Apply the last fertilizer for the season to citrus in late May after bloom and fruit set.
Thin fruit on peaches, plums, and nectarines to help prevent branch breakage and get larger fruit. Thin apples and Asian pears to one fruit per cluster.
“Summer” prune excessively vigorous sprouts on deciduous fruit trees to slow down their growth; let light into the lower canopy to help keep lower wood alive and fruit within reach.
Feed lawn with nitrogen.
Deep-water trees and shrubs. Build donut-shaped water basins to keep water away from trunks.
Pest and disease control
Continue snail, slug, earwig, and aphid control.
For codling moth control on apples and pears, attach 4-inch high corrugated cardboard bands around tree trunks in early May. In late May or June remove and destroy bands to kill any larvae and pupae found inside.
Watch for fire blight blossom and shoot strikes on apples, pears, and Asian pears. Remove new blight strikes weekly on shoots and spurs throughout May. Clean tools with a 10% bleach solution between cuts.
Check for powdery mildew on grapes; if needed, apply sulfur or potassium bicarbonate when temperature is below 90°.