- Author: Bruce Lidl
Usually, as an IT communicator, my job is to inform people about an amazing new technology or service. A new tool or offering that will profoundly impact their work experience and propel their company or university into a new era of success (we hope!).
That is not my task today, however. Instead, my first announcement as UC ANR IT Communication Specialist is… me.
Last week, I joined CSIT to support ANR web development and to assist IT in getting the word out about all the cool new things we are building. I, myself, am not likely to have a profound impact on your daily work, at least in comparison to the ANR Portal or SiteBuilder...
- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

Keyboard shortcuts are incredibly helpful for work and day-to-day computing. They'll speed you through your tasks by taking the mouse out of the equation for a lot of simple actions.
Here are some basic keyboard shortcuts (in parentheses for ) that will help while using our web applications!
Select all: CTRL+A (command+A)
Copy selected: CTRL+C (command+C)
Cut selected: CTRL+X (command+X)
Paste: CTRL+V (command+V)
Undo: CTRL+Z (command+Z)
Redo: CTRL+Y (command+Y)
Find: CTRL+F (command+F)
And here are some other more general shortcuts
Save a file: CTRL+S (command+S)
Capture a screen shot: PrtScn (command+shift+3)
Capture a screen shot of a specific window: Alt+PrtScn...
- Author: Dave Krause
Recently, the ANR Catalog was updated to a new system. This change included new URLs for items, including free publications. If you have any links in your Site Builder sites to specific publications, free or otherwise, you may need to update these links.
The free publications are now located here: http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/Items.aspx?hierId=1100. You can also search the entire catalog for individual publication listings: http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/.
- Author: Jon Wilson

Today, we made some considerable changes to the Social Media Asset in Site Builder. The changes are on the Twitter side; the Facebook behaviors are unchanged.
Twitter Mode
In contrast to the one-size-fits-all solution of yesterday, there are now three ways you can use the social media asset to display tweets. Each method has its pros and cons.
Above is a screenshot of the 'Edit Asset' page for the updated Social Media Asset in Site Builder 3.
"Search" allows you to display tweets that match a search string.
- it allows you to mix and match multiple usernames and...
- Author: Dave Krause
We've booked a Site Builder training in Davis on August 7, 2013. This will be an introduction to the system, but we will also cover new design features and social media integration. The Davis training classes fill up very quickly, so don't delay if you are interested!
Please note: the training is for ANR personnel. If you are a volunteer or non-ANR UC staff, please contact Dave Krause to be placed on our waiting list.