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What and When to Plant

Over the years, the Inyo-Mono Master Gardeners and the Farm Advisor have put together information useful in planning your garden. These resources are compiled on this page.

If you are coming to this site from outside the Eastern Sierra or western Nevada, please consult this chart taken from the Master Gardener Handbook ( Vegetable Gardening at a Glance ) for planning information, or visit the California Garden Web.

Live in Owens Valley? Start here: Owens Valley Growing Guide (Provided by Ian Scott.)

Favorite Vegetable Varieties of Local MGs: Our Favorites

Owens Valley Tomato Guide: Growing Great Tomatoes in the Owens Valley

Onion and Allium Guide (Owens Valley information about onions, leeks, chives, shallots, etc.)

Planting Guide for Antelope Valley (Northern Mono County): Antelope Valley Gardening

Recommended Tomato Varieties for Northern Mono County: Celebrity, Juliet, Jetsetter, Early Girl, Sioux, Traveler 76, cherry tomatoes.

How Much to Plant? Realistic Amounts to Plant in the Garden

Planning in Bridgeport: Bridgeport Season Extension (It can freeze any day of the year. This document covers season extension, important there!)

Vegetable Planting Guide (Colorado State Master Gardeners): CMG GardenNotes #720