- Author: Dave Krause

We are pleased to announce a new Site Builder feature as well as the resurrection of an old broken asset!
First, we've added the option in Site Information and Appearance to have top navigation stick to the left OR the right!
Just toggle "Right" and your top navigation, assuming you're using top navigation, will float right.
One thing to consider if you use the right aligned top navigation, your dropdown menus, if you have them, may extend off of the page. It's a design trainwreck, but one that we could no avoid at this time because of the flexibility built into Site Builder. When we devise a new design, we will take this situation into consideration.
- Author: Dave Krause

Most of the web guys have had Facebook accounts since Mark Zuckerberg was still cramming for a Poly Sci final. However, only now do we have official UCANR Facebook accounts.
People ask us frequently about Facebook, and since our private accounts are laced with all manner of unsavory content, we opted to create new ones that you can "like."
So, please search for Dave Krause, Bryon Noel, Alex Zangeneh-Azam, and Karl Krist should you want to connect with us (use the @ucdavis.edu account if you see more than one). We may post smallish Web updates there, as if you need an incentive.
- Author: Dave Krause

Feed me, Seymour
Just a quick update for all of you Site Builders out there! The import routine is complete and in testing right now. So far, the results look promising, and I hope to release it division-wide next week.
Here's what you get/don't get when you run it:
It imports all files, programs, subpages, newsletters and subscribers from a Site Builder 2 site into a new Site Builder 3 site.
It does NOT import surveys, calendar events and datastores. These will be imported by the loving hands of a qualified member of your ANR Web Action Team. We will do this when you are ready to "go live" with your new site, and...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

Can you remember back to Kindergarden when you were taught to share toys? Well, today we are having a similar lesson only this one is about sharing the web. A recent popular trend is to share news articles, web pages, blog posts, and most anything interesting you can find on the web with friends, family, or co-workers. There are a few sites that specialize in this type of sharing. A new feature we've added to the Blogs is to easily share pages with these social networking websites. Dave developed this feature for Sitebuilder 3.0 and he adapted it to make it easy to use for the Blogs.
Using this feature is quite simple, it does require an account with each social networking application you would like to use. Sharing a page with...