ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

L&D: Public speaking, listening, DASH diet, leadership development, AI in academia, align time & priorities

Nutrition Professionals: Exploring the DASH Diet
(1 CPEU)

Feb. 2
9-10 a.m. PT
Registration. Do you have clients looking for a heart-healthy way to eat that is balanced, flexible, and requires no special foods? With a focus on the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, also known as the DASH eating plan, this webinar will provide useful and practical information to support individuals you work with who are following a heart-healthy eating style.

Dynamic Public Speaking: Crafting and delivering engaging virtual and in-person presentations (UC Davis, Virtual)

Jan. 11
8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. PT
Want to learn how to be a dynamic public speaker in person and virtually? Look no further! Gain practical skills to conduct engaging, informative, and interactive presentations to audiences large and small, in person or online. This workshop will help attendees discover tips to improve oral and nonverbal communication styles, overcome fear of public speaking, review best practices in virtual tools and engagement, incorporate humor and storytelling, integrate experiential learning techniques and exercises, facilitate an effective Q&A session, handle distractions, inspire and motivate participants, and establish credibility. If this class is full, express interest in the UC Learning Center.

Public Speaking Foundations (Linkedin Learning)

Course link. Develop the skills you need to prepare and deliver an outstanding speech or presentation. In this course, Laura Bergells offers practical insights that can help presenters prepare, open, deliver, and close their speeches. Along the way, discover how to project confidence, outline a speech, take questions, and develop the creative story that adds life to a speech. Request your LinkedIn Learning account by contacting ANR IT:

Public Speaking for Non-native English Speakers (Linkedin Learning)

Course link. Speaking in public isn't easy for most people, and if English isn't your first or second language, it might be even more challenging. Designed specifically for non-native English speakers, this course provides practical strategies and techniques to increase clarity and confidence when communicating in English. Executive communication coach and professor Dr. Peter Novak embraces linguistic and cultural diversity in the workplace. Instead of focusing on your accent, Dr. Novak encourages you to shift your efforts towards listener-friendly delivery and embrace your multilingual self. Request your LinkedIn Learning account by contacting ANR IT:

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay

Listening Even When It's Difficult to Listen (UC Learning Center, 22 min eLearning module)

Course link. Successful people are generally excellent listeners. They're able to give others their full attention so that they can understand their needs and ask the right questions, even in difficult or stressful situations. They can also use their listening skills effectively to communicate their own goals and to build strong relationships with others. In this course, you'll learn common misconceptions about listening, how to hone your listening skills, and what to do when you encounter roadblocks to actively listening. You'll also learn how being receptive to what others are saying can go a long way to breaking down the barriers to clear communication.

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A Guide to Pronouns and Inclusive Language (UC Learning Center, web page)

Glossary. Using pronouns is an important and considerate way to help other people avoid making assumptions about who we are based on factors such as appearance. LGBTQIA Research Center has put together a resource guide for using linguistic tools in an inclusive and equitable way. Learn more about how and why we are integrating pronouns into our self-identifying lexicon.

Avoiding Bias in the Hiring Process (UC Learning Center, virtual)

Registration.This session explores the power of impressions and its potential influence in the evaluation of job applicants. Using reflection exercises, participants will explore the relationship between impressions and bias and introduce learners to key research involving biases in hiring. Participants will leave the session having greater awareness and understanding of bias theory (coupled with case studies) and strategies in mitigating bias in the hiring process. If this class is full, express interest for the next offering.

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REGISTER NOW! 2024 Leadership & Team Development Events (Extension Foundation)

Cohort 1: Jan. 16, 23 & 30
Cohort 2: July 16, July 23 & July 30
Each leadership development opportunity is offered twice in 2024. Choose any over six months or the entire year to step more into the leader you want to be. See the description of each session below and register through the form. If you have any questions or curiosities please send them to We look forward to serving you and learning together! All UC ANR employees have free access to Extension Foundation. Register your account here.

How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)

Feb. 8
11 a.m. - Noon PT

Grab your strategic plan and learn the secret to making it work day-to-day and week-to-week! How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities is a step-by-step guide to holding a weekly planning meeting (aka The Weekly Meeting).

In this webinar you'll learn:

  • What works…and what DOESN'T work when it comes to weekly planning
  • Why weekly planning is the bridge between your strategic plan and getting control of your workday
  • The 30-minute technique that will help you make sure that the most important things get done each day

    This is a HANDS-ON webinar where you'll not only learn the technique but actually do it! UC ANR Employees can activate their membership here.

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay

Peer Reviewing as "Reflexive Mentorship" (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)

Feb. 20
11 a.m. - noon PT

Registration. In this webinar, you will learn about the importance of peer reviewing for dismantling the Western canon and democratizing knowledge, as well as strategies you can use to engage in more inclusive peer reviewing practices. UC ANR Employees can activate their membership here

Mastering Academic Time Management (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)

April 11
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT

This webinar is specifically designed to address these issues and provide participants with concrete skills to successfully transition from graduate student to professor. Specifically, participants will learn:

The three biggest mistakes that new faculty make in managing their time

-Why and how to align work time with institutional and personal priorities
-How to create time for academic writing and research
-How to organize a network of support and accountability for writing productivity and balance

UC ANR Employees can activate their membership here

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At UC ANR, Building Support includes advocacy (engaging government officials and community stakeholders), raising funds, and working with the media. Advocacy is a critical tool that helps builds awareness and support for your work and that of the university as a whole.

Learn how to effectively communicate and build support for your program/research with tools. Read the UC ANR Government Relations page to learn more. Review the video and fact sheets below.

Engaging Elected Officials (Video - 26:00)
What can I say or do? You can't lobby, but you can advocate? (Fact sheet)
UC guidelines to support or oppose legislation (Fact Sheet)

Extension Foundation

If you are new to UC ANR and have not yet registered your account with Extension Foundation it is time you do. Register here. UCANR, as other Cooperative Extensions across the United States, is a paying member. This means you get access to their services, including Connect Extension. Extension Foundation helps Cooperative Extension professionals find innovative ways to generate greater local impact. Check out the Extension Foundation Video resources, too.

National Cooperative Extension Projects

This listing is for National Cooperative Extension projects that are receiving WordPress support through the Extension Foundation to host their websites. Funding for this hosting is supported in part by the New Technologies for Ag Extension cooperative agreement with USDA-NIFA, grant no. 2020-41595-30123. Any Cooperative Extension professional interested in having a WordPress site and domain for a national Cooperative Extension project or program can email to get started.

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Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Every Semester Needs a Plan (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)

Jan. 11
11 a.m - 12:30 p.m. PT

Registration. Do you often start the semester or term with high hopes for your writing projects, but end disappointed by your actual productivity? Do you desperately want (or need) to write a lot this semester? Do you want to figure out how to be more productive and enjoy your life this semester?

We offer this planning webinar at the beginning of each semester so that you can take time out of your schedule to identify your personal and professional goals, create a strategic plan to accomplish them and identify the types of community, support and accountability you need to make this your most productive and balanced semester ever! UC ANR Employees can activate their membership here

AI in Academia: Teaching Challenges and Opportunities (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)

Jan. 23
11 a.m. - noon PT

Registration. In this webinar, Julia Staffel, associate professor of philosophy at the University of Colorado at Boulder, explains why educators owe it to  students to adjust their teaching practices considering AI technology. She will present some practical suggestions for how to do so. "We still need to teach our students how to write on their own so we need to develop assignments that discourage the use of AI and teach basic writing skills," she says. "But we can also take advantage of these new technologies, develop new teaching strategies that rely on them, and teach our students how to employ them effectively and responsibly." UC ANR Employees can activate their membership here

Image by Philipp Marquetand from Pixabay 

How to Develop a Daily Writing Practice (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)

Mar 14
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT

Registration. Are you sick of working all the time without making progress on your writing projects? Are you tired of your deadline-driven, binge-and-bust writing routine? Do you wish you could develop a healthy, consistent, daily writing routine that would allow you to meet your department's expectations for tenure and promotion? In this webinar you'll learn:

  • The three biggest myths about writing that hobble new faculty productivity
  • The surprising difference between struggling new faculty members and those who are designated as "rising stars"
  • The 30-minute strategy that will increase your writing productivity and decrease your stress, anxiety and guilt.

UC ANR Employees can activate their membership here

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Posted on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 6:12 PM

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