- Author: Bryon J. Noel

There are several different ways to add video's to your blog. If you have the video you can upload the video to the blog the same way images are uploaded and included. Or if the video is on youTube or another video service those videos can be embedded in your blog post without any uploads.
Here's how:
Embedding a video involves copying a small piece of HTML and pasting that code into your blog post. Typically "i-frames" are used and the HTML code will look something like this:
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4x-2k56xDw4" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>
The key is looking for this "embed" code on the video service. In youTube currently this is how...
- Author: Dave Krause

We've made a few changes to Site Builder and our Blog system that are worth sharing with you. Indeed, we should probably Pin a Tweet to our Wall and throw it in one of our Circles.
We've upgraded the Sharing feature of Site Builder and the Blogs to allow for the inclusion of a Twitter handle. This is your Twitter ID, the name following the "@" symbol. You can use a Twitter ID to locate a profile on their site, like this example: http://twitter.com/ANRWebGuy.
On the the page properties of your "home page," you can set the default Twitter handle for your site. If you have "sharing" enabled, any time someone shares to Twitter, your ID will go...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

For those of you who post a lot on the ANR Blogs you may have noticed a change on the Blog interface. The ability to add multiple Authors has been added to the Blogs. Each Author can be listed under any name the poster would like, even "King of the Universe" (should one feel the need to be listed as that).
When there are many authors sorting has been made easy with drag and dropping the author to the proper location. of course the arrows are always available if needed.
Here you can see an Author being edited. Everything can be edited to suit the need.
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

The ability to download ANR Blog Stats to Excel has been added to the ANR Blogs. The "Excel Download" link will download the stats from the page you are currently looking at. When viewing Blog stats and select "Excel Download". The stats downloaded will be the same as currently being viewed. This allows you to download the stats as you see them and as needed.
I know many have been wanting this ability. So I hope that you find this helpful!
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

If you've stopped to take a look at the ANR Blog stats lately you may have noticed quite a few changes over the past few weeks. The first change is the graph. We are now using Google's Charting tool to draw charts that are much better to look at than the previous charts.
Another part of the recent changes include the addition of date fields. This allows the entry of start and end date so that the stats between those dates can be retrieved easily.
One of the more difficult updates was to have an "All Blogs" stats view. This shows a summary of all the stats for each Blog. One may drill...