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University of California
ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: specialists

2023-24 call for UCCE positions

I am pleased to announce the new 2023-24 Call for UC Cooperative Extension (CE) Advisor and Specialist positions. Building on the more than 100 CE positions released over the last couple of years, we continue to prioritize growing our academic footprint to provide the expertise needed to improve the lives of all Californians and address emerging and future needs. We plan to release 20 new priority CE Advisor positions and 10 new priority CE Specialist positions.

There are several phases with the same timeline for CE Advisor and CE Specialist positions:

  1. Identifying priority positions/connecting interested groups – until Dec. 18, 2023
  2. Proposal co-creation and submission – by Feb. 19, 2024
  3. Program Council reviews and develops recommendations – March 2024
  4. UC ANR Vice President makes final decision and releases positions – May/June 2024

Please see the 2023-24 CE Position Call webpage for more detailed process information and important documents, such as the required proposal template. 

The processes for new CE Advisor and CE Specialist positions take a similar approach, but have different groups working together and submitting. As always, UC ANR strongly encourages engaging both internal and external stakeholders in identifying and developing proposals for priority positions. The process has been improved in response to feedback. The UC ANR Program Teams have an important role given they engage and represent the CE and AES (Agricultural Experiment Station) network including statewide programs and institutes.

  • For CE Advisor positions, County Directors and the Research and Extension (REC) System will prioritize in their regional teams and work closely with UC ANR Program Teams.
  • For CE Specialist positions, UC ANR Program Teams and the REC system will identity their top priority needs and campuses will select the position ideas that align with their academic planning. Working together, they will develop the proposals.

I look forward to seeing the proposals developed through this collaborative prioritization.


Glenda Humiston
Vice President

Posted on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 1:46 PM
Tags: advisors (10), positions (27), specialists (13)

ANR releases 16 UCCE Specialist positions

I am delighted to announce 16 UCCE Specialist positions will be recruited over the next 12 months. This is in addition to the five UCCE Specialist positions released last fall and two additional co-funded UCCE Specialist positions since May 2021 (one located at the Kearney REC in partnership with UC Merced and one position to be recruited in partnership with UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine). To date, 106 UCCE Specialist and Advisor positions have been released since this time in 2021 to grow the UCCE footprint, thanks to the increased 2021-22 state funding. We are positioned to make an even bigger difference in the lives of Californians by having so many more boots on the ground!

We currently have UCCE Specialists located on six campuses (UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz and UC Merced), RECs and in county offices. We are excited to strengthen partnerships with additional UC campuses by placing UCCE Specialists on the following campuses for the first time: UC Irvine and UCLA. We look forward to working with UCCE Specialist positions on these campuses to strengthen the UC ANR network and further our mission.

I want to commend our long-term campus partners at UC Berkeley, UC Davis and UC Riverside for helping departments on their campuses that are new to UC ANR understand the value of UC Specialists. We now have a position in UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. I also want to again thank the Program Teams for their review and input on the UCCE Specialist proposals. The Program Team prioritization and stakeholder engagement described in the proposals were critical to informing the release of these positions.

The positions below are organized in numerical order; clicking on the link will go to the full position description. Alterations to the original proposals are noted in parentheses, where applicable.

59 Agricultural Toxicology Specialist, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Molecular Biosciences and CAES Department of Environmental Toxicology

60 Agroecology Specialist, UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology and Department of Environmental Studies

62 Climate Resilience and Labor Specialist, UC Berkeley School of Public Health

63 Dairy Cattle Production Health and Management Economics Specialist, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Teaching & Research (located in Tulare County)

64 Diseases of Nursery Greenhouse and Native Crops Specialist, UC Davis CAES Department of Plant Pathology

65 Economics of Diversity and Equity Specialist, UC Berkeley RCNR Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics

66 Economics of Food Supply Chains Specialist, UC Davis CAES Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

67 Engineered Wood Products and Design Specialist, UC Berkeley RCNR Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

69 Food Crop Safety Specialist (80% UCCE, 20% OR appointment), UC Riverside CNAS Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology

74 Nutrition and Health Equity Specialist, UC Davis CAES Department of Nutrition

76 Regenerative Agriculture Specialist, UC Merced Department of Life and Environmental Sciences

78 Soil Health Specialist, UC Davis CAES Department of Land, Air and Water Resources

81 Subtropical Fruit Crop IPM Specialist (80% UCCE, 20% OR appointment), UC Riverside CNAS Department of Entomology

83 Urban Water Quality, Health and Justice Specialist, UC Irvine Department of Civil and Environment Engineering

85 Water Equity and Adaptation Policy Specialist, UC Los Angeles Luskin Center for Innovation

87 Weed Science Specialist (80% UCCE, 20% OR appointment; position description to be amended to have a primary focus on agricultural production systems), UC Riverside CNAS Department of Botany and Plant Sciences

The full list UCCE positions released is posted on the 2021-22 Release of UCCE Positions web page. More about the process is available on the 2021 Call for Positions web page.

Thank you to all who have, or will, participate in the recruitment process! Information on all UC ANR jobs open for recruitment can be found at; please help us find great candidates for these positions! I look forward to meeting our new and recent hires, in person, as we emerge from this pandemic.

Glenda Humiston
Vice President

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 8:39 PM
Tags: positions (27), specialists (13)

Travel funds available for UCCE specialists to collaborate

ANR will be making additional travel support available for UC Cooperative Extension specialists to collaborate with ANR academics off-campus, including UCCE advisors in the counties and ANR academics at the research and extension centers in FY 2017/18.

With the level of funds available, each specialist may apply for up to $2,500 for FY 2017/18 (travel reports must be submitted within 45 days of travel, and funds must be expended by June 30, 2018). These travel funds must be used by the UCCE specialists only and cannot be used for out-of-state travel.

UC ANR values the work of AES faculty across the three partner campuses. As the recognized lead for the California Agriculture Experiment Station, UC ANR receives federal Hatch funds to support the AES mission and distributes those funds to the three partner campuses to manage and support AES faculty. In recognition of the importance of the partnership between UC ANR academics and AES faculty, UC ANR is expanding the travel support program to include AES faculty as part of a pilot program. Upon completion of a request, UC ANR will support travel by AES faculty to meet and work with UC ANR county-based or REC-based academics. Support is limited to $1,000 per AES faculty member with a cap on the total pool of funds available set at $25,000 for FY17-18. Additional support may be available through the campuses; AES faculty should consult their departments or colleges to determine if additional support is available. Travel support must be used by the AES faculty member for his/her own travel to plan and execute research or present research findings at meetings hosted by UC ANR academics.

Completing a short online survey is the only step in accessing these funds.

A brief survey form is accessible from your ANR Portal. The survey asks 

•        Name and title of academic requesting support

•        Project/Program name

•        Brief project description (one paragraph)

•        Collaborating advisors

While there is no deadline for applications for these travel funds, they must be expended in the current fiscal year.

"We are pleased that we are able to take this step to assist in meeting an identified need," said Wendy Powers, associate vice president.

UCCE specialists may apply for funds directly at

View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at

This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.


Posted on Friday, July 28, 2017 at 8:22 AM
Tags: AES faculty (2), specialists (13), travel funds (8)

Travel funds available for CE specialists to collaborate with CE advisors

ANR will be making additional travel support available for UC Cooperative Extension specialists to collaborate with UCCE advisors in FY 2016/17. With the level of funds available, each specialist may apply for up to $2,500 for FY 2016/17 (funds must be expended by June 30, 2017). These travel funds must be utilized by the UCCE specialists only and cannot be used for out-of-state travel.

Completing a short online survey is the only step in accessing these funds.

A brief survey form will be accessible from your ANR Portal. The survey will ask 

  • Name and title of specialist requesting support
  • Project/Program name
  • Brief project description (one paragraph)
  • Collaborating advisors

While there is no deadline for applications for these travel funds, they must be expended in the current fiscal year. We are pleased that we are able to take this step to assist in meeting an identified need.

UCCE specialists may apply for funds directly at

Wendy Powers
Associate Vice President


View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at

This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.


Posted on Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 10:15 AM

Travel funds again available for CE specialists to collaborate with CE advisors

ANR will be making additional travel support available for UC Cooperative Extension specialists to collaborate with UCCE advisors in FY 2015/16. With the level of funds available, each specialist may apply for up to $2,500 for FY 2015/16 (funds must be expended by June 30, 2016).  These travel funds must be utilized by the UCCE specialists only and cannot be used for out-of-state travel.

Completing a short online survey is the only step in accessing these funds.

A brief survey form will be accessible from your ANR Portal. The survey will ask 

  • Name and title of specialist requesting support
  • Project/Program name
  • Brief project description (one paragraph)
  • Collaborating advisors

While there is no deadline for applications for these travel funds, they must be expended in the current fiscal year.  We are pleased that we are able to take this step to assist in meeting an identified need.

UCCE specialists may apply for funds directly at

Bill Frost
Interim Vice President


View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at

This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

Posted on Friday, July 10, 2015 at 3:47 PM

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