Quake in Humboldt County
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake centered near Ferndale shook the area around 2:30 a.m. this morning. Here's what we know so far. Yana Valachovic, UCCE director for Humboldt and Del Norte counties, said she was still trying to reach all ANR staff members who work in those counties. The power is out and cell service is spotty, making communication difficult. There is extensive damage – broken windows and household items and buckled roads.
Brian Oatman is in touch with Yana to provide assistance. We hope everyone remains safe and healthy.
You may want to refresh your earthquake knowledge with this fact sheet prepared by Susie Kocher https://ucanr.edu/sites/Disaster/files/372016.pdf. Also, the Cal OES My Hazards website is a good resource to learn more about the risks from earthquake, fire, flood, and other hazards in your area: https://myhazards.caloes.ca.gov/
Glenda Humiston
Vice President