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Setting up Google Analytics

You may need to report on the traffic your site receives. Site Builder uses Google Analytics to provide this information. We have phased out SmarterStats, the statistics program once offered by ANR, as it was no longer providing stable results.

If you need information on what types of statistics you can get, you can visit Google's Analytics information site, or you can view the handy slide show below.

Understanding Statistics - Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show

If you use Google Analytics, Site Builder will deploy the correct script necessary to track your site traffic with Google. Please note: we do not support Analytics in any way. That stated, here are some instructions to help you connect to Google Analytics.

Analytics screen shot 2

  • Click the "+Add new profile" link on the top-right corner of the site list box.
  • Enter the website profile type, URL, country and time zone.
  • The website profile type should be "Add a profile for a new domain."
  • The URL is the Web address of your home page. If you don't know this, open your Web page in a new window and copy the URL from the address bar. Back on the Google Analytics form, paste the URL in the form next to "http://"
  • Click finish. On the next screen, copy only the tracking code. The tracking code will be a random set of numbers that looks similar to: UA-1234567-1

Google Analytics Screen Shot
Google Analytics Screen Shot

  • Login to the editor for your Site Builder 3.0 Web site.
  • Click on the "Site info & Appearance" link. At the bottom of the page is a field where you can enter your Google Analytics Code. Paste your code in the box and click "update site information."

It will take Google Analytics about 24 hours to start showing data, and Google does not have past data.

Google Analytics has many features you may wish to use. There is a lot of help on the Internet and on the Google Analytics Web site. Here are links to Web sites where you can learn more about Google Analytics:
