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Workgroup Information


Summary Researches wildland fire mitigation and wildland fire use including WUI fire impacts, fire effects research, decision support tools and helping communities with planning in the WUI.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Max Moritz (Chair)
Phone 805-893-8747
Unit: UC Santa Barbara - CE Specialist
Location: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
2100 E Second Street
Santa Barbara, 93106
Name Susan Kocher (Co-Chair)
Phone 530-542-2574
Unit: Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
Name Lenya Quinn-Davidson (Co-Chair)
Phone 707-445-7351
Unit: Humboldt County Office
Membership List
AES Scientist
Gonzales, Janis San Diego County
  Project Coordinator/Community Education Supervisor II Program development and management of specialty community education and outreach programs: Climate Resilient Agriculture, Goldspotted Oak Borer, Invasive Shot Hole Borer, South American Palm Weevil, Beekeeping and Wildfire
CE Advisor
Bennaton, Rob Master Food Preservers
  Bay Area Urban Agriculture Advisor Small Scale Food Production and Soil Quality/Resource Management ; Food and Land Access and Security
Carmignani, Luca Riverside County
  Fire Advisor Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fire behavior. Home hardening and defensible space.
Deak, Alison Mariposa County
  Fire Advisor
Dompka, Alec Del Norte County Office
  Rural Community & Economic Development Advisor Rural Economic Development, Asset-based economic and community development
Finzel, Julie Kern County
  Farm Advisor Animal Science and Rangeland Ecology and Management
Jones, Michael Mendocino County
  Forestry Advisor - Mendocino, Lake and Sonoma Counties Forest Health; Disturbance Ecology; Entomology; Integrated pest management of invasive and endemic forest pests
Kocher, Susan Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Forestry/ Natural Resources Advisor Forestry, wildfire, prescribed fire, post-fire recovery, adult education, facilitation, public participation
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Larson, Stephanie Sonoma County
  County Director and Livestock Range Management Advisor Sheep management and production, fiber production, rangeland and natural resource management, water quality
Lewis, David Marin County
  Director, Advisor Water and Watershed Management and Research, Community Development, Sustainable Agricutlure
Macon, Daniel Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland livestock production, economics, and management
Mashiri, Fadzayi Mariposa County
  County Director Mariposa, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Mariposa, Merced Counties Rangeland Ecology and Management, Management of Natural Resources, Livestock Management, Weed Management, Grazing Management, Ecosystem Services
Nader, Glenn Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Farm Advisor   Livestock and Natural Resources, Emeritus Livestock, forage crops, range and natural resources
Nobua-Behrmann, Beatriz Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor
Norville, Tori Sonoma County
  Cooperative Extension Fire Advisor
Quarles, Stephen Center for Forestry (UCB)
  CE Advisor  Emeritus Performance of materials in wood-frame buildings; wildfire; moisture; physical properties of wood
Quinn-Davidson, Lenya Humboldt County Office
  Fire Network Director Fire Ecology and Management
Rao, Devii San Benito County
  San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland Ecology and Management, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management, Conservation of Biological Diversity, Watershed Protection and Management.
Satink Wolfson, Barbara San Benito County
  Fire Advisor Wildland fire
Satomi, Ricky Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Forestry/Natural Resources Advisor Forest Management, Geographic Information Systems, Biomass
Schohr, Tracy Plumas Sierra
  Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor Research and extension in the region focused on irrigated pasture, invasive species, mountain meadows, water quality and business management. Catastrophic fires in her counties have also lead to an evolving program on urban fire implications to natural resources, disaster preparedness and shelter management.
Stackhouse, Jeffery Humboldt County Office
  Livestock and Natural Resource Advisor
Sung-Jereczek, Alexandra
Swain, Steven Marin County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Woody plants and their pests and diseases, integrated pest management, water use and conservation, defensible space for fire
Tompkins, Ryan Plumas Sierra
  UC Cooperative Extension Forest & Natural Resource Advisor
Valachovic, Yana Humboldt County Office
  Forest Advisor and Humboldt - Del Norte County Director Forest management and ecology, oak woodlands, wildfire preparation, home hardening
Woelfle-Hazard, Cleo Humboldt County Office
  UC Cooperative Extension Fire Advisor community-led research in fire-water relations
Woodward, Brian Santa Cruz County
  Forest Advisor for Santa Cruz, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties forest ecology, fire ecology, prescribed fire, forest monitoring, coast redwood, forest regeneration, forest management, disturbance ecology, remote sensing
CE Specialist
Garbelotto Benzon, NH Matteo M Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Extension Specialist in Forest Pathology and Adjunct Professor Forest pathology and mycology, biodiversity,
Kelly, Maggi ESPM - Ecosystem Sciences
  Director, Statewide IGIS Program, Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist GIS - remote sensing - spatial modeling - UAVs - participatory research
Maier, Gabriele School of Veterinary Medicine
  DVM, MPVM, DACVPM, PhD Beef Cattle Herd Health & Production
Mayencourt, Paul Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension in Wood Products and Design
Moritz, Max UC Santa Barbara - CE Specialist
  Specialist in Cooperative Extension Fire Ecology and Management; Disturbance Regimes; Spatial Analysis; Fire Policy; Climate Change Adaptation
York, Robert Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension / Co-Director, Berkeley Forests / Adjunct Associate Professor of Forestry Silviculture, prescribed fire, forest ecology
Other ANR
Bailey, John Hopland Research & Extension Center
  Director Sustainable enterprise, ecological horticulture, business planning
Benterou, David
  Staff Research Associate 2
Dean, Grace
  Forest Stewardship Communications Specialist
Dutch, Nic Plumas Sierra
  Post-Fire Forest Resilience Staff Research Associate II
Enright, Mimi Sonoma County
  Program Manager, UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County & Community Food Systems Food Systems, California native plants, Food loss & recovery, Firewise landscaping, Climate change in the home landscape, sustainable landscaping
Flavell, Dustin Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
  SFREC Center Director
Grevatt, Kestrel
Kearns, Faith California Institute for Water Resources
  Academic Coordinator II water and drought, fire, climate change,science communication
Low, Katie Placer-Nevada Counties
  Statewide Coordinator - UC ANR Fire Network Fire ecology, Forest ecology, Forest management, Fuel reduction treatments
Mark, Fay
McEntee, Sashi
  Wildfire Vegetation Mitigation Program Manager Policy
Pastrana, Joaquin Placer-Nevada Counties
  UCANR Fire Network Staff Research Associate
Peeters, Michelle Environmental Stewards (formerly California Naturalist Program)
  Community Education Specialist 2 (Placer & NorCal), npinzon
Porter, Sophia Marin County
  Forest Stewardship Education Specialist
Reidy, Katie Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Post-fire Forest Resilience Education Coordinator, Academic Coordinator II
Robinson, Wallis
Wade, Daylin
  Staff Research Associate II
Waks, Lulu Sonoma County
Zahra, Isabella Sonoma County
Other UC
Gilless, J. Keith Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Dean Emeritus & Professor Emeritus of Forest Economics Forest economics and management, regional economics, wildfire protection planning, forestry development
Shafer, Autym
  CFSC Coordinator
Waldner, Katanja
  CFSC Coordinator
Membership Totals
Number of Members58
ANR Members58
Info Only0
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