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Integrated Grape Production

Summary The Integrated Grape Production Workgroup integrates the knowledge of AES Scientists, CE Specialists, CE Advisors, and affiliated USDA Researchers who work in wine, grape or raisin production, with the goal of ensuring the most beneficial and productive collaboration in research and extension to clientele throughout the state.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Sahap Kurtural (Co-Chair)
Phone 7079440126
Unit: Viticulture & Enology
Name Shijian Zhuang (Co-Chair)
Phone 559-231-1143
Unit: Fresno County
Membership List
AES Scientist
Adams, Douglas Viticulture & Enology
  Professor of Viticulture Biochemistry of grape ripening, tannins in grapes and wine
Bartlett, Megan
  Assistant Professor Grapevine drought and heat resistance
Bisson, Linda Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Emeritus Geneticist-AES Molecular and biochemical investigations of hexose utilization in wine and laboratory strains of yeast; metabolic factors controlling fermentation rate and end product formation; conditions affecting ethyl carbamate formation in wine
Block, David Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Chemical Engineer Optimization methods for bioprocessing; Ethanol tolerance in yeast; Catalytic conversion of agricultural waste streams
Boulton, Roger Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Chemical Engineer-AES Simulation of winemaking operations; wine stability, winery design; distilled beverage production
Cantu, Dario Viticulture & Enology
  Associate Professor of Systems Biology-AES Plant and microbial genomics, genetic resistance to diseases, bioinformatics
Ebeler, Susan Viticulture & Enology
  Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Programs and Professor of Enology Flavor chemistry and analytical chemistry. Development of methods for analysis and identification of aroma campounds and other trace components in grape and wine products.
Epstein, Lynn Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor Emerita Breeding for disease resistance, especially for Fusarium wilt on celery and wheat stripe rust; Sustainable agriculture; Biology, biochemical ecology and control of phytopathogenic fungi; Fungal development; Efficient design of field trials
Heymann, Hildegarde Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Sensory Scientist Sensory Science
Karban, Richard Entomology (UCD)
  Professor Insect ecology, population regulation of animal species and the interactions between herbivores and their host plants
Lambert, Jean-Jacques
Matthews, Mark Viticulture & Enology
  Professor and Plant Physiologist-AES Plant water relations; growth biophysics; acclimation to water deficits; photosynthesis; irrigation, nutrition of grapes; grape development; xylem structure and development; Pierce's disease; Berry shrivel; winegrape quality
Meredith, Carole Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Emeritus Grapevine genetics and biotechnology
Michailides, Themis Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Plant Pathologist and Lecturer Ecology, epidemiology and control of fungal diseases of fruit and nut crops and vines, postharvest diseases, aflatoxin and mycotoxins of nut crops and figs.
Mills, David Viticulture & Enology
  Professor and Microbiologist Microbiology of gut health; prebiotics, probiotics, fiber interactions in the intestine
Walker, M. Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Geneticist-AES Genetics and breeding of grapevines; resistance to soil borne pests and pathogens; speciation and evolution breeding resistant rootstocks
Waterhouse, Andrew Viticulture & Enology
  Professor Natural product chemistry of grapes and wine, analytical aspects of winemaking
Williams, Larry Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Professor Plant Physiologist-AES Influences of microclimate on physiological processes of the grapevine; cultural techniques of the grapevine associated with the production of raisins and table grapes; carbon assimilation by and allocation in the vine; effect of senescence on gas exchange characteristics; whole plant physiology
CE Advisor
Aram, Kamyar Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Specialty Crops Advisor
Arnold, Kari Foundation Plant Services - CAES
  IR-4 Western Region Field Coordinator Ensuring that specialty crop farmers have legal access to safe and effective crop protection products.
Battany, Mark
  Water Management and Biometeorology Advisor Water management, soil management, soil salinity, frost protection, climate and weather evaluation, weather stations and sensors, grapes and viticulture.
Beede, Robert Kings County
  (Retired) Farm Advisor Emeritus Horticulture: Tree fruit, nuts, grapes
Bentley, Walter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Integrated Pest Management Entomologist, Emeritus Entomology
Bettiga, Larry Monterey County
  Acting Monterey County Director & Viticulture Farm Advisor Wine grape production, canopy management, pest management, rootstock and clonal evaluation.
Caprile - Emeritus, Janet Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Chen, Christopher Hopland Research & Extension Center
  Integrated Vineyard Systems Advisor Vineyard management and stress tolerance
Cooper, Monica Napa County
  Farm Advisor-Viticulture Viticulture and Pest Management
Duncan, Roger Stanislaus County
  Pomology Farm Advisor, Emeritus Almonds, canning peaches, pistachios, misc. tree fruit
El Kereamy, Ashraf Biology (UCR)
  Director of Lindcove REC and Assistant CE Specialist Specialist in Department of Botany and Plant Sciences at UC Riverside, focused on citrus and grape
Fake, Cindy Placer-Nevada Counties
  Horticulture and Small Farms Advisor, Placer and Nevada Counties, Emeritus Commercial Horticultural Production
Gispert, Carmen San Diego North County Office
  UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor, Emeritus. Wine and table grapes
Haviland, David Kern County
  Farm Advisor Entomologist and Pest Management. Advise in identification and control of Pest.
Hollingsworth, Joy Tulare County
  Table Grape Advisor Grapes
Kron, Cindy Sonoma County
  North Coast Area IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management, Entomology, Viticulture
Lund, Karl Madera County
  Area Viticulture Advisor
Luvisi, Donald
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Viticulture
Mcgourty, Glenn Mendocino County
  Viticulture & Plant Science Advisor - Emeritus Plant science--all horticultural crops including wine grapes, vegetables; viticulture; nursery and floriculture (ornamentals); landscape; also sustainable agriculture and weed science
Norton, Maxwell Merced County
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Specialties: Tree fruit, farmland preservation, figs, pomegranates, peaches
Peacock, William Tulare County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture and irrigation, soils
Phillips, Phil Santa Barbara County
  Area IPM Advisor, Emeritus Extension of IPM information and adoption of IPM through demonstration and adaptive local research; in citrus, avocados, grapes, strawberries and vegetables
Rijal, Jhalendra Stanislaus County
  Area IPM Advisor Entomology, insect pest management, insect mating disruption, insect spatial distribution and quantitative sampling, insect behavior and chemical ecology
Roncoroni, John Napa County
  Weed Science Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control and Vegetation Management in Perennial Crops, Covercrops and Aquatic Weed Control
Smith, Rhonda Sonoma County
  Viticulture Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, wine grapes, water management, pest management, vine nutrition
Stapleton, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Plant Pathologist Integrated pest management; alternatives to synthetic chemical products for disease and pest control; solar energy in pest management; ecological engineering; pest issues in natural areas; biological, physical, and cultural management of reservoirs of weedy plant propagative materials; seed pathology; sustainable and appropriate pest management technologies; circular economy issues
Varela, Lucia Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  North Coast IPM Advisor - Emeritus Apples, pears, wine grapes, pest management
Verdegaal, Paul
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, almonds
Wunderlich, Lynn Amador County
  Farm Advisor Viticulture and Pomology for the foothills; Sprayer calibration; Integrated Pest Management; Biological Control
Zhuang, Shijian Fresno County
  Viticulture Farm Advisor Viticulture
CE Specialist
Crisosto, Carlos Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Postharvest Physiologist Extension and research on postharvest biology and technology of fruits; fruit and nuts quality and deterioration and handling systems
Daane, Kent ESPM - Organisms and the Environment
  CE Specialist Biological control and IPM of insect pests in crops (almond, grape, stone fruit, olives, pistachios, berries, lettuce) and ornamentals (eucalyptus, ornamental).
Eskalen, Akif Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor of Cooperative Extension in Plant Pathology Research in my lab is applied and focuses on the identification, biology, epidemiology, and control of fungal pathogens on vines, small fruit & berries, and pome fruits in California.
Fidelibus, Matthew Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Raisin, table and wine grape production,fruit quality, whole-plant physiology, plant growth regulators, weeds.
Golino, Deborah Foundation Plant Services - CAES
  CE Specialist, Director, Foundation Plant Services, Plant Pathology Department Virus diseases of horticultural crops and nursery clean stock programs
Grantham, Ted ESPM - Ecosystem Sciences
  Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist climate, water management and freshwater ecology
Hanson, Bradley Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Chemical and non-chemical weed control in agricultural crops with a focus on herbicide peformance, resistance, crop safety, and environmental fate.
Kurtural, Sahap Viticulture & Enology
  Associate Specialist for Viticulture viticulture, vineyard mechanization, canopy management, trellis systems, precision viticulture
McKenry, Michael Nematology Department
  Emeritus Nematologist and CE Nematology Specialist, Emeritus Field pathogenicity and practical control of nematodes in perennial crops
Mitcham, Elizabeth Department of Plant Sciences
  Director, Postharvest Center Postharvest physiology and technology of fruit and nut crops; emphasis on maintaining flavor quality after harvest, enhancing consumption of produce, and reducing food loss. Also studying regulation of fruit ripening and mechanisms underlying calcium def
Oberholster, Anita Viticulture & Enology
  Cooperative Extension Specialist in Enology Impact viticultural practices and environmental factors (disease, climate change including wildfires) on grape ripening and composition and related wine quality. Influence of vinification practices on wine composition and sensory characteristics. Alternat
Pettygrove, G. Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Soils Specialist Emeritus Soil fertility; land application of wastes and wastewater; dairy manure; winegrape nutrition; precision agriculture.
Prichard, Terry Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Irrigation  Water Management Specialist Irrigation water management, crop response to limited water supplies, water infiltration, Delta water quality and soil salinity issues
Rolshausen, Philippe Botany & Plant Sciences
  Associate CE Specialist Sub Tropical Crops
Westphal, Andreas Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  UC Riverside Professor of Cooperative Extension Nematology, Tokuji and Bettie L. Furuta Endowed Chair Applied Nematology in perennial crops including walnut, almond, pistachio, grape and citrus
Zaccaria, Daniele Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Agricultural Water Management Specialist in Cooperative Extension Agricultural water management and irrigation
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Block, Karen Viticulture & Enology
  Director of Industry Relations
Lapsley, James Viticulture & Enology
  Associate Adjunct Professor History and economics of winemaking
Mcfarland, Kellie
  Program and Event Specialist II, Lead
Rowhani, Adib Foundation Plant Services - CAES
  Plant Pathologist
Tian, Tian Kern County
  Viticulture Advisor Viticulture, Plant Physiology
Torres, Gabriel Viticulture & Enology
  Viticulture Farm Advisor Plant Pathology
Baumgartner, Kendra Plant Pathology - CAES
  USDA-ARS research plant pathologist grapevine diseases
Forrestel, Elisabeth
McElrone, Andrew
Steenwerth, Kerri
  Research Soil Scientist
Membership Totals
Number of Members76
ANR Members72
Info Only0
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