Eddie Tanner

5630 South Broadway
Eureka, CA 95503-6998

Also in:
Del Norte County Office
Eddie received his M.S. in Agriculture from Washington State University, focusing on winter high tunnel lettuce. He researched how cultural practices affect Botrytis incidence and marketable yields. His undergraduate work was in wildland soil science at Humboldt State University.
He joins UCCE after a 25-year career on diversified vegetable and fruit farms. His agricultural journey began with an apprenticeship at Live Power Farm in Covelo, CA and culminated in his founding of Deepseeded Farm in Arcata, which he still owns.
He's passionate about ag education, and has led tours and classes for hundreds of school & university students and the community at large, and is the author of "The Humboldt Kitchen Gardener", a gardening handbook.
He enjoys birding and exploring nature with his wife and 2 sons.
Plant science, soil health, high tunnels, organic systems, vegetables, strawberries, fruit trees, native plant landscapingANR Workgroup Associations
- Small Farm - Member
- Vegetable Crops - Member
- Weed - Member