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Sustainable Natural Ecosystems

Initiative Themes

The Sustainable Natural Ecosystems initiative works to preserve forests, rangelands, and wetlands. SNESI research and extension efforts aim to identify and prioritize issues and solutions affecting these regions. The initiative works in the key areas of:

  • Healthy rangelands, forests and working landscapes

  • Fighting Fire – Resilient forests and fire-safe urban areas

  • Protecting where we live. Healthy landscapes and urban forests

  • Enhancing our water supply


Public Value: The SNE SI helps California and Californians by building our state economy, helping protect our natural resources, and by building capacity of our people and communities.

Our Strategic Initiatives help unify, communicate and advocate for the work we do.


Grand Challenges

The SNE SI panel support this work by bringing a broad spectrum of expertise and practice and helps identify key emerging issues including:

  • Fire

  • Land use policy

  • Protecting water supplies - quality and quantity

  • Climate change

  • (Biodiversity)



See UC Delivers for examples of impact in HFC.

UC ANR members can share the impact of their work - it's easy. Click here to find out how.


See funding opportunities listed with UC ANR Contracts & Grants

See Opportunity & Matching grants (small grants to help with urgent time-sensitive needs)







SNE-related Blogs
  • Yellow sticky traps in a potted houseplant can help monitor for fungus gnats. Photo by Krystle Hickman, UC IPM.
    Gnats in your houseplants?

    If you've noticed tiny, dark insects flying around your houseplants, you likely have fungus gnats. These tiny flies can be a nuisance indoors and...

  • Educational signage at the Composting Education site
    UCCE popularizes at-home composting in Santa Clara County

    Composting Education Program helps repurpose waste, reduce methane emissions Composting recycles organic matter such as leaves and food scraps...

  • Pest tips for September.
    September Pest Tips

    Just a few more weeks of summer remain! As the weather begins to shift, you may need to adjust your landscaping practices to prevent and monitor for...