Project Leader Role
Current 4-H adult volunteer at least 18 years old.
Project-specific content knowledge or willingness to learn and teach others on project educational content.
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Provide and enable a series of learning experiences that allow youth to reach their goals around a specific subject.
Create an environment where:
Safe, meaningful, impactful educational opportunities exist, and
Positive youth development principles are utilized to help members grow and learn.
A passion to help youth achieve key positive youth development outcomes, including academic motivation and success, social competence, high personal standards, connection with others, personal responsibility, and contribution to others through leadership and civic engagement.
Annual training with 4-H County Staff (as available).
Completion of Volunteer Training online courses as required.
A minimum of 6 hours of educational time for members and corresponding preparation.
Club meetings as scheduled to coordinate project leadership activities.
Knowledge of the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program, its mission, core values and policies.
Ability to provide instruction to youth between the ages of 5-18 while at the same time working and delegating tasks to youth in leadership roles within the project as junior or teen leaders.
Ability to create and communicate lesson plans and program expectations by annually completing the 4-H Annual Project Plan, submit to County 4-H office and share with parents/guardians.
Understand and practice developmental relationship building and belonging skills with youth.
Understand and practice exemplary youth-adult partnership strategies and techniques.
Accompany and supervise youth in all program areas in both structured and unstructured activity.
Ensure the safety of members and volunteers at project meetings and events. This includes completing the full volunteer enrollment process including fingerprinting and background check prior to launching the project and completion of required courses before opening any project meetings.
Mentor youth members to enable them to set and reach goals across the range of possibilities defined by the publication 4-H Steps to Success and as assessed by the Project and Activity Evaluation Checklist.
Listen and respond to the needs of youth as they relate to health and wellbeing, in addition to specific project goals.