Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Posts Tagged: Nitrogen Management

CropManage Hands-on Training, Salinas CA Wed. April 3, 2024

Date: Wed. April 3rd,  2024

Course 8:30 am – 12 pm

Location: Monterey County Agriculture Conference Room

1432 Abbott St, Salinas CA 93901

  •  Learn how to use CropManage to support irrigation and nutrient management decisions and record-keeping for your crops.
  • Learn how to set up your ranch and crops in CropManage.
  • Learn about the latest updates and how CropManage can assist with Ag Order 4.0

CropManage is a free online decision-support tool for water and nutrient management of vegetables, berry, agronomic, vineyard and tree crops. Based on research and field studies conducted by the University of California Cooperative Extension, CropManage provides real-time recommendations for efficient and timely irrigation and fertilization applications while maintaining or improving overall yield. 

At this free workshop, we will provide hands-on training so that you can learn to use the newest version of CropManage. Crops currently supported include many vegetables (carrots, cabbage, celery, broccoli, lettuce, tomato, spinach, etc.), berry crops (raspberry and strawberry), vineyards, tree crops (almond, walnut, pistachio, prunes, and pear), and agronomic crops (alfalfa and corn). CropManage is also available in Spanish. 

Who should participate? Growers, farm managers, other farm staff, crop advisors, consultants, and technical service providers are welcome. The workshop is for both new and current CropManage users. Spanish translation will be available.  

What to bring? This is a participatory workshop. Please bring a tablet or laptop computer so that you can follow along and participate in the exercises. Each participant will need a user account for CropManage. Please set up a free user account at https://cropmanage.ucanr.edu/ before the workshop. Please arrive early to set up your laptop or tablet computer on the wifi and get logged on to CropManage.

Registration is free: Please register here 

by April 1, 2024. Seats are limited to the first 30 registrants.

 Questions: Contact Michael Cahn at mdcahn@ucanr.edu / 831-214-3690                                              



8:30 – 8:50  am Registration and computer set-up

8:50 – 9:20  am Introduction

9:20 – 10:00 am  Getting started with CropManage

10:00 to 10:15 am   break

10:10 – 11:00 am  Using CropManage for decision support and record-keeping

11:00 – 11:45 am  Group exercise

11:45- 12 pm  Discussion /Q&A/ wrap up

Drop-in office hours

Continuing Education Units (CEU) for Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) have been applied.

Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 4:38 PM
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture

2024 Irrigation and Nutrient Management Meeting

2024 Irrigation and Nutrient Management Meeting

Tuesday, February 20

7:55 am to 1:30 pm

Habrá traducción al Español

Registration Link:

7:30            Sign-in and refreshments

7:55            Introduction

 8:00           Managing runoff during the growing season and winter.

                     Michael Cahn, UCCE Irrigation Advisor, Monterey County

8:30           Satellite estimates of crop water use on the central coast and OpenET        

                   Lee Johnson, CSU Monterey Bay/NASA

9:00           Update on using high carbon amendments for reducing nitrate leaching during the winter

                     Richard Smith, UCCE Vegetable and Weed Emeritus Advisor, Monterey County

                    Joji Muramoto, UC Santa Cruz, Organic Production Specialist

9:30           Cover crops for reducing winter nitrate leaching and controlling storm water runoff.

                    Eric Brennan, Research Horticulturist, USDA ARS

10:00          Break

10:15         Ag Order requirements for the upcoming year

                    Sarah Lopez, Executive Director, Central Coast Water Quality Preservation Inc.

10:45         UCANR Nitrogen and Irrigation Initiative: Opportunity for technical assistance.

                    Aparna Gazula, UCCE Small Farm Advisor, Santa Clara County

11:00         Using CropManage to help with Ag Order compliance.

                    Michael Cahn, UCCE Irrigation Advisor, Monterey County

11:25         DPR Surface Water Protection Program: An overview of ag. monitoring on the Central Coast.

                    Pedro Lima, Sr. Environmental Scientist Cal DPR

11:50         Introduction to pump efficiency

                    Bill Green, Fresno State University, Center for Irrigation Technology

12:00          Pizza and Salad Lunch (free!)

12:45          Demonstration of pump efficiency and variable frequency drives (Parking lot)

                    Crystal Sandoval-Leyva, Fresno State University, Center for Irrigation Technology

2:15            Adjourn


CCA and DPR continuing education credits have been requested

For more information, contact Michael Cahn @ 831-759-7377, email: mdcahn@ucdavis.edu

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2024 at 3:44 PM
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture

Research Updates: Biosolids as a Nitrogen Source in California Wheat

Overview  Three years of data indicate that liquid-injected biosolids-based fertilizers (LBF, using 'Lystegro' from Lystek) are a viable alternative to conventional forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on a total N basis in wheat rotations in the...

Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 9:52 PM
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture

Ag-related Online Tools for Growers, Managers, and Crop Consultants.

Half the battle in learning and development is knowing what you don't know. I have been collecting a running list of different ag-related tools and technologies that I think growers, managers, and crop consultants could benefit from. Below are some...

Posted on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 2:21 PM
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture

Climate-Change Resources

University of California UC ANR Green Blog (Climate Change and Other Topics) https://ucanr.edu/blogs/Green/index.cfm?tagname=climate%20change (full index)


     -  Save Trees First: Tips to Keep Them Alive Under Drought https://ucanr.edu/b/~CdD 

     - Landscaping with Fire Exposure in Mind: https://ucanr.edu/b/~G4D

     - Cities in California Inland Areas Must Make Street Tree Changes to adapt to Future Climate  https://ucanr.edu/b/~oF7


Drought, Climate Change and California Water Management Ted Grantham, UC Cooperative Extension specialist (23 minutes) https://youtu.be/dlimj75Wn9Q

Climate Variability and Change: Trends and Impacts on CA Agriculture Tapan Pathak, UC Cooperative Extension specialist (24 minutes) https://youtu.be/bIHI0yqqQJc

California Institute for Water Resources (links to blogs, talks, podcasts, water experts, etc.) https://ciwr.ucanr.edu/California_Drought_Expertise/

UC ANR Wildfire Resources (publications, videos, etc.) https://ucanr.edu/News/For_the_media/Press_kits/Wildfire/ (main website)

      -UC ANR Fire Resources and Information https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/ (main website)

            -Preparing Home Landscaping https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/Prepare/Landscaping/

UC ANR Free Publications https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/ (main website)

- Benefits of Plants to Humans and Urban Ecosystems: https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8726.pdf

 -Keeping Plants Alive Under Drought and Water Restrictions (English version) https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8553.pdf

  (Spanish version) https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8628.pdf

-  Use of Graywater in Urban Landscapes https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8536.pdf

-  Sustainable Landscaping in California https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8504.pdf


Other (Non-UC) Climate Change Resources

Urban Forests and Climate Change. Urban forests play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Active stewardship of a community's forestry assets can strengthen local resilience to climate change while creating more sustainable and desirable places to live. https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/topics/urban-forests

Examining the Viability of Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change (plausible at the forest level) https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2927/examining-the-viability-of-planting-trees-to-help-mitigate-climate-change/

Reports and other information resources coordinated under the auspices of the United Nations and produced through the collaboration of thousands of international scientists to provide a clear and up to date view of the current state of scientific knowledge relevant to climate change. United Nations Climate Action

Scientific reports, programs, action movements and events related to climate change. National Center for Atmospheric Research (National Science Foundation)

Find useful reports, program information and other documents resulting from federally funded research and development into the behavior of the atmosphere and related physical, biological and social systems. Search and find climate data from prehistory through to an hour ago in the world's largest climate data archive. (Formerly the "Climatic Data Center") National Centers for Environmental Information (NOAA)

Think tank providing information, analysis, policy and solution development for addressing climate change and energy issues (formerly known as the: "Pew Center on Global Climate Change"). Center for Climate & Energy Solutions (C2ES)

Mapping Resilience: A Blueprint for Thriving in the Face of Climate Disaster. The Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) was launched in July 2010 and is managed by EcoAdapt, a non-profit with a singular mission: to create a robust future in the face of climate change by bringing together diverse players to reshape planning and management in response to rapid climate change. https://www.cakex.org/documents/mapping-resilience-blueprint-thriving-face-climate-disaster

Cal-Adapt provides a way to explore peer-reviewed data that portrays how climate change might affect California at the state and local level. We make this data available through downloads, visualizations, and the Cal-Adapt API for your research, outreach, and adaptation planning needs. Cal-Adapt is a collaboration between state agency funding programs, university and private sector researchers https://cal-adapt.org/

Find reports, maps, data and other resources produced through a confederation of the research arms of 13 Federal departments and agencies that carry out research and develop and maintain capabilities that support the Nation's response to global change. Global Change (U.S. Global Change Research Program)

The Pacific Institute is a global water think tank that combines science-based thought leadership with active outreach to influence local, national, and international efforts to develop sustainable water policies. https://pacinst.org/our-approach/

Making equity real in climate adaptation and community resilience policies and programs: a guidebook. https://greenlining.org/publications/2019/making-equity-real-in-climate-adaption-and-community-resilience-policies-and-programs-a-guidebook/ 

Quarterly CA Climate Updates and CA Drought Monitor Maps (updated each Thursday) https://www.drought.gov/documents/quarterly-climate-impacts-and-outlook-western-region-june-2022





Posted on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 1:21 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment

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