., Cheng, Z., Sipes, B. S., and Wang, K-H. 2022. Biofumigation effects of brassicaceous cover crops on soil health in cucurbit agroecosystems in Hawaii, USA. Pedosphere 32(4):521–531.

  • Wang, K-H., Waisen, P., Paudel, R., Chen, G., Meyer, S. L. F., Hooks, C. R. R. 2022. Effects of Plasticulture and Conservation Tillage on Nematode Assemblage and Their Relationships with Nitrous Oxide Emission following a Winter Cover Cropping and Vegetable Production System. Horticulturae. 8:728.

  • Olmedo-Velarde, A., Loristo, J., Kong, A., Waisen, P., Wang, K. H., Hu, J., and Melzer, M. 2022. Examination of the Virome of Taro Plants Affected by a Lethal Disease, the Alomae-Bobone Virus Complex, in Papua New Guinea. Viruses 14(7):1410.

  • Waisen, P., and Wang, K.-H. 2022. Perspective Chapter: Capitalizing on the Host Suitability of Brassica Biofumigant Crops to Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in Agroecosystems - A Review on the Factors Affecting Biofumigation. In Kumar, S (Ed.), Brassica - Recent Advances. IntechOpen.

  • Wang, K.-H., Waisen, P., Leslie, A. W., Paudel, R., Meyer, S. L. F., and Hooks, C. R. R. 2022. Relationships between Soil Tillage Systems, Nematode Communities and Weed Seed Predation. Horticulturae 8(5):425. 

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Lutgen, H., Baldos, O., Waisen, P., DeFrank, J. 2024. Evaluation of Physical Barriers to Suppress Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) in Landscape Beds in Maui, Hawai'i. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa (Access).

  • Waisen, P. 2024. Nematode community and plant growth response to root leachate treatments on fruiting vegetables in low desert of California. Abstract. National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX, July 14-18. (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2024. Nematode community and plant growth response to root leachate treatments on fruiting vegetables in low desert of California. National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, July 14-18 (Access)

  • Waisen, P., Nguyen, H.C., Mosase, E., Bachie, O., Montazar, A., and Resendiz, A. 2024. Pre-Plant Benefits of Summer Cover Crops in Low Desert Vegetable Production. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 27(8):98-105. (Access)

  • Olmedo-Velarde, A; Shakhzadyan, H; West-Ortiz, M; Norton, R; Rethwisch, M; Waisen, P; Wilson, B; Heck, M. 2024. Redefinition of cotton leafroll dwarf virus as an emerging, possibly endemic virus in the United States. Abstract. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. Memphis, TN, July 27-30. (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2024. Root leachate treatment increased beneficial nematodes and improved plant growth – a potential organic option for growers in low desert. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 27(3):33-37 (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2023. Effects of Reduced-Risk Nematicides on Target and Non-Target Nematodes In Low Desert Vegetable Cropping System. Abstract. National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting, Des Moines, IA, August 13-17 (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2023. Effects of reduced-risk selective nematicides on target and non-target nematodes in low desert vegetable production systems – Final report. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 26(1):133-137. (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2023. Efficacy of Senstar® on green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) on lettuce in Coachella Valley. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 26(4):58-61. (Access)

  • Waisen, P. and Resendiz, A. 2023. Root leachate and reduced-risk nematicide treatments affected melon plant growth parameters in low desert growing conditions. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 26(6):83-87. (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2023. Soil health and nematode response to integrating Sudan grass rotation and reduced-risk nematicides on carrots in southern desert valleys of California. Abstract. National Association of County Agricultural Agents Meeting, Des Moines, IA. August 13-17, 2023 (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2023. Soil health and nematode response to integrating Sudan grass rotation with reduced-risk nematicides on carrot in Imperial Valley – A progress report. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 26(3):39-43. (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2022. Post-harvest nematicide treatment and tillage showed promise in reducing the initial root-knot nematode population on bell pepper. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 25(7):107-111. (Access)

  • Waisen, P., and Rethwisch, M. 2022. Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) distribution in weedy fallow and in-season okra fields. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 25(6):93-97 (Access)

  • Waisen, P. 2022. Vegetable planting and harvesting guide for the Coachella Valley. Imperial Agricultural Briefs 25(6):100-102 (Access)

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