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Workgroup Information

Oak Woodland Conservation

Summary Management and maintenance of California's 10 million acres of oak woodlands or hardwood rangelands.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Devii Rao (Co-Chair)
Phone 831-205-3125
Unit: San Benito County
Membership List
Davis, Frank
AES Scientist
Ackerly, David Dean's Office CNR
  Dean of College of Natural Resources and Professor Climate change impacts on California biodiversity, including distribution modeling, long-term vegetation dynamics and focal studies of selected plant species.
Allen-Diaz, Barbara
  CE Advisor, Emeritus Rangeland Ecology and Management
(info only) Baldocchi, Dennis Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Executive Associate Dean and Distinguished Professor of Biometeorology biosphere-atmosphere interactions
Barrett, Reginald Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor of Wildlife Ecology & Management Wildlife management, especially the response of wildlife to land management practices and the management of introduced vertebrates
(info only) Bledsoe, Caroline Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  AES   Professor   Microbial Ecologist Rhizosphere ecology, plant physiology, forest ecosystems mycorrhizae, nutrient uptake
Dodd, Richard Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Plant population genetics and evolution
Fortmann, Louise Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Natural resource sociology; rural development, science and society
Hopkinson, Peter
Huntsinger, Lynn Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor and Associate Dean of Instruction & Student Affairs Rangeland management and ecology, Native American natural resource management, pastoralism, China, culture and natural resources
(info only) O'Hara, Kevin Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Silviculture, forest management, stand dynamics
Rice, Kevin Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor I Plant population ecology, conservation biology, restoration ecology, ecological genetics.
(info only) Silver, Whendee Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, greenhouse gases, soils, plants, rangelands, tropical forests, grassalnds, wetlands, dairies, waste, compost, carbon sequestration, redox
CE Advisor
Barry, Sheila Santa Clara County
  County Director/ Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, San Francisco Bay Area Rangeland Ecology and Management, Beef Cattle Production, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management,
Bell, Carl Ventura County
  Regional Advisor Invasive Plants
Costello, Laurence
  Urban forestry and landscape horticulture
Davy, Josh Tehama County
  Livestock, Range, and Natural Resources Advisor / County Director Livestock, Range and Irrigated Pasture
De Lasaux, Michael Plumas Sierra
  Natural Resources Advisor Forestry, Community Fuel Reduction and Watershed Management
Doran, Morgan Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  UC Cooperative Extension Advisor for Livestock and Natural Resources Livestock, beef cattle, sheep, nutrition, range management, irrigated pastures, grazing systems, ranch water quality.
Downer, Arthur Ventura County
  Environmental Horticulture/Plant Pathology Advisor Emeritus Pathology of landscape ornamentals , Phytophthora Root Rot, Mulches, Potting soils, Palm horticulture, climate ready trees, arboriculture, Master Gardener Advisor.
Drill, Sabrina Los Angeles County
  Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Climate resilience, urban ecology, watershed education, community science and engagement, environmental justice, conservation and restoration of aquatic and wildland habitats and anadramous fishes, aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, fire ecology and landscape preparation, land use and conservation planning
Finzel, Julie Kern County
  Farm Advisor Animal Science and Rangeland Ecology and Management
Forero, Larry Shasta County
  Emeritus: County Director Livestock and Natural resources
Garcia, Emeritus, Sergio San Benito County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus -   Livestock   Range and Natural Resources
Harper, John Mendocino County
  Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.
Ingram, Roger Placer-Nevada Counties
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, Emeritus Grazing management, fencing, nutrition, economics, livestock, range, land use, low-stress livestock handling, California Grazing Academy
Jones, Michael Mendocino County
  Forestry Advisor - Mendocino, Lake and Sonoma Counties Forest Health; Disturbance Ecology; Entomology; Integrated pest management of invasive and endemic forest pests
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Lewis, David Marin County
  Director, Advisor Water and Watershed Management and Research, Community Development, Sustainable Agricutlure
Macon, Daniel Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland livestock production, economics, and management
(info only) Marcum, Daniel Shasta-Lassen Office
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Irrigation, plant nutrition, salinity, entomology, sustainable agriculture, agronomy, vegetable crops, engineering, plant pathology, integrated pest management, systems management, economics, weed control, nematology, strawberry nursery production, garlic, wild rice, alfalfa, timothy, sugarbeet, pasture, range, biodiversity, peppermint, viticulture
Marzolla, A Ventura County
  Emeritus Youth development, environmental & science education, educational materials development, critical pedagogy
Mashiri, Fadzayi Mariposa County
  County Director Mariposa, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Mariposa, Merced Counties Rangeland Ecology and Management, Management of Natural Resources, Livestock Management, Weed Management, Grazing Management, Ecosystem Services
McDougald, Neil Madera County
  Natural Resources Farm Advisor, Emeritus Range and livestock
(info only) Mcgourty, Glenn Mendocino County
  Viticulture & Plant Science Advisor - Emeritus Plant science--all horticultural crops including wine grapes, vegetables; viticulture; nursery and floriculture (ornamentals); landscape; also sustainable agriculture and weed science
Oneto, Scott Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Agriculture, master gardener program, rangeland management, weed science
Ozeran, Rebecca Fresno County
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
Quarles, Stephen Center for Forestry (UCB)
  CE Advisor  Emeritus Performance of materials in wood-frame buildings; wildfire; moisture; physical properties of wood
Quinn-Davidson, Lenya Humboldt County Office
  Fire Network Director Fire Ecology and Management
Rao, Devii San Benito County
  San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland Ecology and Management, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management, Conservation of Biological Diversity, Watershed Protection and Management.
Rivers, Carissa Siskiyou County
  County Director/Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor
Schohr, Tracy Plumas Sierra
  Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor Research and extension in the region focused on irrigated pasture, invasive species, mountain meadows, water quality and business management. Catastrophic fires in her counties have also lead to an evolving program on urban fire implications to natural resources, disaster preparedness and shelter management.
Shapero, Matthew Santa Barbara County
  Livestock and Range Advisor The Livestock & Range program provides locally based extension, education, and applied research focused primarily on the interactions of livestock production systems with rangeland ecosystems, including wildlife habitat, invasive plants, wildland fire, prescribed fire, soil health, and watershed health. It aims to serve the needs of agricultural producers and land managers, to increase production efficiency, and to promote ecologically and economically viable agricultural operations.
Stackhouse, Jeffery Humboldt County Office
  Livestock and Natural Resource Advisor
Swain, Steven Marin County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Woody plants and their pests and diseases, integrated pest management, water use and conservation, defensible space for fire
Tjosvold, Steven Santa Cruz County
  Environmental Horticulture Farm Advisor Emeritus Environmental horticulture
Valachovic, Yana Humboldt County Office
  Forest Advisor and Humboldt - Del Norte County Director Forest management and ecology, oak woodlands, wildfire preparation, home hardening
CE Specialist
Allen, Edith Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Natural Resources Specialist & Professor of Plant Ecology
(info only) Garbelotto Benzon, NH Matteo M Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Extension Specialist in Forest Pathology and Adjunct Professor Forest pathology and mycology, biodiversity,
George, Melvin Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist, Emeritus Range and pasture improvement, grazing management, rangeland water quality, rangeland management practices, ranch planning, and ecological site descriptions.
James, Jeremy Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
  SFREC Center Director Range Management
Kelly, Maggi ESPM - Ecosystem Sciences
  Director, Statewide IGIS Program, Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist GIS - remote sensing - spatial modeling - UAVs - participatory research
Merenlender, Adina Hopland Research & Extension Center
  Professor of Cooperative Extension in Conservation Science conservation biology, land use planning, habitat connectivity, environmental education, climate stewardship
Moritz, Max UC Santa Barbara - CE Specialist
  Specialist in Cooperative Extension Fire Ecology and Management; Disturbance Regimes; Spatial Analysis; Fire Policy; Climate Change Adaptation
Salmon, Terrell Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Vertebrate pest control; vertebrate ecology; animal damage (rodents and misc vertebrates); bird damage; predators
Scott, Thomas Earth Sciences
  Natural Resources, Wildlife Specialist Conservation of wildlife, wildlife/urban interface. Response of wildlife to human disturbances
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Temple, Steven Department of Plant Sciences
  WOS   CE Specialist III & Lecturer Agronomy and host plant resistance breeding of grain legumes, legume cover crops, sustainable farming systems; fluent in Spanish.
(info only) Timm, Robert Hopland Research & Extension Center
  Extension Wildlife Specialist emeritus Prevention and control of wildlife damage, solving human-wildlife conflicts, rodent and predator biology and behavior, wildlife management
Other ANR
(info only) Alexander, Janice Marin County
  Forest Health Program Coordinator
Bartolome, James Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Ecology and management of California's rangelands
Bugg, Robert Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Information Analyst Develop, gather and disseminate information on cover cropping, pest management and restoration ecology
Frost, William Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  CE Advisor, Emeritus
Giusti, Gregory Lake County
  Forests & Wildland Ecology Advisor- Emeritus Forest management, wildlife management, vertebrate pest management, wetlands, watersheds, fisheries and freshwater ecology
Miller-Cripps, Rebecca UC Master Gardener Program
  Natural Resources Community Education Specialist - Retired California Naturalist Program - UCCE Central Sierra
Nakamura, Gary Center for Forestry (UCB)
  Area Forestry Specialist;retired Conifer forest management, silviculture, environmental education for teachers, biomass harvesting, eucalyptus production, power plant ash, bioregional councils, community-based forestry
Shelly,, John Center for Forestry (UCB)
  CE Advisor - Forest Products and Biomass Utilization, Emeritus Forest Products, Wood manufacturing methods, biomass utilization,physical properties of wood
Standiford, Richard ESPM - Ecosystem Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Forest Management Specialist, Emeritus Resource economics; forest management; hardwood rangelands; silviculture
Stewart, William Center for Forestry (UCB)
  Specialist forest management, climate impacts of forest management and forest product substitution benefits, vegetation management and fire/smoke impacts.
Tietje, Bill
  Area Natural Resource Specialist Oak woodland ecology and management, human impacts on wildlife, oak regeneration, land use planning
Axelson, Jodi Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist Forest Health, Insect outbreaks, Forest Management, Dendrochronology, Wood anatomy
Brownsey, Philip
Ford, Larry
  Senior Natrual Resource Scientist Rangeland ecology and management--endangered species habitat
Foss, Roxanne
  Senior Ecologist Range and Plant Ecology
Halbur, Michelle Pepperwood Preserve
  Pepperwood Preserve Ecologist
Halbur, Michelle
  Pepperwood Preserve Ecologist
Lawson, Dawn US Navy/San Diego State University
López Sánchez, Aida
Martin, Lottie Santa Barbara County Ag Commissioner
  Oak Education Specialist, vmatzek
McLaughlin, Blair
  Dr. Oak woodlands and climate change
Muffly, Dave Apple
Reynolds, Mark TNC
  Land-use Ecologist Woodland bird habitat relationships
Spotswood, Erica
Swiecki, Ted
  Principal / Plant Pathologist Plant pathology, Phytophthora, CA native plant pathogens, CA native oaks
Weitkamp, William H.
  Farm Advisor
Other UC
(info only) Gennet, Sasha UCB
  Graduate Student Researcher
Macaulay, Luke Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
(info only) Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Sork, Victoria UC Los Angeles
(info only) Tomerlin, David
Tyler, Claudia UCSB
  Research Scientist Oak regeneration
Wood, David Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor   Emeritus Host selection behavior of forest insects; chemical ecology of forest insects; biology and ecology of barkbeetles, forest pest management, insect-pathogen-plant interactions,
Membership Totals
Number of Members93
ANR Members77
Info Only12
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