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Special Interest Programs

Equestrian Drill Team

About the program: info coming soon

Time Commitment: info coming soon

If you would like to join this Special Interest Program, please email for more information and to sign up.

FRC High School Robotics Team

About the program: The team is for all High School students in South Placer County. We participate in FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). We are Vortechs FRC 3257.

Time Commitment: During the 3 month season we meet 17 to 23 hours per week. We attend three to four 3 day competitions that are about 30 hours each.

For the season each member puts in about 276 to 306 hours. The programing and cad team each put in about 20 to 40 hours more.

Members must be High School students in South Placer County. If you would like to join this Special Interest Program, please email for more information and to sign up.

Placer County Livestock Judging Team

About the program: 

Time Commitment: The Placer County Livestock Judging youth practice thru the year. The group generally meets one to two times a month in person and on zoom to learn, practice and enhance their skills. Members compete at contests throughout Northern California(listed below), but not limited to only these ones. In August, members attend a 3 day judging camp at Chico State University in Chico, California. We plan to attend a judging camp in June at Linn Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon.

Travel Requirement: Regular meetings are held in Auburn. We will occasionally be traveling semi-locally to farms in the area to practice judging live animals. Travel is required to attend all competitions, which for the most part are from the Bay Area to Chico. 

Competitions we have attended include: Cow Palace Grand National Livestock Judging Contest, California Triple Crown Livestock Judging Series(includes Fall Classic at Modesto Jr. College, West Coast Elite at UC Davis & the Cattle Contest at CSU Chico) and most importantly the UC Davis State Field Day Livestock Judging Competition which is the state qualifier for Nationals.

Members must be 9 or older to participate. If you would like to join this Special Interest Program, please email for more information and to sign up.