Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Janice Kao

Photo of Janice Kao
Academic Coordinator II
Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI)
1111 Franklin Street
11th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607
jankao@ucanr.edu Create VCard


program and policy evaluation, SNAP-Ed


Peer Reviewed

  • Kao, Janice; Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Rangel, Maria Isabel & Hicks (2023). Lessons Learned from a Food Hub-Based Retail Intervention That Expanded Reach and Sales of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Low-Income, Low-Access Neighborhoods. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition.
  • Rider, Carolyn D; Kao, Janice; Hewawitharana, Sridharshi; Becker, Christine M; Linares, Amanda; Woodward-Lopez, Gail (2022). Validity and Reliability of a Site-Level Assessment Questionnaire to Assess Nutrition and Physical Activity Practices in Schools. Childhood Obesity. 18:6, 383-398.
  • Hewawitharana, S. C. (2021). Method for Scoring Dose of Multicomponent Interventions: A Building Block for Future Evaluations. American Journal of Evaluation. 43:2. October 21, 2021.
  • Rider, Carolyn; Linares, Amanda; Kao, Janice; Becker, Christina; Woodward-Lopez, Gail (2020). Assessing Healthful Eating and Physical Activity Practices in Places Children Learn. Journal of Extension. 58:6. December. https://www.joe.org/joe/2020december/pdf/JOE_v58_6tt5.pdf
  • Thompson, Hannah; Hewawitharana, Sridharshi; Kao, Janice; Rider, Carolyn; Talmage, Evan; Gosliner, Wendi; Whetstone, Lauren; Woodward-Lopez, Gail (2020). SNAP-Ed physical activity interventions in low-income schools are associated with greater cardiovascular fitness among 5th and 7th grade students in California. Preventive Medicine Reports. 20. September. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101222
  • Au, Lauren E.; Ritchie, Lorrene D.; Gurzo, Klara; Nhan, Lilly A.; Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Kao, Janice; Guenther, Patricia M.; Tsai, Marisa; Gosliner, Wendi (2019). Post–Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Adherence to Select School Nutrition Standards by Region and Poverty Level: The Healthy Communities Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2019.10.016
  • Woodward-Lopez, G.; Kao, J.; Kuo, E. S.; Rauzon, S.; Taylor, A. C.; Goette, C.; Collins, C.; Gonzalez, E. P.; Ronshausen, D. R.; Boyle, K.; Williamson, D.; Cheadle, A. (2018). "Changes in Consumer Purchases in Stores Participating in an Obesity Prevention Initiative." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 54(5)
  • Woodward-Lopez, G.; Kao, J.; Kuo, E. S.; James, P.; Lenhart, K.; Becker, C.; Boyle, K.; Williamson, D.; Rauzon, S. (2018). "Changes in Nutrition Policies and Dietary Intake in Child Care Homes Participating in Healthy Eating and Active Living Initiative." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 54(5)
  • Woodward-Lopez, G.; Gosliner, W.; Au, L. E.; Kao, J.; Webb, K. L.; Sagatov, R. D.; Strauss, W. J.; Landgraf, A. J.; Nagaraja, J.; Wilson, D. K.; Nicastro, H. L.; Nebeling, L. C.; Schultz, J. A.; Ritchie, L. D.; Healthy Communities Study, Team (2018). "Community characteristics modify the relationship between obesity prevention efforts and dietary intake in children: the Healthy Communities Study." Pediatric Obesity 13: 46-55.
  • Kao, J.; Woodward-Lopez, G.; Kuo, E. S.; James, P.; Becker, C. M.; Lenhart, K.; Boyle, K.; Williamson, D.; Rauzon, S. (2018). "Improvements in Physical Activity Opportunities: Results From a Community-Based Family Child Care Intervention." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 54(5)
  • Webb, K. L.; Hewawitharana, S. C.; Au, L. E.; Collie-Akers, V.; Strauss, W. J.; Landgraf, A. J.; Nagaraja, J.; Wilson, D. K.; Sagatov, R.; Kao, J.; Loria, C. M.; Fawcett, S. B.; Ritchie, L. D. (2018). "Objectives of community policies and programs associated with more healthful dietary intakes among children: findings from the Healthy Communities Study." Pediatric Obesity 13: 103-112.
  • Au, Lauren E.; Crawford, Patricia B.; Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Gurzo, Klara; Kao, Janice; Webb, Karen L.; Ritchie, Lorrene D. (2018). "School Wellness Committees Are Associated With Lower Body Mass Index Z-Scores and Improved Dietary Intakes in US Children: The Healthy Communities Study." Journal of School Health 88(9): 627-635.
  • Kao, Janice; Chakrabarti, Trisha; Harvey, Dana; Woodward-Lopez, Gail (2017). Evaluation of a local healthy retail initiative: The Mandela MarketPlace Health and Wealth Net. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. November 2017.
  • Ritchie, Lorrene D.; Wakimoto, Patricia; Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Thompson, Frances E.; Loria, Catherine M.; Wilson, Dawn K.; Kao, Janice; Crawford, Patricia B.; Webb, Karen L. (2015). "The healthy communities study nutrition assessments: Child diet and the school nutrition environment." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49(4): 647-652.
  • Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Kao, Janice; Kiesel, Kristin; Lewis Miller, Markell; Boyle, Maria; Drago-Ferguson, Soledad; Braff-Guajardo, Ellen; Crawford, Patricia (2014). "Is scratch-cooking a cost-effective way to prepare healthy school meals with US Department of Agriculture foods?" Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 114(9): 1349-1358.
  • Peart, Tasha; Kao, Janice; Crawford, Patricia B.; Samuels, Sarah E.; Craypo, Lisa; Woodward-Lopez, Gail (2012). "Does competitive food and beverage legislation hurt meal participation or revenues in high schools?" Childhood obesity (Print) 8(4): 339-46.
  • Woodward-Lopez, G.; Gosliner, W.; Samuels, S. E.; Craypo, C.; Kao, J.; Crawford, P. B. (2011). "Erratum: Lessons learned from evaluations of California's statewide school nutrition standards (American Journal of Public Health (2010) 100:11 (2137-2145) DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2010.193490)." American Journal of Public Health 101(10)
  • Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Gosliner, Wendi; Samuels, Sarah E.; Craypo, Lisa; Kao, Janice; Crawford, Patricia B. (2010). "Lessons learned from evaluations of California's statewide school nutrition standards." American Journal of Public Health 100(11): 2137-45.
  • Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Kao, Janice; Ritchie, Lorrene (2010). "To what extent have sweetened beverages contributed to the obesity epidemic?" Public Health Nutrition(10): 1-11.
  • Samuels, Sarah E.; Bullock, Sally Lawrence; Woodward-Lopez, Gail; Clark, Sarah E.; Kao, Janice; Craypo, Lisa; Barry, Jay; Crawford, Patricia B. (2009). "To what extent have high schools in California been able to implement state-mandated nutrition standards?" The Journal of Adolescent Health 45(3 Suppl): S38-44.

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