Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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Posts Tagged: college

College students eligible for food assistance deterred by confusing requirements

Food pantries like this one at UC San Francisco supplement student food access. Extra requirements for college students to qualify for SNAP or CalFresh deter many from receiving the food beneftis.

Modifying Farm Bill could reduce barriers to SNAP for students and improve nutrition

Inadequate access to food can harm college students' health and academic performance. A recent University of California research study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior investigated why UC students who are eligible for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – the nation's largest food assistance program – do not receive the benefit.

“Based on our study findings, eliminating the extra requirements for college students to qualify for SNAP would go a long way in ensuring that more eligible students get the support they need to meet their basic food needs,” said study coauthor Lorrene Ritchie, director of the UC Nutrition Policy Institute, which is part of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.

A 2015 study by NPI found four in 10 UC students didn't have enough money to buy sufficient food for a healthy lifestyle. To promote better health, UC has taken steps to ensure students are aware of SNAP, established campus food pantries and other basic needs resources.   

"In California, SNAP is known as CalFresh and despite policies and communication to improve college students' access to CalFresh, participation remains low, with approximately 78% of those eligible not receiving benefits," said lead study author Suzanna M. Martinez, associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at UC San Francisco.

For insight on why low-income UC students aren't receiving the benefits, Martinez, Ritchie and colleagues at UC San Francisco and Nutrition Policy Institute consulted county agencies that process student CalFresh applications. The researchers interviewed county staff in nine counties that are home to UC campuses: Alameda, Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, Riverside, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz and Yolo.

While CalFresh benefits have mainly been paid by the federal government through the Farm Bill, counties contribute and county agencies are responsible for implementing policies, determining eligibility, processing applications and distributing funds.

“With the Farm Bill still up for reauthorization, these findings could provide insight into how to strengthen SNAP policy related to eligible students,” Martinez said.

The researchers conducted focus groups and interviews with county staff to determine how agency workers interpret the complex criteria for students to meet CalFresh eligibility.

Their questions focused on how students' applications differed from those of community members, steps taken when processing student applications, student-specific training and suggested improvements to the process.

Five central themes were identified in the interviews: 

  • More consistent policy dissemination and program administration is needed
  • Student exemptions and the application process are perceived as challenges for students
  • Key supports for successful student applications include carefully reviewing applications for potential exemptions, providing useful resources to students, and campus partnerships
  • Tracking policy changes is burdensome
  • Eliminating student rules and treating students as regular clients would be more equitable

The researchers found that CalFresh rules are challenging for students as well as the county agency staff.

Also, eligibility requirements, written over 50 years ago, are based on the assumption that college students are supported by middle-class families.

The research supports simplifying the student CalFresh process to increase participation for eligible students, especially for historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and low-income students for whom equitable access to CalFresh benefits is critical.

“Once students get confused or don't know what they need to do, they don't follow through with their application,” one CalFresh eligibility worker told the researchers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some federal and state requirements were waived or relaxed for students.

“The timing of this study resulted in a natural experiment since COVID-19-related SNAP modifications streamlined the student application process and reduced administrative burden,” Martinez noted. “These modifications alleviated some challenges discussed by county workers, confirming existing opinions to eliminate the student rules.”

Ritchie said, “We hope our research informs policy to remove some of the barriers so students no longer have as much difficulty getting the food they need.”

This study was funded by the California State Legislature, which provided funding to the University of California to address students' basic needs (UC Basic Needs Initiative).

Posted on Monday, April 29, 2024 at 11:17 AM
Focus Area Tags: Food, Health

A Fascinating, Must-Read Book: 'The Lives of Butterflies'

“Butterflies are treasures, like great works of art. Should we not value them as much as the beauty of Picasso's art or the music of Mozart or the Beatles?—Lincoln Brower (1931-2018), renowned Lepidopterist educated at Princeton and Yale...

In the field: David James, an entomologist and associate professor at Washington State University.
In the field: David James, an entomologist and associate professor at Washington State University.

In the field: David James, an entomologist and associate professor at Washington State University.

A monarch butterfly on Tithonia rotundifola in Vacaville, Calif. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A monarch butterfly on Tithonia rotundifola in Vacaville, Calif. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

A monarch butterfly on Tithonia rotundifola in Vacaville, Calif. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

Posted on Monday, January 8, 2024 at 5:03 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Innovation, Natural Resources, Yard & Garden

Bohart Museum Director Lynn Kimsey: 'Exceptional Faculty Award'

Memories of a 21-Insect Net Salute... When the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) honored UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology, as the recipient of its 2023...

21-Insect Net Salute! Pictured: Lynn Kimsey;  David Moody of Bruce Hammock lab; Bruce Hammock, now UC Davis distinguished professor; insect ecologist Richard Rice (1937-2011); mosquito researcher Debbie Dritz, now a vector ecologist, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control; agricultural entomologist Les Ehler (1946-2016); apiculturist Norm Gary, now UC Davis professor emeritus; ant specialist Phil Ward, now professor.
21-Insect Net Salute! Pictured: Lynn Kimsey; David Moody of Bruce Hammock lab; Bruce Hammock, now UC Davis distinguished professor; insect ecologist Richard Rice (1937-2011); mosquito researcher Debbie Dritz, now a vector ecologist, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control; agricultural entomologist Les Ehler (1946-2016); apiculturist Norm Gary, now UC Davis professor emeritus; ant specialist Phil Ward, now professor.

The 21-Insect Net Salute! From left are Lynn Kimsey (partially obscured) David Moody, then a researcher in the Bruce Hammock lab; Bruce Hammock, now a UC Davis distinguished professor; insect ecologist Richard “Dick” Rice (1937-2011); mosquito researcher Debbie Dritz, now a vector ecologist, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control; agricultural entomologist Les Ehler (1946-2016); apiculturist Norm Gary, now UC Davis professor emeritus; and ant specialist Phil Ward, now an entomology professor.

Professor Richard Bohart, founder of the Bohart Museum, walks through the archway of the 21-Net Insect Salute during the museum dedication.
Professor Richard Bohart, founder of the Bohart Museum, walks through the archway of the 21-Net Insect Salute during the museum dedication.

Professor Richard Bohart, founder of the Bohart Museum, walks through the archway of the 21-Net Insect Salute during the museum dedication.

UC Davis Chancellor James Meyer (right) congratulates Professor Richard Bohart at the museum dedication in 1986. The chancellor died in 2002 and Bohart in 2007.
UC Davis Chancellor James Meyer (right) congratulates Professor Richard Bohart at the museum dedication in 1986. The chancellor died in 2002 and Bohart in 2007.

UC Davis Chancellor James Meyer (right) congratulates Professor Richard Bohart at the museum dedication in 1986. The chancellor died in 2002 and Bohart in 2007.

Let's eat! UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' dinner prior to the award presentations. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Let's eat! UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' dinner prior to the award presentations. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

Let's eat! UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' dinner prior to the award presentations. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

The crowd applauds as UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey receives the Exceptional Faculty Award from Dean Helene Dillard at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' dinner. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
The crowd applauds as UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey receives the Exceptional Faculty Award from Dean Helene Dillard at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' dinner. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

The crowd applauds as UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey receives the Exceptional Faculty Award from Dean Helene Dillard at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' dinner. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

A toast to the honorees! UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey hold up her glass in a salute to the honorees. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A toast to the honorees! UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey hold up her glass in a salute to the honorees. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

A toast to the honorees! UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey hold up her glass in a salute to the honorees. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

The Team! In front (from left) are professor Fran Keller, Folsom Lake College; Brennen Dyer, Bohart Museum; Dean Helene Dillard, CA&ES; Lynn Kimsey, award recipient; Linda Rosenfield and her husband Arnold Menke of Bisbee,Ariz.; Tabatha Yang, Bohart Museum; and Joanna Chiu, professor and chair of UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology. In back are Jeff Smith, Bohart; Jason Bond, Schlinger Endowed Chair and CA&ES associate dean; and Bob Kimsey, forensic entomologist.
The Team! In front (from left) are professor Fran Keller, Folsom Lake College; Brennen Dyer, Bohart Museum; Dean Helene Dillard, CA&ES; Lynn Kimsey, award recipient; Linda Rosenfield and her husband Arnold Menke of Bisbee,Ariz.; Tabatha Yang, Bohart Museum; and Joanna Chiu, professor and chair of UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology. In back are Jeff Smith, Bohart; Jason Bond, Schlinger Endowed Chair and CA&ES associate dean; and Bob Kimsey, forensic entomologist.

The Team! In front (from left) are professor Fran Keller, Folsom Lake College; Brennen Dyer, Bohart Museum; Dean Helene Dillard, CA&ES; Lynn Kimsey, award recipient; Linda Rosenfield and her husband Arnold Menke of Bisbee,Ariz.; Tabatha Yang, Bohart Museum; and Joanna Chiu, professor and chair of UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology. In back are Jeff Smith, Bohart; Jason Bond, Schlinger Endowed Chair and CA&ES associate dean; and Bob Kimsey, forensic entomologist.

Posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 2:00 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Innovation, Natural Resources, Pest Management

Researchers create app to help drones improve farm efficiency

Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, can help farmers monitor the state of fields and orchards but data can be affected by the position of the sun. A web application developed at the UC Davis Digital Agriculture Lab helps farmers and researchers find the best time to fly for their date and location to avoid creating errors in data. Photos courtesy of Digital Agriculture Lab

When flown at the right times, drones can help farmers adapt to a changing climate

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have developed a web application to help farmers and industry workers use drones and other uncrewed aerial vehicles, or UAVs, to generate the best possible data. By helping farmers use resources more efficiently, this advancement could help them adapt to a world with a changing climate that needs to feed billions.

Associate Professor Alireza Pourreza, director of the UC Davis Digital Agriculture Lab and postdoctoral researcher Hamid Jafarbiglu, who recently completed his doctorate in biological systems engineering under Pourreza, designed the When2Fly app to make drones more proficient and accurate. Specifically, the platform helps drone users avoid glare-like areas called hotspots that can ruin collected data.

Post-doc Hamid Jafarbiglu (center) flies a drone in the field.

Drone users select the date they plan to fly, the type of camera they are using and their location either by selecting a point on a map or by entering coordinates. The app then indicates the best times of that specific day to collect crop data from a drone.

Jafarbiglu and Pourreza, who is also a UC Cooperative Extension specialist of agricultural mechanization, said that using this app for drone imaging and data collection is crucial to improve farming efficiency and mitigate agriculture's carbon footprint. Receiving the best data — like what section of an orchard might need more nitrogen or less water, or what trees are being affected by disease — allows producers to allocate resources more efficiently and effectively.

"In conventional crop management, we manage the entire field uniformly assuming every single plant will produce a uniform amount of yield, and they require a uniform amount of input, which is not an accurate assumption," said Pourreza. "We need to have an insight into our crops' spatial variability to be able to identify and address issues timely and precisely, and drones are these amazing tools that are accessible to growers, but they need to know how to use them properly."

Dispelling the solar noon belief

In 2019, Jafarbiglu was working to extract data from aerial images of walnut and almond orchards and other specialty crops when he realized something was wrong with the data.

"No matter how accurately we calibrated all the data, we were still not getting good results," said Jafarbiglu. "I took this to Alireza, and I said, 'I feel there's something extra in the data that we are not aware of and that we're not compensating for.' I decided to check it all."

Jafarbiglu pored through the 100 terabytes of images collected over three years. He noticed that after the images had been calibrated, there were glaring bright white spots where they were supposed to look flat and uniform.

But it couldn't be a glare because the sun was behind the drone taking the image. So Jafarbiglu reviewed literature going back to the 1980s in search of other examples of this phenomenon. Not only did he find mentions of it, but also that researchers had coined a term for it: hotspot.

Depending on latitude and time of year, the sun can create false bright spots, or hotspots, in drone data.

A hotspot happens when the sun and UAV are lined up in such a way that the drone is between the viewable area of the camera's lens system and the sun. The drone takes photos of the Earth, and the resulting images have a gradual increase in brightness toward a certain area. That bright point is the hotspot.

The hotspots are a problem, Jafarbiglu said, because when collecting UAV data in agriculture, where a high level of overlap is required, observed differences in the calibrated images need to come solely from plant differences.

For example, every plant may appear in 20 or more images, each from varying view angles. In some images, the plant might be close to the hotspot, while in others it may be situated further away, so the reflectance may vary based on the plant's distance from the hotspot and spatial location in the frame, not based on any of the plant's inherent properties. If all these images are combined into a mosaic and data are extracted, the reliability of the data would be compromised, rendering it useless.

Pourreza and Jafarbiglu found that the hotspots consistently occurred when drones were taking images at solar noon in mid-summer, which many believe is the best time to fly drones. It's an obvious assumption: the sun is at its highest point above the Earth, variations in illumination are minimal, if not steady and fewer shadows are visible in the images. However, sometimes that works against the drone because the sun's geometrical relationship to the Earth varies based on location and the time of year, increasing the chance of having a hotspot inside the image frame when the sun is higher in the sky.

Example of drone image data with hotspot.

"In high-latitude regions such as Canada, you don't have any problem; you can fly anytime. But then in low-latitude regions such as California, you will have a little bit of a problem because of the sun angle," Pourreza said. "Then as you get closer to the equator, the problem gets bigger and bigger. For example, the best time of flight in Northern California and Southern California will be different. Then you go to summer in Guatemala, and basically, from 10:30 a.m. to almost 2 p.m. you shouldn't fly, depending on the field-oriented control of the camera. It's exactly the opposite of the conventional belief, that everywhere we should fly at solar noon."

Grow technology, nourish the planet

Drones are not the only tools that can make use of this discovery, which was funded by the AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems. Troy Magney, an assistant professor of plant sciences at UC Davis, mainly uses towers to scan fields and collect plant reflectance data from various viewing angles. He contacted Jafarbiglu after reading his research, published in February in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, because he was seeing a similar issue in the remote sensing of plants and noted that it's often ignored by end users.

"The work that Hamid and Ali have done will be beneficial to a wide range of researchers, both at the tower and the drone scale, and help them to interpret what they are actually seeing, whether it's a change in vegetation or a change in just the angular impact of the signal," he said.

For Pourreza, the When2Fly app represents a major step forward in deploying technology to solve challenges in agriculture, including the ultimate conundrum: feeding a growing population with limited resources.

"California is much more advanced than other states and other countries with technology, but still our agriculture in the Central Valley uses technologies from 30 to 40 years ago," said Pourreza. "My research is focused on sensing, but there are other areas like 5G connectivity and cloud computing to automate the data collection and analytics process and make it real-time. All this data can help growers make informed decisions that can lead to an efficient food production system. When2Fly is an important element of that."

This article was originally published on the UC Davis College of Engineering News page.

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2023 at 9:53 AM
  • Author: Jessica Heath, UC Davis College of Engineering
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture, Food, Innovation

Congrats to UC Davis Distinguished Professor Lynn Kimsey: Exceptional Faculty Member

Congratulations to UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology, who was recently selected the recipient of the 2023 Exceptional Faculty Award from the UC Davis College of Agricultural and...

UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology, is the recipient of the 2023 Exceptional Faculty Award from the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES). (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology, is the recipient of the 2023 Exceptional Faculty Award from the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES). (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

UC Davis distinguished professor Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology, is the recipient of the 2023 Exceptional Faculty Award from the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES). (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

Posted on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 6:20 PM
Focus Area Tags: Agriculture, Economic Development, Environment, Innovation, Natural Resources

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