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This list has been compiled by UCCE San Diego staff to provide resources, tools, and information on the topic of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. Current as of July 12, 2021.

Getting Started with Solar Photovoltaic San Diego County Planning & Development Services Are you planning to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on your property? The installation of solar PV is regulated by the Zoning Ordinance and requires approval of a building permit. These systems are an accessory use to residential, agricultural, civic, commercial, or industrial uses (except if approved by a Major Use Permit). Find information about installing solar panels on your property here.
Renewable Energy Permitting San Diego County Planning & Development Services This site provides handouts for various resources and types of applications filed with the Building Division, including permitting for renewable energy resources, application help, and eligibility checklists.
Wind Turbine Development Information San Diego County Planning & Development Services Zoning ordinances and requirements, minimum plan requirements, and other information is offered here regarding the development of wind turbine facilities.
Energy Consumption Awareness Tools USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service These tools are designed to increase energy awareness in agriculture and to help farmers and ranchers identify where they can reduce their energy costs (animal housing, irrigation, nitrogen, and tillage). The results generated by these tools are estimates based on NRCS models and are illustrative of the magnitude of savings. Please contact your local NRCS office for additional assistance.
Greenhouse Best Management Practices Manual University of Massachusetts Amherst Greenhouse crop BMPs are an industry-driven effort to maintain agricultural production in a proftable, environmentally-sensitve and sustainable manner. BMPs are not meant to be regulatory, as every greenhouse operation and site is different and may require special practices. (This manual is written for greenhouses in Massachusetts, not California. The manual is not intended for regulatory recommendations.)
Land-Based Wind Energy Guidelines US Fish and Wildlife Service This document provides a structured, scientific process for addressing wildlife conservation concerns at all stages of land-based wind energy development.
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy Interstate Renewable Energy Council Using a map-based search interface, find information about state, local, utility company, and federal policy incentives that promote renewable energy. Sort by state and search by "farm", "agriculture", or "agricultural" to find CA and ag-specific policy incentives.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation on the Farm Extension.org

The eXtension Farm Energy website provides fact sheets, research summaries, case studies, decision tools, worksheets, and many other resources to get started on a range of practices, including: conserving energy through modified farming practices and equipment upgrades; growing and producing your own biofuels; evaluating feedstocks such as switchgrass, algae and sugar crops; calculating wind and solar power potential on your farm; and objective and practical information on the Sustainable use and production of Farm Energy.