Posts Tagged: communication
Lawn-pocalypse! Surviving Drought
Ah, summer! The season of sunburns, pool parties, and… lawn droughts. If your once lush, green carpet now looks like a crunchy brown doormat, you're not alone. Let's dive into why your yard is staging a dramatic death scene and what you can do to...
Bermuda grass and weeds overtaking drought stressed turf grass.
UC ANR Communicators 'Ace' Awards Competition
Six communicators with the UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) won major awards from the international Association for Communication Excellence (ACE), a professional organization that supports and showcases science communication in...
This image won "best feature photo" from the international Association for Communication Excellence (ACE). It appeared on the Bug Sauad blog. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Heile Gantan of Impact Justice and Ron Strochlic of Nutrition Policy Institute (standing) chat with residents of California State Prison Solano about the quality of their food. This image was part of a project that a won a silver award in the video category, “Farm-to-Corrections Project." (Photo by Evett Kilmartin)
Honey Bee Is a True Communication Specialist
Picture yourself as a waggle-dancing honey bee. You're dancing in the dark, on a small, crowded dance floor with lots of obstacles, and you're trying to communicate to other foragers where that great resource is. You're relating the direction,...
A look inside a bee hive. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Professor James Nieh: Deciphering Honey Bee Communication
The fascinating world of honey bee communication! The next UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology seminar will feature professor James Nieh, a bee biologist in the Section of Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, Division of...
Honey bees at work in the hive. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Professor James Nieh: Honey Bee Communication
Professor James Nieh, a bee biologist in the Section of Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego and associate dean in the Division of Biological Sciences, will speak on "Danger, Dopamine, and...
Bee biologist James Nieh of UC San Diego researches honey bee communication.