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For Project Leaders

The Project Leaders' Digest provides you with a wealth of information about being a project leader.

Project Leader Checklist:This checklist is designed to assist 4-H project leaders in preparing to implement their project(s) prior to meeting with youth (Revised 10/2017)

Teaching Techniques This article deals with teaching techniques and management
styles. A wise teacher once observed, "If a child isn't interested, you can't teach him. If he is interested, you can't keep him from learning." 

4-H Project Proficiencies proficiency requirements help members achieve goals and help leaders create curriculum.

Project Sheets are on the State 4-H site and provide curriculum for some projects.

4-H Project Curriculum - Coming soon 

4hOnline - Project Leader Login

Learn how to log on and to view and evaluate project member reports with this 4hOnline Help Sheet for Project Leaders. You will need you Project leader Password to view your current Project roster.

Clover Safety Notes

Safety is an important part of 4-H projects!  The University has developed a 4-H Safety Manual to help leaders help youth stay safe. 

Grants for Clubs, Projects, more

The Youth Ag & Leadership Foundation is proud to support our Sonoma County 4-H clubs. Club members and leaders have a chance to apply for grants twice a year. Once in Spring (due February 15th) and once in the Fall (due November 15th). These grants help with project costs and help the clubs to grow and expand. 

Limitations of the Authority of Volunteers

Limitations of the Authority of Volunteers
Volunteers may not sign contracts of any kind on behalf of University of California or 4-H, nor otherwise obligate the Regents of the University of California in any way. All agreements with outside organizations, agencies and individuals must be executed by an authorized UC employee (at county level the county director), and must comply with all applicable UC policies and procedures governing the particular transaction. 

4-H adult volunteers cannot charge for services or lessons they provide as a 4-H adult volunteer. Project activities must be performed free of any charges. No payment to a 4-H adult volunteer or junior/teen leader for 4-H services may be accepted or solicited.