Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Posts Tagged: giving

Orange County Farm Bureau gift elevates UC programs that inspire youth in agriculture

At UC South Coast Research and Extension Center, students get a taste of the diversity of agricultural careers, and of crops such as the sweet limes being sampled here in early 2020. Photo courtesy of UC South Coast REC

Commitment of $690,000 supports UC South Coast Research and Extension Center, 4-H programs

During a “GROW Field Day” when 100 high school students enjoyed harvesting and tasting avocados, the Orange County Farm Bureau announced a $690,000 gift to expand University of California-affiliated programs that introduce young people to agricultural careers.

The students from four schools across Southern California participated in the GROW program on May 13 at the UC South Coast Research and Extension Center in Irvine, a UC Agriculture and Natural Resources facility that organizes and hosts these educational programs.

A highlight for GROW Day participants is harvesting produce from the farm, as evinced by this student in 2018. Photo courtesy of UC South Coast REC

“Part of the mission of Orange County Farm Bureau is to support the development of the next generation of agriculturalists,” said Casey Anderson, executive director of OCFB, in announcing the five-year commitment that will begin in 2023. “Through our partnership with South Coast Research Extension Center and support of Orange County 4-H, we are thrilled to provide opportunities to young people to directly connect with food production and myriad research and career opportunities in agriculture.”

Hundreds of local youth are served every year by Orange County 4-H, a part of a nationwide youth development and education program, administered in California by UC ANR.

“OCFB contributions to our Forever 4-H Endowment will soon provide sustaining funds every year, indefinitely,” said Rita Jakel, Orange County 4-H program coordinator. “And their commitment to our Program Support Fund will help ensure that 4-H will continue to have the capacity to impact the youth of Orange County.”

GROW program introduces youth to agriculture careers

The GROW program, originally conceived by OCFB as a way to make agricultural experiences more accessible to more young people across the region, has engaged over 1,000 students from nine schools – many of them in urban areas where knowledge of agriculture is limited. The program builds on a strong history of collaboration between OCFB and South Coast REC, dating back to the early 2000s.

“UC ANR and South Coast Research and Extension Center are grateful for the trust the Orange County Farm Bureau continues to place in us to not only deliver agricultural education to the people of Orange County, but also to open the eyes of young people to fulfilling careers in agriculture,” said Darren Haver, director of UC South Coast REC.

With the support of Orange County Farm Bureau, the GROW program aims to bring hands-on agricultural experiences to more young people from urban communities through field days like this one in 2018. Photo courtesy of UC South Coast REC
Beyond the common conception of farming as a profession, the GROW Days and 4-H youth programs highlight other agriculture-related pursuits, including culinary careers, horticulture, commodity marketing and academia. South Coast REC, where UC-affiliated scientists conduct a variety of studies, offers an up-close look at the latest crop research.

“To me, it's like a great big outdoor classroom,” said Tammy Majcherek, a South Coast REC community educator specialist who coordinates the GROW program, along with colleague Jason Suppes. “There are so many possibilities of what we can connect to.”

Programs spotlight diversity of agriculture-related fields

Gina Cunningham, a teacher at Westminster High School (part of the Huntington Beach Unified School District), was excited to bring the 20 freshmen in her agricultural biology class to the GROW Day, where they get a glimpse of potential pathways in agriculture that “are not directly farming-related.”

“This gives kids an opportunity to see some things that are available to them that maybe they never have thought of – and there are a lot of things out there that I might not have thought of, either,” said Cunningham, who has degrees in animal science and agricultural education.

In addition to the traditional livestock shows, the 4-H program in Orange County emphasizes science and technology through activities such as this drone demonstration. Photo by Rita Jakel
She noted that the May 13 GROW Day was the first-ever field trip for some of her students – and that most of them had very little firsthand exposure to agricultural practices.

Thanks to OCFB's long-term commitment to the program, GROW coordinators Majcherek and Suppes said that in the coming years they would like to bring more students with career aspirations outside of traditional agricultural roles. In particular, they hope to reach out to young people with interests in culinary arts and food service, as well as in technology and engineering, which intersect with food production in the form of drones, robotics and artificial intelligence.

Regardless of their background, however, almost all of the students love harvesting crops from the South Coast REC farm, whether pumpkins, potatoes, or – during the most recent GROW Day – avocados. Majcherek said it's especially rewarding to hear the students talk enthusiastically about older siblings who went to a GROW program and came back with enduring memories – as well as some fresh produce.

“You know it's cool when they're taking selfies with their bounty,” she said.

Community members interested in joining the Orange County Farm Bureau in support of South Coast REC and 4-H programs are encouraged to make a donation on UC ANR's annual Giving Day, which runs from noon to noon on May 19-20.

Posted on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 8:28 AM
Focus Area Tags: 4-H, Agriculture, Food

Giving Tuesday donations exceed UC ANR expectations

On Giving Tuesday 2019, donors gave $130,311 over 24 hours for UC Cooperative Extension, statewide programs and research and extension centers that make up the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources network.

The donations will help UC Agriculture and Natural Resources extend the power of UC research in agriculture, natural resources, nutrition, and youth development to more Californians in their own communities to improve their lives.

Director of the UC Integrated Pest Management Program, Jim Farrar, eats a bug for breakfast to show his commitment to UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
“The generosity of our donors will help us keep 4-H leadership-building activities affordable for California kids, and fund research into living with wildfire, farming in a changing climate, healthier foods, pest control for home and environment, and many other issues that concern Californians,” said Glenda Humiston, UC vice president for agriculture and natural resources.

“UC ANR researchers and educators are working in every county to bring practical, science-based answers to residents wherever they live in the state.”

Thanks to generous donors, volunteers, staff and board members who gave a total of $40,000 in matching funds, there was an incentive for donors across the state who wanted to double the impact of their gifts.

“We set a goal of collecting a total of $125,000 for 4-H and UC ANR from more than 500 donors on Giving Tuesday,” said Emily Delk, UC ANR director of annual giving and donor stewardship. In all, UC ANR received 580 donations on Giving Tuesday.

Donations are still being accepted to boost UC ANR programs and research for a healthier California. To give, visit http://donate.ucanr.edu.

To learn more about how UC ANR is helping your community, visit https://ucanr.edu/About/Locations and follow @ucanr on social media.


Posted on Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 10:28 AM

Invest in every Californian with a gift to UC ANR

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is participating in Giving Tuesday, launching the “You are here. So are we” campaign. Donations bring the power of UC research in agriculture, natural resources, nutrition, and youth development to local communities to improve the lives of all Californians.

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, this year #GivingTuesday is Dec. 3 and kicks off the giving season by inspiring people to give back.

“Wherever you are in California, so are we,” said Glenda Humiston, UC vice president for agriculture and natural resources. “Our programs and research serve our communities— bringing practical, science-based answers to residents across the state.”

#GivingTuesday continues to grow each year as people come together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live.

Donors may designate the UC ANR programs or locations to which they wish to donate. The website http://donate.ucanr.edu contains links to all UC ANR programs, research and extension centers and UCCE offices.

UC ANR anticipates an exciting campaign thanks in part to generous donors, volunteers, staff and board members who have given a total of $35,000 in matching funds—a tremendous incentive to donors across the state who want to double the impact of their gifts.

“UC ANR provides research and outreach in your community—to be a neighbor in times of need,” said Emily Delk, UC ANR director of annual giving and donor stewardship. “And, we can't do this without your help.”

To give gifts and support UC ANR programs and research for a healthier California, visit http://donate.ucanr.edu on Dec. 3. Follow @ucanr and the hashtag #NeighborCA on social media.

To learn more about what UC ANR is doing in your community, visit https://ucanr.edu.

Posted on Monday, December 2, 2019 at 3:02 PM

Celebrating generosity on Giving Tuesday

In this season of gratitude and giving, we at UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) would like to give thanks to everyone who has made a donation to UC ANR on Giving Tuesday over the past few years. 

Whether you donate your time as a Master Gardener volunteer or a 4-H volunteer, or your money to support a statewide program, Research and Extension Center, Cooperative Extension office in your county or our California Agriculture journal, your gift makes a difference and helps us go farther.

You are here. So are we. Your donations help us achieve our mission to connect UC research in agriculture, natural resources, nutrition and youth development with local communities to improve the lives of all Californians.  

We hope you'll consider making a gift on Giving Tuesday (December 3) this year. And please keep in touch. Visit our home page this week — and every week — and subscribe to our Connected newsletter to catch up on the work we do for you.  

Thank you for all you do to support UC ANR!

Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2019 at 8:07 PM

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