- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

The WYSIWYG Editor and Long Text Question types have been updated in the Survey tool! You can now limit the maximum character length of user submissions from 1 to 1 billion characters. The character limit is optional and both question types can function without setting a maximum length.
Fun Fact of the Day: 1 Billion characters would be approximately 163,934 words or 328 single spaced pages. Roughly the same length as George Orwell's 1984.
- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

We've noticed that several working payment surveys where users are not being taken to the payment-processing page. If this is happening to your users please double check that the payment question is mandatory. If the user does not enter anything into the question or enters zero then the response is counted as zero and the user is not asked to pay anything.
To change a payment question to mandatory go to your survey:
- Click Edit
- Find your payment question and click edit
- Underneath the question text box click the checkbox next to the text "Required"
- Click "Save Information" at the bottom of the page
- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

Keyboard shortcuts are incredibly helpful for work and day-to-day computing. They'll speed you through your tasks by taking the mouse out of the equation for a lot of simple actions.
Here are some basic keyboard shortcuts (in parentheses for ) that will help while using our web applications!
Select all: CTRL+A (command+A)
Copy selected: CTRL+C (command+C)
Cut selected: CTRL+X (command+X)
Paste: CTRL+V (command+V)
Undo: CTRL+Z (command+Z)
Redo: CTRL+Y (command+Y)
Find: CTRL+F (command+F)
And here are some other more general shortcuts
Save a file: CTRL+S (command+S)
Capture a screen shot: PrtScn (command+shift+3)
Capture a screen shot of a specific window: Alt+PrtScn...
- Author: Alex Zangeneh-Azam
Imagine a blog. With fifty questions. No, make that one hundred and fifty questions. And you have to shift the questions around. Then imagine the arrows... click, click click, tick, tock, tick... that can take a little time. You sweat. You get flustered. You only have three minutes left before deadline and...
You've just entered the survey zone.
Fortunately, we have a few remedies for you. By now you have encountered the "up and down" arrows. The can indeed be a pain, especially if you have to move a question above ten others:
Ugh... how many clicks will that take!?
First option: The numerical order
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

The survey system has seen some updates recently. Some of which you may not notice right away but are big features. The most notable feature addition is the ability to drag and drop questions for sorting. This feature is kind of hidden but I've caught several Web Action team members sitting and playing with it on test surveys! Of course if you like clicking arrows the old fashioned way you still can. Here's a little preview:
Other additions are not so exciting but just as important. There's quite a bit more that we have planned for the Survey system. So stay tuned for more updates!