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Highlighting agricultural developments, problems, research, & issues for central coast CA
by Paul J Underhill
on April 13, 2019 at 6:20 AM
The section of this article about organic production is disingenuous. There are no organic pest control products that remotely approach the acute toxicity of materials like organophosphates or carbamates to humans. There are none that are proven carcinogens. The fact that most organic materials must be applied more frequently than synthetic is a testimony to the speed at which they biodegrade.  
Including language about the use of diesel fuel would be a reasonable statement if not for the fact that none of the listed definitions of IPM address fossil fuel or climate change.  
The two paragraphs criticizing organic agriculture come across very simply as ad-hominem attacks and make the reader question the authors motives.  
As an organic farmer, I practice a full range of IPM strategies. I respect and appreciate that conventional farmers do as well, within their own paradigm. But the simple fact is that many of the materials conventional growers use every day are more harmful in every way, and it is absurd to try to create false equivalencies with organic materials and practices.
by Gina Colfer
on April 15, 2019 at 11:12 AM
Thanks for putting this info out there! If you ever need product or assistance with growers when working on projects associated with IPM or organics, please let me know.
by Sachin Bhagat
on December 26, 2019 at 7:14 AM
This article is very effective in the site of grower and consumer. The components explained in the article are well studied, if grower used the IPM component in the field then it should effective to grow the crops by low cost input. And the awareness prospect of IPM may help consumer to eat healthy farm products.
by Chandramani Raj
on April 29, 2020 at 8:18 PM
Nice explanation.
by Facundo Bellomioq
on August 11, 2022 at 12:23 PM
Thanks you Surendra K. Dara. I find your article great resume of a complexe concept as IPM is. Also, I celebrate you referd to items not frequently questinated. Just puting it to consederation makes us think. Organics farmers and consumers are making posible to put this knolowyes on the field. Convencional agriculture will be obsolet, organic agriculture reciently started. But we can do bether, the only way to a safer world is thinking out of the box.
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