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Janet Caprile

Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension
2380 Bisso Lane, Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
jlcaprile@ucdavis.edu Create VCard


MS Horticulture (Pomology), UC Davis. 1986
BS Conservation of Natural Resources, UC Berkeley. 1980


Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (2013). Cherry: Spotted Wing Drosophila. Cherry Pest Management Guidelines: Insects. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3440. March 2013. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Trouilla, F.; Peduto, F., et al. (2011). "Calosphaeria canker of sweet cherry caused by Calosphaeria pulchella in California and South Australia." Plant Disease First Look 94: 1167.1.
  • Caprile, J.; Vossen, P. (2011). "Codling Moth - Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners and Landscape Professionals." Pest Notes Publication 7412: 6.
  • Dalton, D.; Walton, V., et al. (2011). "Laboratory survival of Drosophila suzukii under simulated winter conditions of the Pacific Northwest and seasonal field trapping in five primary regions of small and stone fruit production in the United States." Pest Management Science 67(11): 1368-1374.
  • Caprile, J.; Flint, M., et al. (2011). "Spotted Wing Drosophila." Pest Notes Publication 74158: 4.
  • Caprile, J.; Flint, M., et al. (2011, March 2011). "Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii: A New Pest in California – Provisional Guidelines: Management on Cherries in Home Garden Situations." Exotic and Invasive Pests from http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/EXOTIC/drosophila.html.
  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (2010). Cherry: Spotted Wing Drosophila. Cherry Pest Management Guidelines: Insects. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3440. May 2010. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Hasey, J.; Lampinen, B., et al. (2010). "Crown Gall Incidence: Seedling Paradox Walnut Rootstock Versus Own Rooted English Walnut Trees." Acta Horticulturae April 2010(861): 453-455.
  • Trouilla, F.; Lorber, J., et al. (2010). "First report of Calosphaeria pulchella associated with branch dieback of sweet cherry trees in California." Plant Disease 94: 1167.1.
  • Caprile, J.; Flint, M., et al. (2010). Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii: A New Pest in California – Provisional Guidelines: Management on Cherries in Home Garden Situations. Exotic and Invasive Pests. UC IPM website. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/EXOTIC/drosophila.html
  • Bolda, M.; Coates, W., et al. (2009). A New Pest in California: Spotted Wing Drosophilla. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Caprile, J.; Wunderlich, L., et al. (2009). Apple pest management guidelines – insects and mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3432. March 2009. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Gubler, W., et al. (2009). Cherry Pest Management Guidelines: Diseases. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3440. November 2009. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (2009). Cherry Pest Management Guidelines: Insects. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3440. November 2009. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Caprile, J..; Adaskaveg, J., et al. (2009). Cherry Year-Round IPM Program and General Information Sections. Cherry Pest Management Guidelines. November 2009. www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Apricot. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines.M. Flint. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3433.
  • Statewide IPM program, UC (2007). "Apricot Year Round IPM Program." UC IPM Website from
  • Caprile, J.; Wunderlich, L., et al. (2006). Apple pest management guidelines – insects and mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3432, 6-55. August 2006. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2006). Codling Moth Control in Apples, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests.
  • Johnson, M; Zalom, F., et al. (2006). "Olive fruit fly management guidelines for 2006." UC Plant Protection Quarterly 16(3): 1.
  • Caprile, J.; Vossen, P. (2005). "Codling Moth - Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners." Pest Notes Publication 7412: 6.
  • Caprile, J.; Valencia, L., et al. (2002). Apple pest management guidelines – insects and mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication. Publication 3432, B1-B41. August 2002. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/selectnewpest.apples.html
  • Mullen, R.; Caprile, J., et al. (2001). "New weed management research in processing tomatoes." Acta Horticulturae August 2001(542): 39-45.
  • Mills, N,; Pickel, C., et al. (2000). "Mass releases of Trichogramma wasps can reduce damage from codling moth." California Agriculture 54(6): 22-25.
  • Swezey, S.; Vossen, P., et al. (2000). Organic Apple Production Manual. DANR (Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources) Publication. Publication 3403.
  • Bentley, W.; Caprile, J., et al. (1999). "Codling moth." Pest Note UC DANR Publication 7412: 4.
  • Mullen, R.; Caprile, J., et al. (1999). "Recent research developments in tomato weed management." Acta Horticulturae 487: 165-170.
  • Murray, M.; Cahn, M., et al. (1999). "University of California Cooperative Extension Processing Tomato Cultivar Evaluation Program." Hort Technology 9(1): 36-39.
  • Caprile, J.; Myers, C. (1998). Salsify, Oyster Plant. Specialty and Minor Crops Handbook, 2nd edition. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3346: 110-111.
  • Smith, R.; Aguilar, J., et al. (1998). "Sweet Corn Production in California." DANR Publication 7223
  • Hartz, T.; Caprile, J. (1995). "Germination of sh-2 sweet corn following seed disinfection, solid matrix priming, and microbial seed treatment." Hortscience 30(7): 1400-1402.
  • Caprile, J.; Klonsky, K., et al. (1994). "Organic and conventional apple comparison studies: Contra Costa County experiences." California Agriculture 48(6): 22-28.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). "The transition to organic apple production." California Agriculture 48(6): 20.
  • Caprile, J.; Myers, C. (1991). Salsify, Oyster Plant. Specialty and Minor Crops Handbook. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Small Farm Center. Publication 3346: 2.
  • Hickman, G.; Caprile, J., et al. (1989). "Oak tree hazard evaluation." Journal of Arboriculture 15(8): 177-184.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Caprile, J. (2014). Cherry Buckskin Survey Results. Crop Currents. Summer 2014.
  • Caprile, J.; Leslie, C. (2014). Evaluation of blackline tolerant rootstocks - 2013. Walnut Research Reports, 2013. California Walnut Board Project. 11CWB15, 97-102.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). Funding for Irrigation System Improvements. Crop Currents. Summer 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). How Much Water Do Trees & Vines Need? Crop Currents. Summer 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). Mid-Summer Water Curtailment? Crop Currents. Summer 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). Orchard July Leaf Analysis. Crop Currents. Summer 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). The Weather Report. Crop Currents. Winter 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). UC Celebrates 100 Years. Crop Currents. Spring 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). UC Drought & Weed Management Information. Crop Currents. Winter 2014.
  • Caprile, J. (2014). Water Quality Considerations. Crop Currents. Summer 2014.
  • Van Steenwyk, B.; Coates, B., et al. (2013). Biology, Monitoring and Control of the Spotted Wing Drosophila - 2013. California Cherry Board Research Report. November 2013.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). Brown Rot Control on Stone Fruit. Crop Currents. Spring 2013.
  • Gubler, W.; Hanstead, J., et al. (2013). Control of Cherry Canker in Sweet Cherry. California Cherry Board Research Report. November 2013.
  • Caprile, J.; Van Steenwyk, B. (2013). Enhancing GF-120 to Control Spotted Winged Drosophila. 87th Annual Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 8-11, 2013.
  • Caprile, J.; Leslie, C. (2013). Evaluation of blackline hypersensitive cultivars - 2012. Walnut Research Reports, 2012. California Walnut Board Project. 11CWB15, 47-53.
  • Caprile, J.; Leslie, C. (2013). Evaluation of blackline hypersensitive cultivars - 2012. Walnut Research Reports, 2012. California Walnut Board Project. 11CWB15, 47-53.
  • Caprile, J.; Leslie, C. (2013). Evaluation of blackline tolerant rootstocks - 2012. Walnut Research Reports, 2012. California Walnut Board Project. 11CWB15, 81-87-83.
  • Tom, S.; Wang, X., et al. (2013). Investigating Biological Controls to Supporess Spotted Wing Drosophila Population. California Cherry Board Interim Report. August 2013. Coordinated the Contra Costa County trials or ths project
  • Stewart, Tom; Wang, X., et al. (2013). Investigating Biological Controls to Suppress Spotted Wing Drosophila Populations. California Cherry Advisory Board Research Report. November 2013.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). Management of Peach Leaf Curl - New Approaches. Crop Currents. Fall 2013.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). Olive Fruit Fly Damage. Crop Currents. Fall 2013.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). Olive Oil Testing. Crop Currents. Spring 2013.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). Produce Professional Certificate Program. Crop Currents. Spring 2013.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). University of California Cooperative Extension Programs in Environmental Stewardship and Educating the Next Generation About Food and Agriculture. Contra Costa County - 2013 Annual Crop Report. 15-17.
  • Caprile, J. (2013). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Spring 2013.
  • Caprile, J.; Grant, J., et al. (2012). Biology and Control of the Spotting Wing Drosophila - Phenology, GF120 Enhangement Trials, Damage Surveys. California Cherry Advisory Board Research Report. November 2012.
  • Van Steenwyk, B.; Coates, B., et al. (2012). Biology, Monitoring and Control of the Spotted Wing Drosophila. California Cherry Advisory Board Research Report. October 2012.
  • Caprile, J.; Leslie, C., et al. (2012). Evaluation of blackline resistant (hypersensitive) cultivars. Walnut Research Reports, 2011. California Walnut Board Project. 92WMB2, 41-46.
  • Caprile, J.; McGranahan, G., et al. (2012). Evaluation of blackline tolerant rootstocks. Walnut Research Reports, 2011. California Walnut Board Project. 09CWB6, 79-83.
  • Caprile, J. (2012). Seasonal Phenology, Trap Comparisons and Damage Observations for Spotted Wing Drosophila in California Cherries. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 2012. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Caprile, J. (2012). Spotted Wing Drosophila Damage & Spray Survey. Meeting Handout. March 2012.
  • Caprile, J. (2012). Spotted Wing Drosophila Traps. Meeting Handout. March 2012.
  • Caprile, J. (2012). Weather Report. Crop Currents. January 2012.
  • Caprile, J. (2011). Agritourism Summit: adopting regulations to meet changing needs. November 2011. UC Small Farm Center Website: http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/events/11agtoursummit/caprile.pdf
  • Caprile, J.; Grant, J., et al. (2011). Biology and Control of the Spotted Wing Drosophila - Phenology and Trap Comparisons. California Cherry Advisory Board Research Report. November 2011.
  • Van Steenwyk, B.; Coates, B., et al. (2011). Biology and Control of the Spotting Wing Drosophila. California Cherry Advisory Board Research Report. October 2011.
  • Caprile, J.; McGranahan, G., et al. (2011). Evaluation of blackline resistant (hypersensitive) cultivars. Walnut Research Reports, 2010. California Walnut Board Project. 92WMB2, 41-46.
  • Caprile, J.; McGranahan, G., et al. (2011). Evaluation of blackline tolerant rootstocks. Walnut Research Reports, 2010. California Walnut Board Project. 09CWB6, 41-46.
  • Caprile, J. (2011). Monitoring, Damage Assessment & Mass Trapping of Spotted Wing Drosophila in the Northern San Joaquin Valley. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 2011. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (2011). Sample Costs To Establish an Orchard and Produce Sweet Cherries - Northern San Joaquin Valley. University of California Cooperative Extension. Publication CH-VN-11, 25. May 2011. Also at Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics website: http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu/files/CherryVN2011.pdf
  • Coates, W.; Van Steenwyk, B., et al. (2011). Spotted wing drosophila design and adult seasonal fly distribution. Pacific Branch Entomology Society of America (Meeting Abstract). Hawaii. 21. March 2011.
  • Caprile, J. (2011). Spotted Wing Drosophila Update. Cal Poly CAFES (College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences ) Center for Sustainability Website: http://cfs.calpoly.edu/programs/PMC10agenda.html
  • Van Steenwyk, B.; Grant, J., et al. (2011). Two Page ID Cards for SWD males and females. Meeting Handouts. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PDF/PMG/SWD_IDCard.pdf
  • Caprile, J. (2011). Watch your salt intake. Western Fruit Grower. September 2011. http://www.growingproduce.com/article/23884/watch-your-salt-intake
  • Caprile, J.; Grant, J., et al. (2010). Biology and Control of the Spotted Wing Drosophila: Phenology, Monitoring, and other Efforts in the Northern San Joaquin Valley. Research Report to the California Cherry Advisory Board. 19. November 2010.
  • Caprile, J. (2010). Developing Monitoring Methods for Spotted Wing Drosophila in California Cherries. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 2010. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Caprile, J. (2010). Home Cherry Tree Mass Trapping Spotted Wing Drosophila Project. Guidelines and directions for project volunteers. 3.
  • Caprile, J. (2010). Home Cherry Tree Mass Trapping Test for the Spotted Wing Drosophila. Handout for home cherry trees. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2010). Spotted Wing Drosophila Biology and Life Cyle (Meeting Handout). 2. March 2010.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J., et al. (2010). Spotted Wing Drosophila on Stone Fruit in California: Invasion History, Seasonal Trapping and Control Plans. Pacific Branch Entomology Society of America (Meeting Abstract). Boise, ID. 6. April 2010.
  • Caprile, J. (2009) Agricultural Programs.
  • Caprile, J. (2009) Budget Crisis.
  • Murdock, S.; Caprile, J., et al. (2009). Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension Highlights & Accomplishments (Fund Raising Package). 5. July 20, 2009. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/files/68632.pdf
  • Caprile, J. (2009). Cooperative Extension Budge Update. Crop Currents. Summer 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). Cooperative Extension Crisis Alert. Crop Currents. Spring 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). Cooperative Extension Needs Your Help. CCC (Contra Costa County) Farm Bureau Newsletter. Summer 2009, 1. Summer 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). Cooperative Extension Update. CCC (Contra Costa County) Agriculture Department Newsletter. Fall 2009, 1.
  • Hasey, J.; Lampinen, B., et al. (2009). Crown Gall Incidence: Seedling Paradox Walnut Rootstock Versus Own Rooted English Walnut Trees. 6th International Walnut Symposium. Melbourne, Australia. 58. January 2008.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). Timing Rest Breaking Sprays in Sweet Cherries. Crop Currents. Winter 2009-2010.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE Budget Threatened/Sample Letter/ County Supervisor Contact List/ Talking points for Agricultural Clientele. Crop Currents Newsletter. 6. March 14, 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE Fundraising Brochure. Brookside Farm BBQ. 2. September 13, 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE Talking Points for Agricultural Association Committee Meeting with CCC Supervisors. 3. August 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE Talking Points for Farm Bureau Members Dinner. 3. March 28, 2009.
  • Murdock, S.; Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE: Who We Are & What We Do (Fund Raising Cover Pge for Political Officials). Prepared for political attendees, Frm Bureau Political BBQ. 2. July 17, 2009.
  • Murdock, S.; Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE: Who We Are & What We Do (Fund Raising Cover Page for the General Public). 2. July 20, 2009. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/files/68635.pdf
  • Murdock, S.; Caprile, J. (2009). UCCE: Who We Are & What We Do (Fund Raising Cover Pge for City Mayors in Contra Costa County). Preparred for the Contra Costa County Mayor’s Conference. 2. July 20, 2009.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2008). Airblast Speed Sprayer Applications Of Reduced Risk Insecticides For Codling Moth Control In Apples, 2007. Arthropod Management Tests. 33:A17.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Buy Fresh Buy Local. Crop Currents. Winter 2008.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Cherry Buckskin Control. Cherry Task Force. Publication 1, 1. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/Agriculture/Cherry_Buckskin.htm
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Cherry Buckskin Disease. Cherry Task Force. Publication 2, 3. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/Agriculture/Cherry_Buckskin.htm
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Cherry Buckskin Hosts. Cherry Task Force. Publication 3, 1. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/Agriculture/Cherry_Buckskin.htm
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Cherry Buckskin Symptoms and Vectors. Cherry Task Force. Publication 4, 1. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/Agriculture/Cherry_Buckskin.htm
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Cherry Buckskin Task Force. Crop Currents. Winter 2008.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Cherry leafhopper Hosts. Cherry Task Force. Publication 5, 1. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/Agriculture/Cherry_Buckskin.htm
  • Van Steenwyk, R. Caprile, J. (2008). Codling Moth Control in Apples, 2007. Arthropod Management Tests. 33:A18.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Good Agricutural Practices Reduce Microbial Contamination. Crop Currents, Vegetable Crops Facts. Merced County Newsletter. Fall 2006. December 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Maximizing Calcium Uptake in Apples. Crop Currents Newsletter. UC Small Farm Center Website: www.sfc.ucdavis.edu/Research/Calcium.html
  • Caprile, J.; Van Steenwyk, R., et al. (2008). Movento evaluation for wooly apple aphid control in California. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 2008. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Orchard Replant Considerations. Crop Currents newsletter. Fall 2006. UC Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center Website: http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu/General_Management/Care_of_Trees.htm
  • Caprile, J.; Van Steenwyk, R. (2008). Reduced risk insecticide evaluations for apples in California. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 2008. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Sabbatical Leave. Crop Currents. Winter 2008.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Syrah Vine Health Issues. Crop Currents. Winter 2008.
  • Caprile, J. (2008). The Trellis Alliance. Crop Currents. Winter 2008.
  • Stoddard, S.; Aegerter, B., et al. (2008). UCCE Statewide Processing Tomato Variety Evaluation Trials, 2007. California Tomato Grower. 9-12. July 2008. UCCE Vegetable Research and Information Center Website: http://vric.ucdavis.edu/
  • Caprile, J. (2008). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Winter 2008.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J., et al. (2008). Wooly Apple Aphid Control with Movento in Apples, 2007. Arthropod Management Tests. 33:A16.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Average Biofix And Treatment Periods For Codling Moth In Brentwood 1993-2007. Publication for Workshop. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Average Biofix And Treatment Periods For Oriental Fruit Moth In Brentwood 1993-2007. Publication for Workshop. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Average Biofix And Treatment Periods For Peach Twig Borer In Brentwood 1993-2007. Publication for Workshop. 1.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2007). Codling Moth Control in Apples, 2006. Arthropod Management Tests. 33:A18.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J., et al. (2007). Control Of Wooly Apple Aphid With Movento – 2006/2007. Research Report to Bayer. 3. November 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Dormant Spray Considerations. Crop Currents. Winter 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Improving winegrape quality with irrigation management. Contra Costa Winegrape and Olive Growers Association Newsletter. February 2007, 3. February 2007.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2007). Insecticide Evaluation For Codling Moth Control In Apples. Research Report to Industry Funders. 13. November 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). New Codling Moth Insecticides. Crop Currents. Winter 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). New Codling Moth Insecticides. Publication for Workshop. 2.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). New Roadside Stand Ordinance. Crop Currents. Fall 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Processing Tomato Variety Trial Results. Crop Currents. Fall 2007.
  • Caprile, J.; Van Steenwyk, R. (2007). Reduced risk insecticide evaluations for apples in California. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. January 2007. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Grant, J.; Kelley, K., et al. (2007) Sample Costs To Establish A Walnut Orchards And Produce Walnuts. 19
  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (2007) Sample Costs To Establish A Walnut Orchards And Produce Walnuts in the Northern San Joaquin Valley - Late Leaving and Lateral Beafing - 2013. 21
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2007). Speed Sprayer Insecticide Evaluation For Codling Moth Control In Apples. Research Report to Industry Funders. 10. November 2007.
  • Caprile, J. (2007). Stripe Rust Resistant Wheat. Crop Currents. Fall 2007.
  • Stoddard, S.; Aegerter, B., et al. (2007) UCCE Statewide Processing Tomato Variety Evaluation Trials, 2007. 17
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Cherry Buckskin Disease Update. Crop Currents. Winter 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Dormant Spray Considerations. Crop Currents. Winter 2006.
  • Caprile, J.; Grattan, S. (2006). "Evaluation of the salt tolerance of walnut rootstocks." HortScience 41(4): 1040.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Fall Zinc and Urea Sprays. Crop Currents. Fall 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). GAPs Reduce Microbial Contamination. Crop Currents. Fall 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Hardy kiwi test plot evaluation and plan for 2007. Report to Efficas. October, 4. October 2006.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2006). Insecticide Evaluations for Codling Moth Control in Apples - 2006. Final Report to project sponsors. 11.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). New Codling Moth Insecticides. California Fresh Fruit and Raisen News. 22, 28-29. October 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Orchard Replant Considerations. County Publication. Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center. November. November 2006. Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center Website http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu on the Crops and Pesticides and Alternatives Page
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Orchard Replant Considerations. Crop Currents. Fall 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Record Low Chill Year for Tree Crops. Crop Currents. Spring 2006.
  • Caprile, J.; Van Steenwyk, R. (2006). Reduced Risk Insecticide Evaluations for Apples in California. 80th annual Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference (In Proceedings Report), Portland, OR.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Suggestions help get cherry trees producing earlier. Western Farm Press. January 7, 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Timing Rest Breaking Sprays for Cherry. Crop Currents. Winter 2006.
  • Caprile, Janet (2006). "UC Publications, videos, websites related to water quality." County Publication November 2006: 2.
  • Stoddard, S.; Aegerter, B., et al. (2006). UCCE statewide processing tomato variety evaluation trials, 2006. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 12.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Winter 2006.
  • Caprile, J. (2006). What’s new in codling moth control.. Apple Institute. March 2006.
  • Light, D.; Bouyssounouse, P., et al. (2006). Wombo Combo Mating Disruption: Three Years of Codling Moth Field Trials in Apples Using Dispensers with Pear Ester Kairomone and Pheromone. 80th Annual Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference (In Proceedings Report), Portland, OR.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Agricultural Research and Extension in Contra Costa County. 1st Annual Plant Sciences Conference (Poster Presentation). UC Davis. September 27, 2005.
  • Caprile, J.; Mills, N. (2005). Biological Control of Codling Moth: Parasitoid Releases in Walnuts, Apples, Pears (Poster Presentation). Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR. Jan 5-7, 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Cherry Buckskin control program. County Publication. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Cover Crops. Crop Currents. Summer 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Dormant Spray Alternatives. Crop Currents. Winter 2005.
  • Light, D.; Caprile, J., et al. (2005). Effects of Pear Ester Kairomone on Mating Disruption of Codling Moths in California Apples and Walnuts. 79th annual Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference (In Proceedings Report). Portland, OR. January 5-7, 2005. Western Orchard Pest and Diseae Management Conference Website: http://entomology.tfrec.wsu.edu/wopdmc/proceedings.php
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Fallow bed herbicide trials for sweet corn – efficacy and phytotoxicity trials 2003-2004. Summary report to Valent Biosciences & Contra Costa County Corn Growers Association. 6.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Herbicides and Water Quality. Crop Currents. Summer 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). How Much Water Do Your Trees & Vines Really Need? Crop Currents. Summer 2005.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Caprile, J. (2005). Insecticide Evaluations for Codling Moth Control in Apples - 2005. Final Report to project sponsors. 18.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Olive water use – Livermore & Brentwood. County Publication. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Orchard Leaf Analysis. Crop Currents. Summer 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Pheromone + Kairomone Mating Disruption Trial for 2005. Research Report Summary for Trece. 3.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Processing Tomato Variety Trial Results. Crop Currents. Summer 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Processing Tomato Variety Trial Results. Crop Currents. Winter 2005.
  • Mitcham, E.; De Castro, E., et al. (2005). Relationship between mineral nutrition and apple fruit susceptibility to bitter pit. Final Report to California Apple Commission. 12.
  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (2005). Sample Costs to Establish and Orchard and Produce Sweet Cherries – Northern San Joaquin Valley. University of California Cooperative Extension. Publication CH-VN-05, 25. Also at Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics Website: http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu/
  • Caprile, J.; Mickler, J., et al. (2005). San Joaquin, Contra Costa, & Stanislaus Counties processing tomato variety trial report. County Publication. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Training Young Cherry Trees: The Spanish Bush System. Crop Currents. Summer 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Tree & vine water use – Brentwood. County Publication. 1.
  • Mitcham, E.; Grant, J., et al. (2005). Tree Fruit Research in California. Washington Tree Fruit Postharvest Conference (In Proceedings), Wenatchee.
  • Mickler, J.; Barrett, D., et al. (2005). UC Statewide Trial Results. The California Tomato Grower. 48:2, 8-11. March 2005. Vegetable Crop Research & Information Center Website: http://vric.ucdavis.edu/veginfo/commodity/tomato
  • Mickler, J.; Aegerter, B., et al. (2005). UCCE Statewide Processing Tomato Variety Evaluation Trials, 2005. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 18.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Winter 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Wheat Stripe Update. Crop Currents. Winter 2005.
  • Caprile, J. (2005). Winegrape Acreage and Prices for Contra Costa and Alameda Co. County Publication.J. Caprile. 3. http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/Agriculture/
  • Caprile, J.; Mills, N. (2004). "Biological Control of Codling Moth: Parasitoid Releases in Walnuts, Apples, Pears." UC Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center Website from
  • Caprile, J.; Mills, N. (2004). Biological Control of Codling Moth: Parasitoid Releases in Walnuts, Apples, Pears (Poster presentation). California Conference on Biological Control IV. University of California, Berkeley. July 13-15, 2004.
  • Caprile, J.; Mills, N. (2004). Biological Control of Codling Moth: Parasitoid Releases in Walnuts, Apples, Pears (Poster Presentation). CAPCA (California Association of Pest Control Advisers) Annual Conference (Poster Presentation). Anaheim. October 24-26, 2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Brentwood Agricultural Enterprise Committee. Crop Currents. Spring 2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Do You Irrigate: Conditional Waiver Information. Crop Currents. Spring 2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Olive Fruit Fly. County Publication. January, 2. January 2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Pheromone + Kairomone Mating Disruption Trial for 2004. Research Report Summary for Trece. 2.
  • Caprile, J.; DeMoura, R., et al. (2004). Potential costs of establishing and producing hardy kiwifruit. County Publication. 5.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J., et al. (2004). San Joaquin, Contra Costa, & Stanislaus Counties processing tomato variety trial report. County Publication. 23.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Spray Thinning Guidelines for Apples. Crop Currents. Spring 2004.
  • Stoddard, C.; Barrett, D., et al. (2004). Statewide Processing Tomato Variety Evaluation Trials, 2003. The California Tomato Grower. 8-11.
  • Mickler, J.; Barrett, D., et al. (2004). UCCE Statewide Processing Tomato Variety Evaluation Trials, 2004. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 23.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Weather Update: Another low chill year. Crop Currents. Spring 2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Wheat Stripe Rust Update. Crop Currents. Spring 2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2004). Winter weed control for sweet corn. CAPCA (California Association of Pest Control Advisers) Annual Conference (Poster Presentation). Anaheim. October 24-26, 2004.
  • Murray, M.; Barrett, D., et al. (2003). 2002 statewide DANR processing tomato variety evaluation trials. The California Tomato Grower. 45:2, 4-6. February/March 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Advancing Cherry Bloom & Harvest. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J.; Devencenzi, M. (2003). An Introduction to Organic Cherry Production. Cherry Production – A Pomology Shortcourse (In Proceedings), Stockton.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Bioterrorism and Food Facility Registration. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Cherry Buckskin Update. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Corn Stunt Alert. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J.; Connery, E., et al. (2003). Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn. Vegetable Crops Continuing Conference (Poster presentation). UC Davis. December 4-5, 2003.
  • Caprile, J.; Connery, E., et al. (2003). Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). October 19-21, 2003.
  • Caprile, J.; Connery, E., et al. (2003). Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn. County publication prepared for grower meeting. 1.
  • Caprile, J.; Connery, E., et al. (2003). "Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn (Abstract)." HortScience 38(5): 806.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). EQUIP pays for Mating Disruption. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Fungicide Efficacy for Trees and Vines. Crop Currents. Spring 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). How much water do your crops need? County Publication. 9.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Integrated pome fruit production. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) Project FINAL Report (2000-2002). UC SAREP (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program). 33. Feb 20, 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Red Gala Variety Final Trial Summary. County Publication OSA. December. December 2003.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J., et al. (2003). San Joaquin, Contra Costa, & Stanislaus Counties 2003 processing tomato variety trial report. County Publication. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). State Budget Cuts Afffect UCCE. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). The performance of Valor as a fallow bed herbicide before sweet corn. Progress Report to Valent. July, 6. July 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Tomato Trial Results. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Two New UC Dwarfing Rootstocks for Peach/Nectarine. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Stoddard, S.; Barrett, D., et al. (2003). UCCE statewide processing tomato variety evaluation trials, 2003. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 24.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Using kairomone lures to monitor codling moth in apple orchards using mating disruption. Western Orchard Pest and Disease Management Conference. Portland. Jan 15-17, 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Using kairomone lures to monitor codling moth in apple orchards using mating disruption. Advances in Codling Moth Management for Apples, Pears, Walnuts (Poster Presentation). Stockton Visalia Yuba City. March 4, 2009 March 5, 2009 March 6, 2009.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Using Traps to Monitor for the Male Vine Mealybug. Crop Currents. Summer 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Vine Mealybug found in Oakley. The Farm Bureau Times. July/August 2003, 7. July/August 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Vine Mealybug Update. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Vine Mealybug Update. Crop Currents. Summer 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Vine Mealybug: A Serious New Pest in California Vineyards. Crop Currents. Spring 2003.
  • Caprile, J. (2003). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Winter 2003-2004.
  • Murray, M.; Cahn, M., et al. (2002). 2001 statewide DANR processing tomato variety evaluation trials. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 17.
  • Murray, M.; Cahn, M., et al. (2002). 2001 statewide DANR processing tomato variety evaluation trials. The California Tomato Grower. 45:2, 8-12. February/March 2002.
  • Van Steenwyk, R.; Bisabri, B., et al. (2002). Building a multi-tactic pheromone-based pest management system in western orchards. AreaWideII – IFAFS/RAMP (Initiative for Future Agricultural and Food Systems/Risk Avoidvance and Mitigation Program) Report. 5.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Cherry Buckskin Disease Symptoms. County Publication. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Fungicide Efficacy. Crop Currents. Spring 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Ground Squireel Control. Crop Currents. Spring 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Integrated apple production demonstration project. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Pest Management Grants Annual Report (2001). 25. February 28, 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Integrated pome fruit production. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) Project Progress Report (2002). UC SAREP (Sustainable Agriculture and Education Program). 10. July 15, 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Managing Insecticide Resistance. Crop Currents. Spring 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Olive Fruit Fly. Crop Currents. Winter 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Olive Fruit Fly. County Publication. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Pesticide Safety Training. Crop Currents. Spring 2002.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (2002). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 2002 Variety Trial Summary. County Publication. 17.
  • Mullen, B.; Fouche, B., et al. (2002). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 2002 Weed, Disease, and Insect Control Trials. County Publication. 16.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Reduced Risk IPM Guidelines for Apples and Pears: 2002 BIFS Demonstration Program. County Publication OSA. 1.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Using Kairomone Lures to Monitor Codling Moth in Apple Orchards under Mating Disruption. County Publication. 1.
  • Caprile, Janet (2002). Using kairomone lures to monitor codling moth in apple orchards using mating disruption. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). Anaheim. Oct 20-22, 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Using kairomone lures to monitor codling moth in apple orchards using mating disruption. Washington State Horticulture Association Annual Meeting (Poster presentation). Yakima Convention Center. Dec 2-4, 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2002). Weather Report: Chill hours and rest breaking agents. Crop Currents. Spring 2002.
  • Caprile, J. (2001). Developing a Monitoring Program for Helicoverpa zea in Sweet Corn. Final Report to UC Center for Pest Management Research and Extension. December, 7. December 2001.
  • Caprile, J.; Godfrey, L. (2001). Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn. Plant Science Conference, American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting (Poster presentation). Fresno. Feb 7-8, 2001.
  • Caprile, J. (2001). Integrated apple production demonstration project. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Pest Management Grants Annual Report (2000). 19. February 28, 2001.
  • Caprile, J. (2001). Integrated apple production demonstration project. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Pest Management Grants Annual Report (2001). 19. September 28, 2001.
  • Caprile, J. (2001). Integrated pome fruit production. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) Project Annual Report (2001). UC SAREP (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program). 26. October 26, 2001.
  • Caprile, J. (2001). "Organic Pome Fruit Production in California." HortScience 36(4)
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (2001). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 2001 Variety Trial Summary. County Publication. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (2001). Program gives softer pest control: Integrated Pome Fruit Production Programs ease ag-urban concerns. Tree Fruit magazine. July/August 2000. July/August 2000.
  • Caprile, J.; Grant, J., et al. (2001). Sample costs to establish an apple orchard and produce apples – Granny Smith variety – Northern San Joaquin Valley. University of California Cooperative Extension Cost Study.
  • Murray, Mike; Cahn, Mike, et al. (2001). UC DANR (University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources) statewide processing tomato variety evaluation trials, 2001. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 18.
  • Miyao, G.; Mullen, B., et al. (2001). UC Farm Advisor’s processing tomato statewide variety evaluation trials 2000. The California Tomato Grower. 44:2, 4-15. February 2001.
  • Caprile, J.; McKenzie, P. (2000). Aerosol pheromone dispensers control codling moth in apples. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster Presentation). Anaheim, CA. October 22-24, 2000.
  • Caprile, J.; Godfrey, L. (2000). Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). Anaheim, CA. October 22-24, 2000.
  • Caprile, J.; Godfrey, L. (2000). Developing a monitoring program for Helicoverpa zea in sweet corn. Vegetable Crops Continuing Conference (Poster Presentation). UC Davis. December 6-8, 2000.
  • Caprile, J. (2000). Development of a corn earworm monitoring program for sweet corn. Final Report to UC Center for Pest Management Research and Education. December 2000, 8. December 2000.
  • Caprile, J. (2000). Integrated apple production demonstration project. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Pest Management Grants Progress Report (2000). 13. September 30, 2000.
  • Caprile, J. (2000). Integrated apple production demonstration project. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Pest Management Grants Progress Report for 1999. 21. March 31, 2000.
  • Caprile, J.; McKenzie, P. (2000). Integrated apple production: meeting the challenge of the FQPA. Tree Fruit Magazine. March 2000, 12. March 2000.
  • Caprile, J. (2000). Integrated pome fruit production. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) Project Progress Report (2000). UC SAREP (Sustainable Agriculture REsearch and Education Program). 15. September 1, 2000.
  • Caprile, J. (2000). Integrated pome fruit production. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) Project Progress Report (2000). UC SAREP (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program). 37. November 17, 2000.
  • Caprile, J. (2000). "New millennium apple pest management." California Grower January 2000: 10.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (2000). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 2000 Variety & Weed Management Trials Summary. County Publication. 23.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Aphistar trials. Research report to Rohm & Haas. October, 3. October 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Bloom Sprays for PTB. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Confirm trials in mating disrupted apple orchards. Research report to Rohm & Haas. October, 2. October 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Development of a corn earworm monitoring program for sweet corn. Final Report to UC Center for Pest Management Research and Education. 7. December 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Dormant Spray Cautions. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). "Dormant sprays for deciduous tree crops." California Grower January 1999
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Fireblight Control. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Goal as a fallow bed treatment before sweet corn. Research Report to Rohm & Haas. July, 2. July 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Ground Squirrel Control. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Integrated apple production demonstration project. California Department of Pesticide Regulation Pest Management Grants Progress Report. September, 19. September 1999.
  • Caprile, J.; McKenzie, P. (1999). Integrated apple production: meeting the challenge of the FQPA. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster Presentation). Sparks, Nevada. October 17-19, 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). New Fungicides for Trees and Vines. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Powdery Mildew & Botrytis Control. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1999). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 1999 Variety Trial Summary. County Publication. 14.
  • Mullen, B.; Fouche, B., et al. (1999). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 1999 Weed, Disease, and Insect Control Trials. County Publication. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). "Red Gala Variety Preliminary Trial Summary." County Publication OSA December
  • Grant, J.; Caprile, J., et al. (1999). Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Sweet Cherries – Northern San Joaquin Valley. University of California Cooperative Extension Cost Study.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Success & Confirm trials in conventional apple orchards. Research report to Rohm & Haas and Dow Agrosciences. October, 3. October 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1999). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Spring 1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). 1998 Confirm Trials – Contra Costa County. Research Report to Rohm & Haas. October 1998, 12.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). 1998 Tomato Trial Results. Crop Currents. Winter 1998-1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). Alternate Year Pruning of Walnuts Can Increase Profits. Crop Currents. Winter 1998-1999.
  • Caprile, J.; Pickel, C., et al. (1998). Apple pest management guidelines – insects and mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. July 1998.
  • Caprile, J.; McKenzie, P. (1998). Confirm controls codling moth in apples. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). Anaheim, CA. October 18-20, 1998.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). Evaluation of the predatory midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza, in controlling rosy apple aphid. California Conference on Biological Control (In Proceedings), University of California, Berkeley.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). Goal as a fallow bed treatment before sweet corn. Research Report to Rohm & Haas. July 1998, 3.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). "New Apple Varieties from New Zealand." California Grower December 1998
  • Caprile, J. (1998). Phylloxera Alert. Crop Currents. Winter 1998-1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). Preventing Crown Gall. Crop Currents. Winter 1998-1999.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1998). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 1998 Variety Trial Summary. County Publication. 16.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1998). Processing Tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties – 1998 Weed and Disease Trial Summary. County Publication. 23.
  • Miyao, G.; Mullen, B., et al. (1998). Statewide University of California processing tomato variety evaluation trials. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 20.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). "The New Australian Apples." California Grower April 1998: 29-30.
  • Caprile, J. (1998). Weather Report. Crop Currents. Winter 1998-1999.
  • Caprile, J. (1997). 1997 Tomato Trial Results. Crop Currents. Winter 1997-1998.
  • Caprile, J. (1997). Dormant Sprays for Deciduous Tree Crops. Crop Currents. Winter 1997-1998.
  • Caprile, J. (1997). Grape Rootstocks for Clay Soils. Crop Currents. Winter 1997-1998.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1997). Processing tomato weed and disease control trials in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1997 Research Progress Report. County Publication. 14.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1997). Processing tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1997 Variety Trail Summary. County Publication. 15.
  • Caprile, J. (1997). Registration Status of Trees and Vines. Crop Currents. Winter 1997-1998.
  • Caprile, J. (1997). Sabbatic Leave Report. Crop Currents. Winter 1997-1998.
  • Mullen, B.; Miyao, G., et al. (1997). Statewide University of California processing tomato variety evaluation trials. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 20.
  • Caprile, J. (1997). Winter NOW Control. Crop Currents. Winter 1997-1998.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). Average biofix dates and treatment periods for codling moth: Brentwood 1993-1996. County Publication OSA.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). Average biofix dates and treatment periods for oriental fruit moth: Brentwood 1993-1996. County Publication OSA.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). Average biofix dates and treatment periods for peach twig borer: Brentwood 1993-1996. County Publication OSA.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). Codling moth mating disruption – new developments. Tree Fruit Magazine. August/September 2006, 14-15. August/September 2006.
  • Caprile, Janet (1996). "Dormant sprays for apples." California Grower January 1996: 28-30.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). How much water do you need? Byron Bethany Irrigation District Newsletter. October 1996, 3.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). Internal browning of Fuji apples. Tree Fruit magazine. January/February 1996, 8. January/February 1996.
  • Caprile, J. (1996). "Maximizing calcium uptake in apples." California Grower June/July 1996: 24-26.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1996). Processing tomato weed and disease control trials in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1996 Research Progress Report. County Publication. 20.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1996). Processing tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1996 Variety Trail Summary. County Publication. 17.
  • Mullen, B.; Miyao, G., et al. (1996). Statewide University of California processing tomato variety evaluation trials. CTRI Report. 18.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). "Off Type" Chandlers. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Ag Energy Loan Program. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Avoid Fall Pruning of Apricots and Grapes. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Brown Rot Control. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Checking Orchard Fertility. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Cherry Buckskin Disease. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Codling Moth Update. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Comparative performance and farm level function of conventional and certified organic apple production systems in Contra CostaCounty. Final SARE Research Report 1993-1995. November 1995, 39. November 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). "Confusing the codling moth." California Grower March 1995: 8-9.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Controlling Fuji browning. California Grower. October, 17-19. October 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Crown Gall Survey. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). DISRUPT CM trials. Research report to Hercon Environmental. November 1995, 9.
  • Caprile, Janet (1995). DISRUPT CM: a new codling moth mating disruptant. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). Sparks, Nevada. October 22-24, 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Dormant spray among best controls. California-Arizona Farm Press. 48. January 21, 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Fall Control of Apple Scab. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Frost Protection. Crop Currents. Winter 1995-1996.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Harvest Walnuts Promptly. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Internal Browning of Fuji Apples. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1995). Processing tomato weed and disease control trials in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1995 Research Progress Report. County Publication. 27.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1995). Processing tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1995 Variety Trail Summary. County Publication. 15.
  • Mullen, B.; Miyao, G., et al. (1995). Statewide University of California processing tomato variety evaluation trials. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 20.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Super sweet corn variety trials: summary report. County Publication. March 1995, 8. March 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Thin Next Year's Stonefruit Now. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Tomato Harvest Delay. Crop Currents. Summer 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Tomato Trial Results. Crop Currents. Winter 1995-1996.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Trees for Windbreak, Erosion Control. Crop Currents. Winter 1995-1996.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Two New Oat Varieties for California. Crop Currents. Fall 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Using pheromone traps to monitor tree fruit pests. County Publication. February 1995, 2.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Using reduced rates of Isomate-C to control codling moth. Summary Research Report to Pacific Biocontrol. October 1995, 13.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Using supercharged lures in mating disrupted orchards. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). Sparks, Nevada. October 22-24, 1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1995). Worm Control in Walnuts. Crop Currents. Winter 1995-1996.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Tree Pest Updates Newsletter. 2. 1994-present.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Apple Harvest. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Pickel, C.; Bethell, R., et al. (1994). Apple Pest Management Guidelines. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines - IPM Educations and Publications. University of California, Davis. Publication 12, 46.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Checking Orchard Fertility. Crop Currents. Summer 19934.
  • Caprile, Janet (1994). Comparative performance and farm level function of conventional and certified organic apple production systems in Contra Costa County. Interim SARE Research Report 1994. 13.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). "Considerations for apple harvest." California Grower September 1994
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Controlling Weeds in Old Alfalfa Stands. Crop Currents. Fall 1993.
  • Prichard, T.; Caprile, J., et al. (1994). Cover crop management influences biomass production and nitrogen extraction. California Weed Science Conference. San Jose. 9.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Crop Currents Cumalative Index. Crop Currents. Winter 1994-1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Dormant Sprays for Deciduous Tree Crops. Crop Currents. Winter 1994-1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Early season ground squirrel control. California Grower. February 1994, 7-8.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Early Season Tomato Variety Trials. Crop Currents. Fall 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Financial Assistance for New Farmers. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Harmony Rootstock Susceptible to Grape Phylloxera. Crop Currents. Winter 1994-1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Improving Stand Establishment in Super Sweet Corn. Crop Currents. Winter 1994-1995.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). New Worker Protection Standards. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). New Worker Protection Standards. Crop Currents. Summer 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Pheromone confusion trials in Contra Costa County. Research report Consep, Inc. and Pacific Biocontrol. 31.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1994). Processing tomato weed, disease, and nematode control trials in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1994 Research Progress Report. County Publication. 17.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1994). Processing tomatoes in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1994 Variety Trail Summary. County Publication. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Quick Nitrate Test for Vegetables. Crop Currents. Summer 1994.
  • Mullen, B.; Miyao, G., et al. (1994). Statewide University of California processing tomato variety evaluation trials. CTRI (California Tomato Research Institute) Report. 21.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). The Role of Winter Weeds in Orchards. Crop Currents. Fall 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). "The starch-iodine index for 'Granny Smith' apples." California Grower September 1994
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Tomato Trial Results. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Top Specialty Crop Sellers. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). UCCE's County Budget Restored. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Walnut Harvest. Crop Currents. Fall 1994.
  • Caprile, J. (1994). Walnut Husk Fly. Crop Currents. Summer 1994.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1993). 1993 Processing Tomato disease, nematode, and weed control research progress report in San Joaquin & Contra Costa County. 22.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1993). "1993 San Joaquin & Contra Costa County Processing Tomato Variety Trial Report.": 15.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). "Choosing phylloxera resistant rootstocks.": 4.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Choosing Phylloxera Resistant Rootstocks. Crop Currents. Summer 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Codling Moth Control in Organic Apples. California Association of Pest Control Advisors Annual Convention (Poster presentation). Sparks, Nevada. October 20-22, 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Considerations in organic apple production. Apple Production - A Pomology Short Course. Modesto. 8.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Cooperative Extension Threatened. Crop Currents. Spring 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Efficient Use of N Fertilizers. Crop Currents. Spring 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Maintaining apple orchard fertility. California Grower. 8, 10. July 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Orchard Leaf Analysis. Crop Currents. Summer 1993.
  • Prichard, T.; Hendricks, L., et al. (1993). Orchard vegetation management demonstration. Report to the California State Water Resources Control Board. 15.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Pheromone confusion trials summary report: Contra Costa County. Progress Report to Consep, Inc. 24.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Phylloxera (Type B) Found n the Livermore Valley. Crop Currents. Spring 1993.
  • Swezey, S.; Vossen, P., et al. (1993). Planned parenthood for codling moths: mating disruptions can keep populations down. California Grower. 25-27. April 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Super Sweet Corn Variety Trials. Crop Currents. Spring 1993.
  • Mullen, R.; Hartz, T., et al. (1993). Uniform quality determinations for processing tomatoes. Annual Progress Report. California Tomato Research Institute, Inc. 7.
  • Caprile, J. (1993). Walnut Husk Fly. Crop Currents. Summer 1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Baiting to Control Ground Squirrels. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). "Baiting to control ground squirrels.": 2.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Bloom Sprays for Stone Fruit. Crop Currents. Winter 1992-1993.
  • Caprile, J.; Klonsky, K., et al. (1992). Comparing organic and conventional production systems for Granny Smith apples. Organic Farming Symposium (Proceedings), Asilomar.
  • Caprile, J.; Klonsky, K., et al. (1992). Comparing organic and conventional production systems for Granny Smith apples. UC SAREP (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program) Final Report. 27.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Controlling tentiform leaf miner in apples. California Grower. July 1992, 30-31. July 1992.
  • Caprile, Janet (1992). "Controlling tentiform leaf miner in apples." California-Arizona Farm Press July 1992: 30-31.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Cork Root on Tomato. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Crop Currents Index. Crop Currents. Winter 1992-1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Direct Marketing Opportunities. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Efficient Use of N Fertilizer for Vegetable Crops. Crop Currents. Winter 1992-1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Farmers' Markets at "A Celebration of the Organic Harvest". Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Prichard, T.; Klonsky, K., et al. (1992). Identification and cost of salt removal practices in organic soils of the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta. Report to the California Department of Water Resources. 66.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Leaf miner season-long apple enemy. California-Arizona Farm Press. June 20, 1992, 12,15,44.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). New Tomato Root Rot Disease in Brentwood. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). "Orchard cover crops.": 5.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Orchard floor management options. California Sweet Cherry Production Workshop (Proceedings), Davis, CA, Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis.
  • Prichard, T.; Hendricks, L., et al. (1992). Orchard vegetation management demonstration. Report to the California State Water Resources Control Board. 9.
  • Prichard, T.; Hendricks, L., et al. (1992). Orchard vegetation management demonstration. Sustainable Agriculture/Technical Reviews. 5:1, 14. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Organic experiences in codling moth control. California Grower. September 1992, 31-32.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Organic experiences in codling moth control. Apple Production - A Pomology Short Course. Modesto. 3.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Pheromone confusion trials summary report: Contra Costa County. Progress Report to Consep, Inc. 15.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Prevention key control for mildew. California-Arizona Farm Press. 10, 14. June 20, 1992.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1992). Processing tomato weed control trails in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1992 research progress report. 10.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Rain At Last. Crop Currents. Winter 1992-1993.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Sacramento Summer Harvest Tasting. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Stone Fruit: Post Harvest Research Briefs. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Stonefruit Firmness and Bruise Susceptibility. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). "Super sweet corn varieties.": 1.
  • Caprile, J.; Cantwell, M., et al. (1992). "Super sweet corn variety trials: 1992.": 7.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). The Effect of Cooling Delays on Peach and Nectarine Softening. Crop Currents. Fall 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1992). Tomato corky root most damaging in early plantings. California-Arizona Farm Press. 24. September 19, 1992.
  • Mullen, B.; Caprile, J. (1992). "Tomato disease and nematode control in San Joaquin and Contra Costa Counties: 1992 Research progress report."
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Alfalfa Varieties for Contra Costa. Crop Currents. Winter 1991-1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Bloom Sprays for Stonefruit. Crop Currents. Winter 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Contra Costa County Growers Meeting. Crop Currents. Winter 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Controlling Powdery Mildew in Grapes. Crop Currents. Spring 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Controlling TLM in Apples. Crop Currents. Spring 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Deficit irrigation strategies for selected crops. Drought Irrigation Strategies Symposium for Tree and Vine Crops (Proceedings), Stockton.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Drought irrigation strategies for apples. Drought Irrigation Strategies Symposium for Tree and Vine Crops (Proceedings), Stockton.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Historical weather data can determine crop water amounts. California-Arizona Farm Press. 21. September 7, 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Irrigate Tree Crops Soon. Crop Currents. Winter 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Managing Grape Phylloxera. Crop Currents. Winter 1991-1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). New Certification Requirement for Growers. Crop Currents. Winter 1991.
  • Prichard, T.; Hendricks, L., et al. (1991). Orchard vegetation management demonstration. Report to the California State Water Resources Control Board. 4.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Organic Control Options for Corn Earworm. Crop Currents. Summer 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Pheromone confusion trials summary report: Contra Costa County. Progress Report to Consep, Inc. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Post-irrigation walnut collapse explained. California-Arizona Farm Press. February 2, 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Research Update: Granny Smith Apples. Crop Currents. Summer 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Russian Wheat Aphid Update. Crop Currents. Winter 1991.
  • Caprile, J.; Cantwell, M., et al. (1991). "Super sweet corn trial: 1991.": 6.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Super Sweet Corn Varieties in Brentwood. Crop Currents. Spring 1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Tree and Vine Water Use. Crop Currents. Summer 1991.
  • Caprile, J. (1991). Tulare - A New Walnut Variety. Crop Currents. Winter 1991-1992.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). 1990 Pest Management Guidelines Available. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Mullen, B.; Roose, M., et al. (1990). Asparagus variety & disease management research progress report - San Joaquin & Contra Costa Counties. 17.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). "Baiting to control ground squirrels.": 2.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Calcium Sprays to Reduce Bitter Pit. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Chemical Thinning of Apples. Crop Currents. March 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Chemical Thinning of Granny Smith Apples. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Cherry Buckskin Disease Survey. Crop Currents. Fall 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Control Ground Squirrels Now. Crop Currents. March 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Eutypa Dieback on Apricots. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Fruit Frost Season. Crop Currents. March 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). "Fruit, nut, and grape varieties for the home orchard.": 14.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). "Fumigation to control ground squirrels.": 2.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Grape Rootstock Selection. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Irrigate Trees, Vines, Winter Cover Crops. Crop Currents. March 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). New Farmers Market in Danville. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Post Irrigation Walnut Collapse. Crop Currents. Fall 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Reduced-Input Winegrape Management Proceedings. Crop Currents. March 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Russian Wheat Aphid Parasites Released. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Telone Use Suspended. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). The Water Situation. Crop Currents. June 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). What causes post-irrigation walnut collapse? California-Arizona Farm Press. October 1990.
  • Caprile, J. (1990). Winter Cover Crops. Crop Currents. Fall 1990.
  • Caprile, Janet (1989-2010). Crop Currents. 2-12. Contra Costa County (http://cecontracosta.ucdavis.edu/)
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Crop Currents Newsletter. 2-12. 1989-present.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Almond Leaf Scorch Survey. Crop Currents. December 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). "Commercial soil/plant/water laboratories in central California.": 2.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Herbicide Label Status for Deciduous Fruit. Crop Currents. December 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Highlights from the Vegetable Crops Conference. Crop Currents. December 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Pest Management Guidelines. Crop Currents. September 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). "Sampling for soil salts in peat soil.": 2.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Short Courses in Agriculture. Crop Currents. September 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Short Courses in Wine and Grape Production. Crop Currents. September 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Susceptibility of Weeds to Herbicides. Crop Currents. December 1989.
  • Caprile, J. (1989). Two New Aphid Pests. Crop Currents. September 1989.

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