Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

List of Experts



-Nutrition Policy Institute-

The Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI) conducts and evaluates research related to the impact of nutrition and physical activity on public health. NPI prizes research that provides a strong basis for public policies that can eliminate health disparities, especially those stemming from lack of access to healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity. The Institute is housed within the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of California. In early 2015 the staff and research projects of the Atkins Center for Weight and Health at UC Berkeley joined NPI. This unification expands the reach and breadth of NPI’s research to support healthy communities.

Nutrition Policy Institute

Karina Díaz Rios

UC Cooperative Extension specialist

Development of culturally sensitive approaches to nutrition education
Prevention of diet-related diseases
Speaks Spanish

UC Merced
(217) 552-6336

Marc Hellerstein

Obesity, diabetes, exercise, cancer prevention, cholesterol and heart disease, endocrinology, AIDS
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology
UC Berkeley
(510) 642-0646

Pat Crawford

Cooperative Extension Nutrition Specialist and Adjunct Professor
Co-Director for the Center for Weight & Health, UCB; child obesity, assessment of child growth, childhood eating patterns, school nutrition interventions and evaluations, dietary determinants of obesity, evaluation of policy and environmental nutrition changes in schools and communities, community coalitions to promote healthy environments, best practices to prevent pediatric overweight
Dept. of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology and School of Public Health
UC Berkeley
(510) 642-5572
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