Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Olive oil ‘fridge test’ doesn’t reliably detect fraud

Solidification of olive oil in the fridge doesn't indicate quality, says Paul Vossen, UC Cooperative Extension advisor.
Extra virgin olive oil is tasty and excellent for your health, but experts say as much as 70 percent of it sold in America is adulterated, or of a lower grade. How can you tell if your brand is the real deal?

One notion — the so-called “fridge-test” theory — says you can determine the purity of your extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) by putting it in your refrigerator. If it solidifies, you can trust your EVOO is pure — or so the theory goes.

Is that scientifically accurate?

No, according to new research from the UC Davis Olive Center. Testing seven samples under cold conditions over eight days, researchers discovered the fridge test is unreliable in detecting either the purity or quality of olive oil.

“None of our samples showed any signs of congealing after 60 hours in a laboratory refrigerator set to 40.5 degrees Fahrenheit,” said Dan Flynn, executive director of the UC Davis Olive Center. “Even after 180 hours, the samples never fully solidified.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have such a simple test that could indicate an olive oil’s market grade, but it is much more complicated than that,” said Paul Vossen, UC Cooperative Extension advisor in Sonoma and Marin counties. 

“All olive oils contain a small amount of saturated fatty acids that solidify at refrigerator temperatures,” said Vossen, an olive oil expert. “The amount of solidification is equal to the amount of saturated fatty acids in the oil, which depends mostly on the varieties of olives used to make the oil and to a lesser extent where the olives were grown. Solidification does not indicate freshness, purity, flavor, extra virgin grade, or any other quality parameter.” 

The fridge-test theory surfaced on a recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show which aired Feb. 11, 2013, to more than 3 million viewers. While cautioning his method isn’t fool-proof, Dr. Oz. encouraged viewers to test the purity of EVOO by seeing if it solidifies in the fridge.

“After the show aired, we were swamped with calls from people who were concerned they were being ripped off,” Flynn said.

So the Olive Center conducted a study. They refrigerated seven samples, including two EVOOs, an olive oil, a canola oil, a safflower oil, and two blends. Some samples showed minor congealing at the bottom of the bottles, but none solidified completely.

“It’s true that waxes and long-chain fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil can lead to the oil solidifying in the cold, although relative amounts of these compounds vary from oil to oil,” the study said.

Olive oils are graded based on how the oil is extracted from olives and on chemical and sensory standards. True extra virgin olive oil is extracted from olives without heat or chemicals and must have no defective flavors such as rancidity. Extra virgin olive oil is more expensive than other oils and is therefore an attractive product for fraud.

Using sensory and chemistry testing, the UC Davis Olive Center is working on dependable methods for detecting when an extra virgin olive oil is fraudulently labeled. In the meantime, the center advises consumers to choose an oil within 15 months of the harvest day (not the best-before date), look for a certification seal indicating that the oil passed chemical and sensory tests, and seek (and store) oils protected from light.

Posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 1:14 PM
Tags: olive oil (25), Paul Vossen (16)


While useful for lay consumers (like me) to better understand the limitations of the 'Fridge Test' for measuring relative qualities of olive oils, this article requires me to read between the lines for figuring out a more important test: Whether or not the "olive oil" labeled bottle in front of me is olive oil at all, or a completely different (fraudulently substituted) oil. I'm running the Fridge Test on a suspect bottle right now. This "olive oil" has been in my fridge at a relatively constant 42F degrees for one week now... and there is absolutely NO sign of any solidification in the bottle at all. Is this a suggestion (a strong suggestion?) that the oil in this bottle is not olive oil... or do I need to lower the temperature to make sure? If so... how low? I've queried the food company about this, and they've come back to me citing limitations of the Fridge Test in measuring olive oil qualities almost mimicking Mr Vossen's comments above. Hopefully the lay public can derive some sort of value from this article other than it serving as a potentially obfuscating PR piece for the "olive oil" food industry. So... are my own test results here suggestive/strongly-suggestive that there's something in my bottle other than REAL olive oil?

Posted by Bill Botkovich on May 30, 2013 at 9:37 AM

Bill, You took the thoughts right out of my head! I too did the "fridge test" and my oil failed miserably. I am replacing it with one that solidifies.

Posted by Kate on November 8, 2013 at 4:44 PM

If the olive oil completely hardens, then it's a sign that it might be fake.  
The researchers fridge test did not never fully solidified after 180 hours.  
The only good thing about olive oil completely hardening says is it's very low in polyunsaturated facts.(omega 6)

Posted by Randall on March 7, 2014 at 7:37 AM

I figured that if it congealed in the fridge it meant it wasn't good quality?? I have some olive oil that never congealed (cheap price) and another from the Olive Oil Store that congealed over night practically and I was upset at the price I paid for it. I guess I just don't know much about olive oil.

Posted by Frankie Leftwich on September 9, 2015 at 8:33 AM

I call bull! I bought a bottle that I trust, and it turned completely solid! If you read what the study says, it did not use pure evo.

Posted by Rod on January 24, 2016 at 8:23 PM

Hey Rod, what olive oil did you use? Can you post a picture of it as well? Southpawill@juno.com

Posted by will on June 27, 2016 at 9:43 AM


Posted by carol on November 26, 2016 at 7:48 PM

Thank you for your post.But I have found that using Olive oil is causing allergic problems to my skin.Do you have any advice for me?

Posted by Tusab @ Aceite de oliva on December 11, 2016 at 2:47 PM

I have a bottle of Palestinian olive oil which I completely trust. It turned solid in the refrigerator. Then I put a bottle of Whole Foods olive oil in my refrigerator and it stayed completely liquid. I don't know what to think. Whole Foods olive oil is one of the ones that has rumors about it. I was going to cotact customer service at Whole Foods but want to be sure I was being fair.

Posted by Dory on January 18, 2017 at 7:03 PM

Thank you for your question, Dori. The fridge test you mention is not reliable for assessing quality. The UC Davis Olive Center tested it and wrote this report:  
The Olive Center offers these tips for consumers buying olive oil:  

Reply by Pamela Kan-Rice on January 20, 2017 at 3:53 PM

Dory, Whole Foods olive oil is not pure olive oil, unfortunately. Based on the last list I saw. We get olive oil straight from small producers in Italy who grow/process/bottle their tiny production. Very trustworthy. Their olive oil solidifies in the fridge. So, it's NOT a sign it's fake. It's my understanding, however, that it's not a surefire test, because some producers take their olive oil through a process that removes wax (?) so that it will pour even in the cold. Anyone else heard this? This has become a very frustrating process for consumers. We hear cold-pressed extra virgin is good for our health, invest tons of money, but can't be sure we're getting those incredible anti-inflammatory properties.

Posted by Pamela on April 1, 2017 at 11:08 AM

Here is some info from LifeHacke. Note that WF olive oil didn't passr:  
The brands that failed to meet the extra virgin olive oil standards, according to this study: Bertolli, Carapelli, Colavita, Star, Pompeian. Eat Grown Local also reports: Filippo Berio, Mazzola, Mezzetta, Newman's Own, Safeway, and Whole Foods in this list; the data may be from the earlier 2010 study when more brands were evaluated.  
The real deal: California Olive Ranch, Cobram Estate, Lucini. Kirkland Organic, Lucero (Ascolano), McEvoy Ranch Organic are also noted by Eat Grown Local.

Posted by Pamela on April 1, 2017 at 11:09 AM

I have bought many brands of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, some hardened in the fridge some don’t. The brand that I’m using now,is Monaco from Monaco Foods Inc. in Miami. Does anybody know anything about Monaco.

Posted by Sam Withoff on April 18, 2019 at 7:20 AM

I've been using California Olive Ranch for some time, with hardening in frig. Recently noticed that they had started pooling with 3 other countries and it no longer hardens. Is this coincidence or a sign that it is being adulterated?

Posted by Linda Richard on June 8, 2020 at 8:31 AM

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