ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

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Workgroup Information


Summary Since the Endangered Species Act (1973), wildlife issues have become a growing threat to agriculture across the Unite States and California. There is a need for unbiased research to lend its hand in identifying needs and solutions around these issues. UC ANR has many strong wildlife scientists scattered across its' numerous disciplines, but needs a way to organize these persons into a unified voice. To connect a diverse set of UCCE employees with training, interest, and expertise in wildlife research/related issues and have a formal way to ensure that the wildlife aspect of our environment has a voice within UC extension. UC ANR's strategic vision strives to be all-encompassing, including "healthy environments". Wildlife are an intrinsic part of the environment.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Roger Baldwin (Co-Chair)
Phone (530) 752-4551
Unit: Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
Name Laura Snell (Co-Chair)
Phone (530)233-6400
Unit: Modoc County
Name Jeffery Stackhouse (Co-Chair)
Phone 707-445-7351
Unit: Humboldt County Office
Membership List, kvgilardi
Najera, Fernando Wildlife Health Center
Wilkinson, Christine
AES Scientist
Brashares, Justin Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
Crump, Amanda
  Lecturer, International Agricultural Development Extension Education, Postsecondary Education, Women and Vulnerable Groups, International Agricultural Development, International Program Management and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Integrated Pest Management, Tree Health, Technology Transfer Evaluation
Van Vuren, Dirk Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
  Professor Ecological approaches for managing vertebrate pests; ecology and behavior of mammals; conservation biology, especially the ecology, evolution, and control of exotic species.
Vickers, Winston
  Associate Veterinarian Wildlife epidemiology and ecology
CE Advisor
Audoin, Flavie Amador County
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
Barry, Sheila Santa Clara County
  County Director/ Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, San Francisco Bay Area Rangeland Ecology and Management, Beef Cattle Production, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management,
Becchetti, Theresa Stanislaus County
  Farm Advisor Livestock and Natural Resources, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties
Bettiga, Larry Monterey County
  Acting Monterey County Director & Viticulture Farm Advisor Wine grape production, canopy management, pest management, rootstock and clonal evaluation.
Blakey, Dustin Inyo-Mono Counties
  County Director / Farm Advisor
Brim-Deforest, Whitney Sutter-Yuba Counties
  County Director, Sutter and Yuba Counties and CE Rice and Wild Rice Advisor Rice, Weeds
Cooper, Monica Napa County
  Farm Advisor-Viticulture Viticulture and Pest Management
Finzel, Julie Kern County
  Farm Advisor Animal Science and Rangeland Ecology and Management
Goodell, Peter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus, IPM Development and delivery of IPM tactics, nematode and insect pest management in field crops, (cotton, alfalfa, melon) developing IPM strategies at the ecological landscape level
Harper, John Mendocino County
  Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Larson, Stephanie Sonoma County
  County Director and Livestock Range Management Advisor Sheep management and production, fiber production, rangeland and natural resource management, water quality
Lewis, David Marin County
  Director, Advisor Water and Watershed Management and Research, Community Development, Sustainable Agricutlure
Lile, David Lassen County
  County Director Livestock / Natural Resources
Long, Rachael Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor for Field Crops, Pest Management Pest management, agronomy, dry beans, alfalfa, water quality, oil seed crops
Macon, Daniel Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland livestock production, economics, and management
Martinico, Breanna Napa County
  Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor Avian Ecology
Mathesius, Konrad
  Farm Advisor Agronomy: Wheat, Grains, Corn, Barley, Safflower, Soils
Miyao, Eugene Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crops Processing tomato production.
Quinn, Niamh Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor
Rao, Devii San Benito County
  San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland Ecology and Management, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management, Conservation of Biological Diversity, Watershed Protection and Management.
Rios, Sonia
  Area Subtropical Horticulture Advisor
Rivers, Carissa Siskiyou County
  County Director/Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor
Roncoroni, John Napa County
  Weed Science Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control and Vegetation Management in Perennial Crops, Covercrops and Aquatic Weed Control
Schohr, Tracy Plumas Sierra
  Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor Research and extension in the region focused on irrigated pasture, invasive species, mountain meadows, water quality and business management. Catastrophic fires in her counties have also lead to an evolving program on urban fire implications to natural resources, disaster preparedness and shelter management.
Smith, Richard UCCE
  Vegetable Crops and Weed Science Farm Advisor
Snell, Laura Modoc County
  County Director and Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor Livestock & Natural Resources
Stackhouse, Jeffery Humboldt County Office
  Livestock and Natural Resource Advisor
Tjosvold, Steven Santa Cruz County
  Environmental Horticulture Farm Advisor Emeritus Environmental horticulture
Valachovic, Yana Humboldt County Office
  Forest Advisor and Humboldt - Del Norte County Director Forest management and ecology, oak woodlands, wildfire preparation, home hardening
Verdegaal, Paul
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, almonds
Wilen, Cheryl Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor - Emeritus Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for ornamental plant production and maintenance including nurseries, greenhouses, field production, floriculture, turf and landscape, pesticide reduction and alternatives. Research specialty in weed management, snails & slugs.
Woodmansee, Grace Siskiyou County
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
CE Specialist
Baldwin, Roger Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
  Cooperative Extension Specialist: Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution Wildlife Damage and Pest Management
Bali, Khaled Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Irrigation Water Management Specialist Irrigation and water management, irrigation systems, soil salinity, drainage, infiltration, water quality, TMDL, biosolids
Eskalen, Akif Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor of Cooperative Extension in Plant Pathology Research in my lab is applied and focuses on the identification, biology, epidemiology, and control of fungal pathogens on vines, small fruit & berries, and pome fruits in California.
Fidelibus, Matthew Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Raisin, table and wine grape production,fruit quality, whole-plant physiology, plant growth regulators, weeds.
Gerry, Alec Entomology (UCR)
  Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Veterinary Entomology Veterinary Entomology
Pires, Alda Population Health & Reproduction
  Associate Specialist in Cooperative Extension & Associate Agronomist in AES Urban Agriculture and Food Safety, Veterinary Epidemiology,
Tate, Tina Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Livestock and Rangeland Economics
Sandoval Solis, Samuel Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources Water Resources Management, Environmental Flows, Agricultural Water management, Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Science Communication
Scott, Thomas Earth Sciences
  Natural Resources, Wildlife Specialist Conservation of wildlife, wildlife/urban interface. Response of wildlife to human disturbances
Other ANR
Baur, Matthew Western IPM Center
  Director, Western IPM Center
Beck, Jacalyn
  Academic Programs Manager
Dahlberg, Jeffery Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Director-UC-ANR-KARE Plant Breeding and Genetics
Dreistadt, Steve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Principal Editor IPM, ornamentals, landscape, biological control
Farrar, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Director, Statewide IPM Program IPM, integrated pest management, plant pathology, vegetable diseases, fungi
Feirer, Shane Informatics and GIS (IGIS) Statewide Program
  Geographic Information Systems - Supervisor II GIS analyses with emphasis on natural resource related topics
Fordyce, Lauren Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Urban and Community IPM Educator
Giusti, Gregory Lake County
  Forests & Wildland Ecology Advisor- Emeritus Forest management, wildlife management, vertebrate pest management, wetlands, watersheds, fisheries and freshwater ecology
Little, Janyne Lassen County
  Community Education Specialist
Rodrigues, Kimberly
  Cooperative Extension Specialist, Emeritus Administration; Environmental Science, Policy and Management; Collaborative Science
Tietje, Bill
  Area Natural Resource Specialist Oak woodland ecology and management, human impacts on wildlife, oak regeneration, land use planning
Windbiel, Karey Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Associate Director for Urban & Community IPM/ Area Urban IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management
Membership Totals
Number of Members61
ANR Members61
Info Only0
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