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How to submit photographs for publication

Communication Services prefers digital files but will scan slides if necessary and return them to you.

Submit each digital photo in a separate file (not in a Word or Powerpoint file). When naming the files, include the figure number and a key word describing the photo in the name.

RAW format is best, TIFF and EPS are acceptable. JPEG files over 3 mb are acceptable for print; files under 3 mb are good enough only for online publications. JPEG files under 1 mb are usually not acceptable even for online publications.

Make sure each photo has a callout in the text of your publication, as in “(fig.1).” Also make sure that you have obtained permission to publish photos that require permission.

Along with the photos, submit a figure list in the form of a Microsoft Word table that gives the following information for each image: caption, figure number, photographer or source credit, and digital filename. A thumbnail of the photo is very helpful. See this sample figure list.

You can send digital photo files to Communication Services on a CD or DVD, or, if you have only a few photos, compress them into one file and put them on the FileVault for Ann Senuta (aesenuta@ucdavis.edu) (see the FileVault page at http://ucanr.org/filevault/).