ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

4-H & Families

UCPath Is here!

All ANR employees may now access UCPath at

UCPath is the University of California's modernized payroll and HR system. The UCPath self-service employee portal is mobile-friendly and available 24x7. Please take some time to get familiar with what you can do on UCPath and understand what has changed.

If you are unable to log into, please call 1-888-585-7084 or email

View your earnings statements

Monthly paid employees can view their first UCPath earnings statement on September 29
Biweekly paid employees can view theirs on September 30.  

Earnings statements generally are available at UCPath one day before payday.

In UCPath, you can choose the Employee Actions link to:

  • View/update your personal information
  • Check your vacation and sick leave balances
  • View your health and welfare enrollments
  • Sign up for (or update) your direct deposit.

The Help/FAQ section includes step-by-step instructions for most UCPath features.

Employee pay and UCPath

With UCPath, you will see a number of changes:

  • Paper paychecks are no longer available to pick up at your local office. The UCPath Center will mail paychecks on payday to the home address listed in UCPath. It can take up to 10 days to receive your check via the U.S. Post Office. If you prefer, you can sign up for direct deposit at UCPath or submit a request for a Personal Paycard (currently only available to non-represented and Clerical unit (CX) employees)

  • Earnings statements look different. Your earnings statement includes a new employee ID number. See Understanding Your UC Paycheck.

  • Vacation and sick leave balances are no longer on your paycheck. You can view them in UCPath under Employee Actions.

  • Some deductions may be shown in a new order or be listed under different names. There may be minor differences in calculations for taxes and voluntary deductions.

Important reminders

  • AYSO is now view-only for functions that have moved to UCPath. 

  • You will receive two W-2s for 2019 earnings: Because we transitioned to UCPath mid-year, in January you'll get one W-2 in AYSO for earnings prior to UCPath go-live and another W-2 in UCPath for the rest of the year. Sign up to receive your electronic W-2 on UCPath online. 

How to get help

The Beehive is a support team made up of UC ANR team members who have UCPath expertise and UC ANR knowledge. The Beehive is available if you have questions about incorrect pay, missing deductions, incorrect personal data, login issues, or if you're generally unsure where to get help. 

Learn more at


Posted on Friday, September 27, 2019 at 8:00 AM
Tags: September 2019 (19), UCPath (18)

New ANR employees should register for Nov. 13 Administrative Orientation

Registration is open for the Nov. 13 Administrative Orientation for newer ANR employees. It will be held at the UC ANR Building at 2801 Second Street in Davis.

All UC ANR Employees – academics, staff and affiliated staff on campuses, in counties and at research and extension centers – who have not participated in an administrative orientation should participate. Register at

The ANR Programmatic Orientation for academics is being planned for April 2020 at the Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center in Parlier. It's beneficial for academics to attend both orientation sessions.

The Programmatic Orientation is designed to help academics jump start their programs by focusing on program design and showcasing successful projects of other ANR academics.

Although the Administrative Orientation introduces statewide programs, it focuses on administrative units and services and provides an overview of ANR structure, vision and mission. 

For more orientation information, visit

New employees can also find helpful information in the New ANR Employee Guide.

Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 6:39 PM

Rustici calls for proposals

The 2020 request for proposals for the UC Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment is now open.

Proposals for research and outreach are due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019.

Funding is available to University of California personnel to support problem-solving research to benefit California range cattle producers. The goal of this program is to promote and support collaborative research between UC academics and range cattle producers to provide practical answers to critical issues and challenges facing the industry.

Information about this funding opportunity can be found at

For more information about the UC Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment, visit

Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 6:14 PM

Strategic Initiative leaders: Unifying, communicating and advocating

Each month we will bring you a brief update on one or two topics being pursued by the Strategic Initiative leaders.

This month, learn about some of the connecting and communicating activities being developed by the SIs to promote the work of UC ANR.

Help people find your educational content through communication and thematic “how to” websites.


The Knowledge Stream provides practical educational content such as Matthew Shapero's grazing for fire fuels management story.

The Knowledge Stream “News you can use” provides simple relevant updates (200-800 words) to help people get to your practical educational content. 

Stories appear on the Knowledge Stream blog and will also appear on the relevant Focus area page of the UC ANR website. (Stories also potentially appear on the UC ANR main page).

Submit your story here. Strategic Communications will help with editing. 

Trending: Check out simple summaries of the current state of science in relation to some of the hot topics we need to deal with.

Share your ideas here - what hot topics do we need to be thinking about?

Thematic websites

With content experts and Strategic Communications, we are developing thematic sites to provide credible, relevant, practical how-to information that the people of California can apply to improve their lives.

For example, these websites are designed to be used by the general public: FireHealthy Soils and Knowledge Bank

Many Research and Information Centers (RICs) websites already have a thematic focus.

Share your ideas here for website improvement, educational content and to suggest other themes for websites.

For more, contact your SI leadership team: 

Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 5:25 PM

Healthy Snack Day winners show their creativity

Thanks to all who participated in Healthy Snack Day 2019! The Wellness committee was very impressed with the level of creativity sites brought to this event.

Many of you enjoyed local fruits and vegetables from your home gardens and even gardens at your sites (shout out to Placer and Nevada Counties, Kearney REC, UCCE Orange County, and South Coast REC).

Other sites used Healthy Snack Day as an opportunity to connect with other departments in their building and to test out recipes for future community nutrition classes. Great ideas!

We were so excited to hear that you all are using this team building opportunity in creative ways and we are thrilled to announce the winners for both the photo and recipe competitions.

We had 13 sites participate in the photo competition and three sites in the recipe competition.

Photo competition winners are as follows:

First place: Kearney REC

UC ANR staff at Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center took first place for Healthy Snack Day 2019.

Second Place, UCCE Contra Costa

UCCE Contra Costa won second place.

Third Place: UCCE Humboldt-Del Norte

UCCE Humboldt-Del Norte took third place.

The Recipe Contest winners are as follows:

First place: South Coast REC and UCCE Orange County for their fabulous recipe book.

Find a pdf link to the whole booklet at the end of this article. Here's a sample recipe:

Spicy and crispy garbonzos


1 cup dried garbanzos, soak overnight then cook until tender. Lay on paper towels to dry
4 T olive oil
Maldon salt
Thyme leaves
Spanish paprika


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Toss the cooked garbanzos with olive oil. Put on a cooksheet in a single layer and bake until brown and crispy in oven.

Toss with a touch more olive oil, thyme, salt and Spanish paprika. 

Second place: the Nutrition Policy Institute for their radish cucumber salad recipe.

Radish cucumber salad - Source: Simple Veganista

  • cucumber (about 2 cups)
  • 1 bunch radishes (about 2 cups)
  • 1/8 red onion (about 1/4 cup)
  • 3 tablespoons fresh dill
  • 1 can (15oz) chickpeas
  • 1 – 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon mineral salt, or to taste
  • freshly cracked pepper, to taste


Use the freshest ingredients possible. With only a few ingredients in this radish cucumber salad, try to source the best and freshest possible. Use your favorite kind of radishes and cucumbers.

Prepping tips: If your cucumbers and radishes are the wider side cut them into half moon shapes. It makes it a little easier to eat. But if they are thinner side leave them in whole circles if you like. No need to peel the cucumbers, the skin adds fiber and nutrition.

Use as much dill as you like. For myself, the more the merrier – it's such a refreshing herb!

Season well: Use plenty of salt and as much pepper as you like. The radishes are peppery, but once the salad is mixed all together, they aren't as noticeable, so a little extra pepper is nice.

Planning on making your radish and cucumber salad ahead? Keep the cider dressing separate from the salad until ready to serve. The zucchini and radishes will soak up the dressing and start to soften and pickle. It's not a bad thing, but if you prefer a crisp presentation mix the salad with the dressing just before setting on the table. It won't hurt to mix up to 15 minutes ahead of time.


  1. Wash the cucumber and radishes well, scrubbing as necessary.
  2. Trim the ends from the cucumber and radishes and thinly slice, using a knife or mandoline.
  3. Drain and rinse the chickpeas.
  4. Add the cucumber, radish, chickpea, dill, apple cider vinegar, oil, salt and pepper to a large mixing bowl, toss well to coat.

And all that's left is to enjoy as is or chill before eating. Enjoy!


Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 – 5 days in a covered container.

Third place: UCCE San Joaquin for their Fruit Pico de Gallo recipe.

Fruit pico de gallo (Source: CDPH Public Health)


1 cup peeled and chopped fresh mango
1 cup chopped fresh watermelon
1 cup chopped fresh pineapple or canned pineapple in 100% juice
1 cup peeled and chopped fresh papaya
1 cup peeled and chopped jicama
Juice from 1 lime
1 teaspoon chili powder


Mix together all the fruit in a medium bowl and sprinkle with lime juice and chili powder. Serve immediately.

Congratulations to all six site winners! We hope that the first prize winners enjoy their healthy snack boxes, the second place winners feel refreshed when using their spa water container and recipe book prize and the third place winners use their apple slicers for years to come.

Thanks for participating in Healthy Snack Day 2019. We hope you all had a blast.

If you are interested in seeing all the entries for the competition, check out the the Wellness Committee's webpage

Link here:

Happy snacking,

UCANR Staff Assembly Wellness Committee

UCCE Orange County and South Coast REC recipe book (pdf)

Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 9:38 AM
  • Author: Kaela Plank

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