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Working with Others

Working with Others
Adults as Learners
Better meetings
Building Trust
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Facilitation skills
Integrate your programs
Office communication
People management and Leadership
Working remotely

ANR team taking a stretch break

Adults as Learners 
Remember to use adults learning principles in planning your field day. Adults learn differently from children, therefore teaching techniques need to differ from those used in many schools and universities. Because adults already have considerable education, career and life experience, they want to acquire information that is relevant and which will help them.

Fact sheet ; online course ; Quiz ; video (4:39 min) ; exercise sheet

Strategies for Adults learners Video (37:36 min) (Lynn Brock)

Strategies for Adults learners Fact Sheet (Lynn Brock)

Options to engage different learning styles Fact Sheet

Create good learning objectives (Fact sheet)

Engage your audience

Online course (UC ANR); Fact sheet (UC ANR)

Thinking and Learning Styles Quick Tip

Better Meetings

Best meeting practices include that participants and facilitators:

  • Are respectful
  • Seek solutions
  • Seek to build bridges and synergy, 
  • Seek to understand others' needs and support each other's efforts
  • Listen 
  • Have a safe space to raise challenging issues
  • Are flexible (and move on or pivot as needed)
  • Provide honest (respectful, helpful) feedback

If you need support for complex meetings contact one of our UC ANR Trained Facilitators for availability. Here are some fact sheets and other resource links on conducting effective meetings:

Better meetings Fact sheet

Healthy Meetings (Tips, UC ANR Staff Assembly)

8 Tips for better meetings Video (8:52)

7 Ways to Host More Inclusive Meetings (Linkage Webpage)

Have an agenda Fact Sheet

Focused conversations for better meetings  WebANR (26 mins) (Snowden) PowerPoint

See Facilitation skills below!

Live polling in meetings.

Slido (Smartphone or computer/tablet needed)

Poll Everywhere Can vote anonymously (laptop or phone needed)

Meeting Sift (Smartphone or computer/tablet needed)

Note: These are just 3 options we have heard of (no endorsement is implied - Many others also exist. There is no implication if we haven't included other options).

Build Trust

Image of Group Handshake

Build trust Fact sheet ; Build Trust Video (3:08)

Listening like an ally PDF (credit Interaction Associates)

The Power of Listening (YouTube, UC Davis)

Facilitation Skills

Innovation Toolkit Website - The Innovation Toolkit (ITK) by MITRE is a collection of methods and techniques to help you and your team be more innovative.

The Basics

Facilitation checklist Fact Sheet

Facilitation Fact sheetVideo (2:47)

Process versus Content Fact Sheet

Stages of Discussion Fact Sheet

Stakeholder analysis Fact Sheet

The ORID Method Fact Sheet

Interaction Skills

Active listening Fact sheet

Cultural competency Fact Sheet

Increase engagement Fact Sheet

Thinking and learning styles Fact Sheet

Using technology Fact Sheet

Getting to output

Building Key Agreements Fact sheet

Decision-making Methods Fact sheet

Desired outcomes Fact sheet

Handling difficult people

Dealing with Difficult Behavior Fact Sheet

Dealing with Difficult People Slide Deck

Tools to Reduce conflict Fact Sheet

Integrate your Programs

Tips for Program Integration Fact Sheet

Summary tips to integrate Fact Sheet

Example: UC MFP & EFNEP

Office Communication

Write better emails Fact sheet


Common phrases and more Web (from UC)

Learn Spanish and other languages for free (e.g., Duolingo)

People Management and Leadership
Build a Team

"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." Eleanor Roosevelt

People Management (UC ANR Human Resources webpage)

Building successful teams WebANR (23 mins - Dana Hinojosa UC Davis)

Coaching and Developing Employees (LinkedIn Learning)
The Discovery Questionnaire (PDF)
Powerful Questions to Ask Your Team
The GROW Model (Goals, Realities, Options, Way forward)

Team building Fact sheet (UC ANR)

Build Consensus Fact sheet

The 5 common behaviors Fact Sheet

How to show appreciation Fact sheet and free test (From Betterthinking.com.nz)

Appreciation versus recognition Video (16:42)

Working in teams online lesson (Lumen)

Project/task planning tool (Excel file)

UC People Management Series Certificate Website (Course listing) (Contact jlazulai@ucanr.edu when completed for your certificate signed by our Vice President)

Leadership Development Plan (PDF)

Performance Evaluation (UC ANR)

Onboarding New Employees (UC ANR)

Supervisor Guide to Creating an Individual Development Plan with an employee (UC ANR)

Conflict Competence

Conflict de-escalation: ANR’s Behavior Intervention Team Webpage

Volunteer Conflict Resolution Guide UC ANR 

Managing conflict Fact sheet ; Video (3:13)

Dealing with Difficult Multicultural Discussions  Video (49:08) NAEPSDP

Using Conflict for Growth (Video, UC Davis)

What to Do When You're Bullied at Work (LinkedIn Learning)

UC Responding to Conflict (UC Learning Center Module)

People Management/Supervisor

Tips to be a good supervisor (Fact sheet)

Supervision 101 (Short online presentation)

Recruiting, hiring, onboarding, engaging employees (website)


The New Leadership Literacies: Thriving in a Future of Extreme Disruption and Distributed Everything (PDF) - By Bob Johansen, Institute for the Future

UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative (UCOP website)

UC Leadership Development (UCnet website)

UC Management Development Program (UCOP website)